Military History Archiving and General Chat


Aug 4, 2015
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Now better archived at:

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Nilgiri notes (especially for any other archivers like @RescueRanger et al.):

1) Had to get rid of lot of pictures eventually (otherwise the process given posting limit combined with 5 images per post limit made the whole thing so slow to do).

2) The pictures can be refound by google searches etc anyway or from the sources mentioned at end

3) Any settings can be changed for specific members that are archiving to speed up issues found in (1)? @Hyde @Waz This is just if we want pictures retained as is to preserve flow without making it so slow to do at same time.

4) @RescueRanger do you know who the others are doing any archiving? If so if you could please tag them here so they can read these issues I found.
Nilgiri notes (especially for any other archivers like @RescueRanger et al.):

1) Had to get rid of lot of pictures eventually (otherwise the process given posting limit combined with 5 images per post limit made the whole thing so slow to do).

2) The pictures can be refound by google searches etc anyway or from the sources mentioned at end

3) Any settings can be changed for specific members that are archiving to speed up issues found in (1)? @Hyde @Waz This is just if we want pictures retained as is to preserve flow without making it so slow to do at same time.

4) @RescueRanger do you know who the others are doing any archiving? If so if you could please tag them here so they can read these issues I found.
I decreased the limit of images due to users uploading 10-15 images in a single post. This resulted in 10 images per post x 15 posts per page = 150 images on one page. This caused slow page loading and excessive data usage for users, particularly impacting mobile data users. We plan to increase the number of images per post after we've stopped archiving, and users are engaging with comments between image-sharing posts.
Nilgiri notes (especially for any other archivers like @RescueRanger et al.):

1) Had to get rid of lot of pictures eventually (otherwise the process given posting limit combined with 5 images per post limit made the whole thing so slow to do).

2) The pictures can be refound by google searches etc anyway or from the sources mentioned at end

3) Any settings can be changed for specific members that are archiving to speed up issues found in (1)? @Hyde @Waz This is just if we want pictures retained as is to preserve flow without making it so slow to do at same time.

4) @RescueRanger do you know who the others are doing any archiving? If so if you could please tag them here so they can read these issues I found.
Firstly, thank you so much for doing this. Secondly I found the same issue and went down the same route of removing images. The text is more impactful in my opinion, besides the type of people who read this content are not the kind who read picture books :P

Secondly, as far as I know @Fatman17 @ghazi52 @Signalian were moving posts over from the old forum before it gets shut down, so I have tagged them in this as per request.

So great to see you here btw.
Firstly, thank you so much for doing this. Secondly I found the same issue and went down the same route of removing images. The text is more impactful in my opinion, besides the type of people who read this content are not the kind who read picture books :p

Secondly, as far as I know @Fatman17 @ghazi52 @Signalian were moving posts over from the old forum before it gets shut down, so I have tagged them in this as per request.

So great to see you here btw.

Right now I'm just going to save what I want as html files. This will be a good workaround for now time-wise and then I can leisurely upload things later here. The pictures are worth keeping as much as possible, I was very visual oriented right from young age heh.

Anyway html saving might help aid others too time-efficiently right now (given looming deadline of dec 31st). We can always upload with greater time present later.

I wonder if there is way to save the whole forum (or at least subforum) as html files quickly (without needing the database save/export since that has been denied). Then we can parse and filter through that over time later. Just air gap that somewhere securely so theres no liability problem etc.
Right now I'm just going to save what I want as html files. This will be a good workaround for now time-wise and then I can leisurely upload things later here. The pictures are worth keeping as much as possible, I was very visual oriented right from young age heh.

Anyway html saving might help aid others too time-efficiently right now (given looming deadline of dec 31st). We can always upload with greater time present later.

I wonder if there is way to save the whole forum (or at least subforum) as html files quickly (without needing the database save/export since that has been denied). Then we can parse and filter through that over time later. Just air gap that somewhere securely so theres no liability problem etc.
How does one html save ?. Pardon my ignorance
I decreased the limit of images due to users uploading 10-15 images in a single post. This resulted in 10 images per post x 15 posts per page = 150 images on one page. This caused slow page loading and excessive data usage for users, particularly impacting mobile data users. We plan to increase the number of images per post after we've stopped archiving, and users are engaging with comments between image-sharing posts.

Is there a setting you can change for forum where it doesnt combine a new post to the previous post if its within the current post limit time (I think 5 minutes)? Or lower that time window to say 30 seconds etc. This will also solve the issue. At least for the vetted archive members. Not sure if its possible on xenforo or this time window is hardcoded into settings.

How does one html save ?. Pardon my ignorance

Right click the page you want to save. Hit save as (Chrome) or Save page as (Firefox) and the file format should be "webpage complete" etc.

If the thread has many pages you want to save, you will have to do it for each one. For austerlitz most of his had all his hard work in just the first page (and rest was just other member discussion)....but for the actual "austerlitz" battle thread it was multi page one as it was quite long number of posts he put in series that continued etc (so I saved all pages for that one).

Then you just store in folder and later can access them whenever you want to upload (copy paste from the main .htm file etc that are associated to the browser you used and will open them for you etc).

Screenshot of what Ive saved from austerlitz's stuff:


I'll also take special requests that members may have regd certain threads they know/want saved. I'll save those in the next batch I do a bit later. Maybe @Waz and @Waj Sal have come across such requests from any members, if they could tag those members here to request me and ill save those at html too and categorise everything for later uploads.

@Joe Shearer @VCheng if you got any requests for archiving from old PDF, please mention them here in next cpl days etc.
Maybe @Waz and @Waj Sal have come across such requests from any members, if they could tag those members here to request me and ill save those at html too and categorise everything for later uploads.
Oh good work bro, yeah definitely have. why dont you open a thread in suggestion section, will help a lot.
Is there a setting you can change for forum where it doesnt combine a new post to the previous post if its within the current post limit time (I think 5 minutes)? Or lower that time window to say 30 seconds etc. This will also solve the issue. At least for the vetted archive members. Not sure if its possible on xenforo or this time window is hardcoded into settings.

Right click the page you want to save. Hit save as (Chrome) or Save page as (Firefox) and the file format should be "webpage complete" etc.

If the thread has many pages you want to save, you will have to do it for each one. For austerlitz most of his had all his hard work in just the first page (and rest was just other member discussion)....but for the actual "austerlitz" battle thread it was multi page one as it was quite long number of posts he put in series that continued etc (so I saved all pages for that one).

Then you just store in folder and later can access them whenever you want to upload (copy paste from the main .htm file etc that are associated to the browser you used and will open them for you etc).

Screenshot of what Ive saved from austerlitz's stuff:
View attachment 5120


I'll also take special requests that members may have regd certain threads they know/want saved. I'll save those in the next batch I do a bit later. Maybe @Waz and @Waj Sal have come across such requests from any members, if they could tag those members here to request me and ill save those at html too and categorise everything for later uploads.

@Joe Shearer @VCheng if you got any requests for archiving from old PDF, please mention them here in next cpl days etc.
Ah, no, nothing I wish to retain.
If you have, judging by what your earlier post said, a set of those brilliant posts by AUSTERLITZ, why not release them again sometime in the New Year?

Yup making use of time i have best i can.

i.e filling my skiff and schooner first as much as i can (time on hand now) in my salvage ops...hence taking requests before the hulking mass sinks entirely.

Also sharing info (i.e bring a schooner) for the other skiff salvagers in the vicinity.

I'll arrive back at port here and arrange goodies with more proper time on hand then.

Back and forths (with just a skiff) mean way less goodies for later.

Sadly lot of work of arts are going to be gone for good (or maybe not, lets see then with submersibles then), only so much can be done.

I'd have started earlier if I knew the large ship was just going to be left to sink, I assumed it would be towed to port and kept around like museum sort of. (Thats what a database export etc would be, but no dice on that I'm afraid)
Yup making use of time i have best i can.

i.e filling my skiff and schooner first as much as i can (time on hand now) in my salvage ops...hence taking requests before the hulking mass sinks entirely.

Also sharing info (i.e bring a schooner) for the other skiff salvagers in the vicinity.

I'll arrive back at port here and arrange goodies with more proper time on hand then.

Back and forths (with just a skiff) mean way less goodies for later.

Sadly lot of work of arts are going to be gone for good (or maybe not, lets see then with submersibles then), only so much can be done.

I'd have started earlier if I knew the large ship was just going to be left to sink, I assumed it would be towed to port and kept around like museum sort of. (Thats what a database export etc would be, but no dice on that I'm afraid)
It is noted with interest that these is a distinct nautical flavour to your posts. In view of the forthcoming simulations on CMO that we hope @Oscar will curate this is a welcome development.
Yup making use of time i have best i can.

i.e filling my skiff and schooner first as much as i can (time on hand now) in my salvage ops...hence taking requests before the hulking mass sinks entirely.

Also sharing info (i.e bring a schooner) for the other skiff salvagers in the vicinity.

I'll arrive back at port here and arrange goodies with more proper time on hand then.

Back and forths (with just a skiff) mean way less goodies for later.

Sadly lot of work of arts are going to be gone for good (or maybe not, lets see then with submersibles then), only so much can be done.

I'd have started earlier if I knew the large ship was just going to be left to sink, I assumed it would be towed to port and kept around like museum sort of. (Thats what a database export etc would be, but no dice on that I'm afraid)

Just that you know I watched your postings in the past.

I started with your Napolean postings as I am very interested in that time from my reading of Sharpe by Bernard Cornwell 15 years ago

It will be good if you can do a section on the Mongol campaigns.

And be watching your postings here

0       0   Screenshot 2022-04-21 160357.png
Just that you know I watched your postings in the past.

I started with your Napolean postings as I am very interested in that time from my reading of Sharpe by Bernard Cornwell 15 years ago

It will be good if you can do a section on the Mongol campaigns.

And be watching your postings here

View attachment 5614

The original author you speak of is Austerlitz....different guy to me :D

I have interacted with him a number of times (though not lately), its kind of long story what happened on PDF at that time (his leaving it) so I wont go into that.

But his major contributions are safe with me now and I will post them later. Right now I'm scouring if there's anything else worthwhile and easy pickings at old PDF to save.

Over time though I may indeed contribute something on the Mongols. Having grown up in HK myself, the (final) Mongol conquest of the Song bears close connection in both realm and heart.
The original author you speak of is Austerlitz....different guy to me :D

I have interacted with him a number of times (though not lately), its kind of long story what happened on PDF at that time (his leaving it) so I wont go into that.

But his major contributions are safe with me now and I will post them later. Right now I'm scouring if there's anything else worthwhile and easy pickings at old PDF to save.

Over time though I may indeed contribute something on the Mongols. Having grown up in HK myself, the (final) Mongol conquest of the Song bears close connection in both realm and heart.
I'm getting more and more interested in the four pillar dynasties, the Han, the T'ang, the Song and the Ming. It seems that most significant, pre-Manchu things happened in these dynasties' periods of rule; the gap between them and the Qing is quite sharp.

Writing on the Mongols is relatively easy; that period in the 10th century when the Tibetans landed up at the gates of the capital, and when a T'ang princess was given in marriage to the King of Tibet, is fascinating, but I have no idea how to get more about that period.

My curiousity is also partially due to the possibility that at that period, the Tibetan Kingdom extended to the plains south of the Himalayas as well. Indian histories tend to glide over this period, that was, in any case, during the period of dissolution of the first Gupta Empire, when it started dissolving under the pressure of the Alchon Huns. These latest invaders (until then; there were more subsequently) undid all the consolidation of the post-Kushana and even earlier Western Satraps, who were Saka from the Ferghana region, driven into Afghanistan and the Indus Valley by the themselves fleeing Kushan/Yueh Chi.

Do consider it.

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