2023 Terrorism Review


Sep 20, 2008
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For the third year in a row, the number of terrorist attacks and consequent casualties posted an upsurge in 2023. A total of 306 terrorist attacks took place in Pakistan in the year – including 23 suicide bombings – which killed 693 people and injured 1,124 others. These attacks marked an increase of 17 percent from the year before, and the number of people killed in these attacks also represented an increase of 65 percent from those killed in similar attacks during
the previous year.

As many as 330 personnel of security forces and law enforcement agencies were martyred in the reported terrorist attacks in 2023 including 26 FC men, 176 policemen, 110 army officials, 11 Levies, five unspecified paramilitary soldiers, and two Rangers; another 518 personnel of security and law enforcement agencies were also injured. Similarly, 260 civilians lost their lives and another 559 were wounded in these attacks. Meanwhile 103 militants were killed and another 47 were injured, either in suicide blasts they perpetrated, or in security forces’ retaliatory fire following some attacks.

Religiously inspired militant groups such as the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), and other local Taliban groups including Tehrik-e-Jihad Pakistan (TJP) and Hafiz Gul Bahadur group, as well as Islamic State-Khorasan (IS-K), etc., perpetrated a combined total of 208 terrorist attacks – compared to 179 in previous year – which killed 579 people and injured 938 others.

Different Baloch and Sindhi nationalist insurgent groups carried out 86 attacks – as compared to 79 such attacks in 2022 – which claimed 90 lives and wounded another 151 people.

Meanwhile, compared to four in 2022, 12 sectarian-related terrorist attacks were recorded in 2023 that claimed 24 lives and inflicted injuries on another 35 people.


As in previous years, security and law enforcement personnel were the prime target of terrorist attacks in 2023. As many as 205 attacks in 2023, or about 67 percent of the total recorded attacks in the year, targeted personnel, vehicles, convoys, and posts or facilities of security and law enforcement agencies. Civilians were apparently hit in 19 attacks, while another 10 attacks targeted polio vaccination teams and their security escorts, mainly police. Meanwhile terrorists perpetrated nine attacks each against alleged spies/collaborators, and government officials/institutions/state symbols. Another nine attacks hit Sunni religious leaders and
community, and five terrorist attacks targeted members of Shia community.

Baloch insurgents also targeted non-Baloch workers and settlers in Balochistan in a total of five attacks. Other sporadic targets hit by the terrorists in 2023 are given at Table 1.


Besides perpetrating 23 suicide and fedayee attacks, the terrorists mainly used direct infantry fire in 160 attacks, improvised explosive devices or IEDs of multiple types in 65 attacks, and hand grenades in 38 attacks. The terrorists also used other attack tactics, though less frequently, including 12 coordinated gun-and-bomb attacks, three rocket attacks, three terrorist acts of sabotage and lynching, and one incident each of mortar attack and beheading.

About 93 percent of the total recorded terrorist attacks in Pakistan in 2023 concentrated in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan provinces.

As in the year before, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa faced the highest number of attacks for any one region of the country. PIPS recorded a total of 174 terrorist attacks in the province (or about 57 percent of the total attacks in Pakistan in 2023), which claimed 422 lives and injured 782 others. While the number of terrorist attacks posted only a slight increase of three percent from previous year, the number of people killed in these attacks in KP rose significantly by about 43 percent, and that of those injured by 99 percent. That suggests militants resorted to more intensified or high-impact attacks in the province during the year under review.

Secondly, most of the terrorist activity in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was concentrated in two regions: one, southern KP districts; and second, the provincial capital and its neighboring Khyber district.

Indeed, over 82 percent of the total 174 attacks recorded in KP in 2023 concentrated in the six southern districts of the province (including North and South Waziristan, Bannu, Tank, Lakki Marwat and DI Khan) as well as the provincial capital Peshawar and neighboring Khyber district. Apart from these two regions, where mostly the TTP and other local Taliban groups remained active in the year 2023, a third KP region, i.e., Bajaur, also remained a flashpoint of terrorist violence that was mainly perpetrated by the Islamic State-Khorasan (IS-K) terrorist group. As many 10 attacks happened in Bajaur and most of these were claimed by the IS-K.
On the whole, terrorist attacks were recorded from 22 districts of the KP province in 2023.

Moreover, about 75 percent of the total reported attacks from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa targeted personnel of security and law enforcement agencies, mainly army and police. Balochistan was the second most terrorism-affected province in 2023, after Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Baloch insurgent groups as well as religiously inspired militant groups perpetrated a total of 110 attacks in the province, compared to 79 in previous year. These attacks claimed 229 lives, compared to 106 in the year before, and wounded 282 others.

Different Baloch insurgent groups, mainly the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) and Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF), perpetrated 78 attacks in Balochistan killing 86 people and wounding 137 others. The attacks by Baloch insurgent groups spread over 19 districts, mainly in central, southern and southwestern parts of the province, and largely targeted security forces.

Meanwhile, religiously inspired militant groups such as the TTP, Tehrik-e-Jihad Pakistan, and the Islamic State terrorist group (IS-K), etc., perpetrated 29 attacks in Balochistan, up from seven in previous year, which caused death to 139 people and injuries to another 144 people. While the TTP and affiliates perpetrated most of the attacks in northern, or largely Pashtun-populated districts of the province including those bordering on Afghanistan and KP, the IS-K was found more active in Mastung, Bolan and Kalat districts. Meanwhile, three sectarian- related attacks killed four and wounded one person in Balochistan in 2023.

Compared to eight in the previous year, 15 terrorist attacks took place in Sindh province including 14 attacks in Karachi alone, and one attack in Jamshoro in interior Sindh. These attacks killed a total of 16 people and injured 26 others. Seven of the reported attacks from Sindh in 2023 were perpetrated by sub-nationalist insurgent groups including four attacks by Sindhudesh Revolutionary Army (SRA) in Karachi and Jamshoro, and three by Baloch insurgent groups BLA and BLF in Karachi. Meanwhile, indicating a relative rise in sectarian violence, as many as seven sectarian-related terrorist attacks also took place in Karachi that claimed six
lives and injured two others. The banned TTP also perpetrated a gun-and-bomb coordinated attack on the Karachi Police Office martyring four people (3 attackers were also killed) and injuring 17 others.

Six terrorist attacks took place in Punjab in 2023, compared to five in the year before, which claimed 16 lives and injured eight others. Four of these attacks were perpetrated by the TTP and Tehrik-e-Jihad Pakistan, including three in Mianwali and one in Khanewal, which targeted law enforcement and intelligence officials. For one, security forces repulsed a major gun and bomb assault on the Mianwali Training Air Base of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) in November by killing all nine attackers of TJP. Meanwhile, a Baloch insurgent group Baloch Nationalist Army (BNA) claimed one IED blast that targeted Jaffar Express near Chichawatni in Sahiwal district, killing a woman and injuring seven others. Separately, a member of Sikh community, Paramjit Singh Panjwar, was shot dead by unknown attackers in Lahore.

One, apparently, sectarian-related terrorist attack was recorded in Diamir (Gilgit-Baltistan), which claimed 10 lives and wounded 26 others.
(See Table 2)


Overall, 498 incidents of conflict-related violence of different types – as listed at Table 3 – were recorded in Pakistan in 2023. Apart from 306 terrorist attacks cited earlier, these violent incidents also included: security forces' 129 anti-militant operational or kinetic strikes and their 24 armed clashes/encounters with militants; a combined total of 12 cross-border attacks from Afghanistan, India and Iran; 10 incidents of communal/faith-based violence including mob attacks; seven (7) terror plots or bids; four (4) incidents of sectarian clashes; two incidents each of political/ethnic violence and inter-tribal clashes/attacks; one inter-militant clash/attack;
and one act of abduction. These overall incidents of violence killed a total of 1,232 people and injured 1,254 others.


The number of overall incidents of conflict-related violence posted an increase of over 25 percent, from 398 in 2022 to 498 in 2023. As in the year before, the increase in overall violent incidents was mainly contributed by an upturn recorded in the number of terrorist attacks as well as counterterrorism operations. The overall number of people killed in these violent incidents also increased, by over 48 percent; from 832 in 2022 to 1,232 in 2023. (See Chart2)


As cited earlier, for the third year in a row the number of terrorist attacks in Pakistan posted an upsurge in the year 2023. This upsurge in terrorist violence in Pakistan also coincided with the Taliban's rise to power in the neighboring Afghanistan. Indeed, the year 2020 was the last year that had witnessed a relative decline in terrorist violence in Pakistan; that decline had been ongoing since 2014-15 following the military operations in ex-FATA, Karachi and an extensive counter-militancy campaign across the country including as part of National Action Plan. But from 2021-onward this declining trend did not sustain, and the incidence of terrorist
attacks took an upturn. (See Chart 3 and Table 4)


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As described in the Table 4, in the year 2023 the number of terrorist attacks in Pakistan marked an increase of 17 percent from the previous year. That comparative upsurge in terrorist violence was contributed by an increase in the number of attacks reported from all four provinces. The frequency of terrorist incidents in the Balochistan province increased by 39 percent, compared to 2022, and the number of those killed in these attacks also increased, by 116 percent. In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, although the number of attacks rose marginally (by 3 percent) from previous year, but the number of people killed in these attacks increased by 43 percent and those of injured by 99 percent.

Similarly, the incidence of terrorist violence in Punjab and Sindh also increased in 2023, by 100
percent and 87 percent, respectively.

Compared to 14 in the year before, as many as 23 suicide and fedayee attacks happened in
2023 including 18 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and five in Balochistan. These attacks claimed 315
lives – compared to 108 in 2022 – and injured 560 others. As many as 22 of these suicide
attacks were carried out by different religiously inspired militant groups, while one attack was
perpetrated by a Baloch insurgent group BLA in Turbat (Kech) in Balochistan.

Among religiously inspired militants, the TTP was reportedly involved in 11 recorded suicide attacks, including four attacks each in Khyber and North Waziristan, and one attack each in Bannu, Peshawar (in KP) and Quetta (in Balochistan). All suicide blasts by the TTP targeted security forces and law enforcement agencies. The worst of suicide blasts by the TTP was the one that hit policemen in Police Lines mosque, Peshawar on January 30 martyring over 84 people including 81

Tehrik-e-Jihad Pakistan (TJP), which is considered a TTP's subsidiary or coverup group, claimed four suicide attacks in Peshawar, Bajaur, DI Khan and Lakki Marwat targeting security forces. One of the TJP-coordinated suicide attacks martyred 23 army soldiers in DI Khan on December 12. Hafiz Gul Bahadur group perpetrated two suicide blasts in Bannu targeting security forces that martyred nine soldiers and two civilians. Meanwhile, Islamic State-Khorasan (IS-K) perpetrated three major suicide bombings in 2023 including one each in Bolan (martyring 9 Balochistan Constabulary officials and one civilian), Bajaur (martyring 64 civilians in a JUI-F political gathering), and Mastung (martyring over 63 people in a 12th Rabiul Awwal (the birthday of the holy prophet (PBUH) procession). Meanwhile, two suicide bombings (in Zhob in Balochistan and Hangu in KP) remained unclaimed.

A total of 12 violent incidents (attacks and clashes) took place at Pakistan's borders with Afghanistan, India and Iran, compared to 15 such incidents in the year before. These incidents claimed 26 lives (10 civilians, seven army soldiers, and nine militants) and injured 21 others.

Seven of these incidents happened at or from across the country's border with Afghanistan
including six in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and one in Balochistan, killing 14 people and injuring 17
others. These seven incidents only entail the border happenings and don’t include the
incursions by the TTP or other militants wherein they crossed the border and carried out attacks
inside Pakistan.

Meanwhile four attacks happened from across the Line of Control (in Kotli, Neelum and Poonch districts of AJK), and Working Boundary with India (in Sialkot, Punjab) that caused in all eight deaths and injuries to another four people. Apparently the situation at Pak-India border is not as calm as it had been following February 2021, when Pakistan and India recommitted themselves to the 2003 ceasefire arrangement at the Line of Control.

Similarly, another attack was reported from across the Iranian border in Kech (Balochistan),
which claimed the life of four army soldiers. Compared to 87 in the year before, security forces and law enforcement agencies conducted 129 anti-militant operational strikes in Pakistan in 2023.

These actions caused a total of 425 fatalities (373 militants, 43 army soldiers, five policemen, two Levies, and two civilians), as compared to 327 in 2022, besides injuring 51 others. Out of the total 129 operational strikes recorded in 2023, as many as 97 happened in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 28 in Balochistan, three in Punjab, and one in Sindh's provincial capital, i.e., Karachi. While the anti-militant operations were reported from 31 districts and regions across Pakistan, however there were only nine districts where five or more such operations happened in the year. These were Kech and

Quetta in Balochistan, and Bannu, DI Khan, Khyber, North and South Waziristan, Peshawar, and Tank districts in KP. The highest number of kinetic operations for any one district was reported from North Waziristan (21 operations), followed by DI Khan (17), South Waziristan (12), Khyber (9), Peshawar and Tank (8 operations each), and Kech (7 operations).

Security and law enforcement agencies also entered into in a total of 24 armed clashes and encounters with militants – compared to 11 such incidents in previous year – in 13 districts or regions of the country. These armed clashes and encounters claimed 55 lives (37 militants, 16
army soldiers, and 2 policemen) and injured two militants and one policeman. As many as 21
of these clashes and encounters (or over 87 percent) took place in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(mainly between the security forces and the TTP militants). Meanwhile, two such clashes
happened in Punjab and one in Karachi.

Compared to eight in 2022, as many as 10 incidents of communal or faith-based violence
including four incidents of mob violence were also recorded in Pakistan in 2023. These incidents
claimed the lives of three [Muslim] persons accused of blasphemy in Sheikhupura (Punjab),
Mardan (KP) and Kech (Balochistan), and injured 16 others including 15 Hindu students in
Lahore and one member of Christian community in Faisalabad.

Few highlights of communal violence in 2023 included attacks on and sabotage/ransacking of at least four worship places of Ahmadi community in Karachi, as well as torching and ransacking of at least 19 churches, and 86 residences of members of the Christian community in Faisalabad.

Overall, these incidents of communal and mob violence targeted worship places and members of Ahmadi community in four attacks, blasphemy-accused individuals in three attacks, Christian
community and churches in two incidences, and members of Hindu community in one such

Sectarian violence has apparently also picked up in Pakistan as in the year under review a total
of 43 people lost their lives and another 61 were injured in 12 sectarian-related terrorist attacks
and four sectarian clashes. Incidents of sectarian violence were reported mainly from Karachi
in Sindh (7 incidents), Kurram in KP (5), Mastung and Quetta in Balochistan (3), and Diamir in
Gilgit-Baltistan (one incident).

The number of people killed in overall violent incidents in 2023 (1,232) represented an increase of about 48 percent from those killed in such incidents in the year before (832). The reported increase in fatalities was marked by the martyrdom of 405 personnel of security forces and law enforcement agencies in overall violent incidents, compared to 264 in previous year.

Fatalities among civilians in 2023 (302) were nonetheless over 64 percent more from the previous year’s fatalities among them (184). There was also an increased number of militants killed (525), in these violent incidents, compared to 2022 when 384 militants were reportedly killed. (See Table 6)


Source: P.I.P.S Sit Rep 2023.

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