800+km range BrahMos missile successfully test fired by Indian Navy

Why not MTCR not applied? This is not totally home made but joint production of Yakont anti ship missile.
I think over the years of joint development now India has an authority to increase range..... I might be wrong.....
Why not MTCR not applied? This is not totally home made but joint production of Yakont anti ship missile.
Range was always there. The Brahmos JV is older than MTCR signing.
How exactly is this possible, I am having a hard time believing this.
Baseline missile was capped at 290 km by keeping the missile trajectory more depressed and less fuel.

In Block II variant although there were no external changes, software was tweaked to make the missile fly at a higher altitude and it also carried a bit more fuel thus allowing it to reach a range of 500km

It made sense till block II but how the eff did it's range increase to 800, are there any major changes in the missile, is it's length increased or what, because without major external changes this range seems impossible.

Dude it's derived from Onix P-800. What do you think 800 meant in that.

Hint- S-400.
The missile booster has been indigenised. An ‘Indigenous Seeker’ has been fitted and proved in March last year, which will now be fitted in all future missiles. Mastering the seeker technology is a significant milestone and would reduce reliance on imports. The only major component left towards indigenisation is the Ramjet engine. Efforts are in progress towards indigenisation of the same.
So MTCR condition apply specially on members.
MTCR condition states that MTCR members will not transfer missile of over 300 Km range and 300Kg warhead to non MTCR member states.

MTCR members can buy, sell missile amongst themselves. That is why, US is able to supply Tomahawk missiles to UK and Japan.
With the BrahMos cruise missile, now operational with all 3 services, taking care of supersonic duties — including a range expansion to 900 km or more — the LRLACM will be developed as a clear Nirbhay derivative, but with additional propulsion elements.
Now this is the greatest news of this month..... 800 kms brahmos or maybe higher but kept as secret?
When the NOTAM says 900 kms, let us not speculate.

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