A closed door meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of India on the rehabilitation of Awami League

Let’s say this meeting did not happen.
Intelligence in BD still has to assume it did and that folks in that meeting talked about various nefarious plans.

This is what I mean by not having reaction policy. Overall policy has to assume these activities are taking place, so you dont act like dear caught on a head light like BDR massacre.

You are dealing with a pretty delusional schizophrenic neighbor.
The AL in rehab? Good joke :rofl:

That witch ordered the army to bury the victims of Rana Plaza back in 2013. If that doesn't convince you (Indians) that she is a psychopath, then I don't know what will. Who knows? May be you are the one yourselves.

No rail connections through Bangladesh to NE India, period. Go build a damn road through the Siliguri corridor to connect for all we care.

@Afif , also not of the same context, timeline or relationship - but the following paragraph to the earlier one I posted.

So perhaps regardless of the the veracity of this report - intelligence should be checking in on any long term vacationers.

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