Bangladesh: BDR Massacre 2009 Re-Investigation


Dec 9, 2008
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The current government of Bangladesh has indicated that BDR massacre of 2009 will be re-investigated. Note that I am intentionally not terming it a "mutiny", as it was nothing but a calculated murder of the finest officers of Bangladesh Army. According to many former army officers including those who were directly involved with the investigation at the time, the Hasina regime suppressed the truth and protected the real killers. Army officers who stood up to Hasina's attempt to protect the real killers, were eventually all forced out of the military.

The BDR massacre laid the foundation for this fascist Hasina regime. It enabled her to remove army officers who could potentially be a threat to her power and promote BAL party loyalists within the army to higher ranks. Many pro-BAL army officers rose through the ranks to two and three star Generals, despite not having the necessary qualifications to attain those positions. Furthermore, it sowed fear into the hearts of the rest of the army officers from ever standing up to her.

The 2009 BDR Massacre was the single most critical turning point that solidified Hasina's decade and a half long dictatorship.

This is going to be the master thread for everything related to that incident.
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Re-investigation of BDR massacre to begin soon, says Home Advisor Jahangir​

I want justice for the BDR killings, not only as the home advisor but as a civilian and a former member of the army,” says the home advisor
Re-investigation of BDR massacre to begin soon: home advisor

Senior Correspondent
Published : 02 Sep 2024, 01:36 PM
Updated : 02 Sep 2024, 01:36 PM

Home Advisor Md Jahangir Alam Chowdhury has said that the re-investigation into the BDR massacre that occurred 15 years ago will begin soon.

The advisor spoke to reporters after meeting with the Swiss Ambassador to Bangladesh Reto Renggli at the Secretariat on Monday.

While responding to a question about the Pilkhana murder investigations, Jahangir said: “The current government is determined to establish people’s rights, good governance and justice.”

"I want justice for the BDR killings, not only as the home advisor but as a civilian and a former member of the army. A proper re-investigation and trial of the case will begin soon," he added.

The home advisor, who had previously served as the BDR chief, was the chairman of the commission formed to investigate the tragic events involving the armed forces.

As many as 74 people, including 57 army officers, were killed in a mutiny at the Border Guard Bangladesh headquarters in Dhaka’s Pilkhana on Feb 25 and Feb 26, 2009. The tragedy sparked outrage within the borders of Bangladesh and beyond.

At least two cases, including a murder case and another case over explosives, were filed in connection with the killings.

As many as 468 BDR members are still accused in the explosives case following their acquittal or time in prison in the murder case.

The trial of the 850 accused in the murder case concluded on Nov 5, 2013. Of them, 152 were sentenced to death, 160 to life in prison, and 256 to various terms in prison. At least 278 people were acquitted.

On Nov 27, 2017, the High Court ruled on the death references and appeals in the case. The death sentences of 139 convicts were upheld and 185 people were sentenced to life in prison. Another 228 were sentenced to different prison terms and 283 were acquitted.

A total of 54 suspects, including 15 convicts, died before the High Court verdict. As many as 226 accused have filed appeals and leaves-to-appeal against the High Court verdict in the murder case.

On the other hand, the state has filed a leave-to-appeal against the acquittal and reduction of sentence of the 83 accused in the High Court. These appeals and leaves-to-appeal now await hearings.

The trial of 834 people accused in the explosives case began in 2010. However, as the prosecution kept presenting evidence of the murder case during the trial of the explosives case, the trial of this case was suspended.

There have been demands to reopen the investigations into the BDR mutiny after the interim government came into power.

A few days ago, BNP leader Hafizuddin Ahmed also demanded that the army's investigation report on the BDR mutiny be made public.


'Sheikh Hasina is the mastermind of Pilkhana massacre'​

Photo: Collected

Former army officers said that former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was the mastermind of the Pilkhana massacre. They alleged that Major General (retd.) Tariq Ahmed Siddique, the former prime minister's security adviser, was involved in this incident. Besides, several leaders of the Awami League have cooperated in this incident.

The former army officers said this in a press conference at the National Press Club on Thursday.

In a press conference, Major General (Retd.) Abdul Matin said that the Pilkhana killings did not take place only for Operation Dalbhat or to increase the ration. This murder has been carried out as a long-term plan. This murder is intended to make Bangladesh a part of India. Some traitors of the country were involved in this plan, there was another country's conspiracy.

He said the May 5 massacre of Shapla Chattar, election without voters, destruction of the education system and justice system, festival of corruption, and free reign of disappearances and murders have come as a result of this massacre. In this incident, many lost their jobs, many were denied promotion. If this massacre is not prosecuted through a proper investigation and if the culprits are not brought to book with exemplary punishment, the new freedom gained through the student movement will fall flat.

The former army officer also said that before the BDR killings, BDR DAD Habib, DAD Jalil, Lancenaik Rezaul, Habildar Monir, Sepoy Salim, Kajal, Shahabuddin, Ekram, Ayyub, Moin, Rubel, Masud, Shahadat and Zakir (civilian) held a meeting at the residence of Awami League leader Sheikh Selim in Banani of the capital on February 13 at 9 pm. BDR members held several meetings before and after this. Subedar Gofran Mallick gave a provocative speech to the young soldiers.

Major General (Retd.) Abdul Matin said that on December 17-18, 2008, Barrister Sheikh Fazle Noor Taposh had a meeting with Habildar Monir, Sepoy Shahab, Sepoy Monir at his house. On the evening before the election, a meeting was held in the field adjacent to the BDR Darbar Hall by Sepoy Kajal, Salim, Moin, Reza and a few civilians including Zakir. The Army Inquiry Committee faced various hurdles and many concerned organizations refrained from co-operation citing the directives of 'higher authorities'.

Brigadier General (retd) Morshedul Haque, Colonel (retd) Abdul Haque, Lt Col (retd) Aminul Islam, Lt Col (retd) Syed Kamruzzaman and others were present at the press conference.


The press conference is in Bengali.

The press conference corresponding to the article above. Major General (Retd.) Abdul Matin openly accuses India in helping to conduct this murder. He accuses Bangladesh's Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI) for betraying fellow army brethren and turning into a monster to orchestrate the massacre and subsequently actively destroying evidence.
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The press conference is in Bengali.

The press conference corresponding to the article above. Major General (Retd.) Abdul Matin openly accuses India in helping to conduct this murder. He accuses Bangladesh's Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI) for betraying fellow army brethren and turning into a monster to orchestrate the massacre and subsequently actively destroying evidence.
Now that you are wielding a stick , I gotta be careful!
It’s about time they do an actual investigation .
The architect of 1/11 coup in 2007 - General Moeen U Ahmed also opened up about the incident. However, need to take it with a grain of salt, as he was possibly on-board with Hasina on this. His role in the entire episode must be thoroughly investigated as well.

Moeen U Ahmed opens up about Pilkhana carnage​

A total of 74 people including 57 army officers were killed in the Pilkhana carnage.

One of the most brutal massacres in the country's history took place on 25-26 February 2009 at the then Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) Headquarters, currently Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) Headquarters, in Pilkhana in the capital. A total of 74 people including 57 army officers were killed in the Pilkhana carnage. Since then there have been many speculations regarding the murders.

After the fall of the autocratic government led by Sheikh Hasina on 5 August due to a student-led mass uprising, many former army officers have spoken about the Pilkhana carnage. Many named the then prime minister Sheikh Hasina and Awami League leaders as the masterminds of the murders. Now the then army chief Moeen U Ahmed has opened up about the barbaric murders.
Moeen U Ahmed, the main character of the much talked about “One-Eleven”, gave his commentary on his YouTube channel on Thursday. This is the first time Moeen, who is staying abroad, spoke about that incident.

He said, "On that day (25 February 2009) at 7:30am, the daily work of the military headquarters began. In the morning I was preparing to go there. At that time, CGS Lt Gen Sinha came to me and said, we have some mortars, which are not used by the army. Their warehousing and maintenance is difficult for us. BDR uses these. It will benefit us if they take them.

“After that, when I spoke to BDR DG General Shakil, he agreed to take them. I believe he knew nothing about this rebellion till then. After that I went for another CGS meeting. The meeting started at 9am. We all got busy there. Around 9:30am my Principal Secretary Col Feroz entered the room and told me that, ‘There was a commotion in the Pilkhana and we need your guidance’. After some time I tried to talk to the former prime minister (Sheikh Hasina). But their phone was busy.”

Moeen U Ahmed said, "The military intelligence then told me about the situation. Realising the gravity of the situation, I then ordered another brigade of the army to prepare for the operation without anyone's orders to save time. They immediately started taking action which was named as 'Operation Restore Order'.

He said, “DG BDR (Shakil) was found on the phone at 9:47am. He told me, ‘During the Durbar, two armed soldiers entered and one stood behind me. Then came the sound of gunshots from outside. Immediately the soldiers left the Durbar Hall. It all seems to be planned and going according to plan. I have sent sector commanders and battalion commanders to bring them back.' Then I told him about the operation.

Moeen U Ahmed also said, “I was able to contact the former prime minister on the phone at 9:54am. Meanwhile, she got a lot of information about the BDR rebellion. When I told her about the operation, she wanted to know how long it would take to prepare the brigade. I informed about the time and asked for her permission to send the brigade to Pilkhana. In this case, although it usually takes a long time, the 46th Brigade started its journey within an hour.

“Meanwhile, the rebels deployed rocket launchers, mortars and other weapons to resist the attack in front of the BDR gates. As the first vehicle of the 46th Brigade approached the main gate at 11am, insurgents fired rockets at a pickup. The driver died on the spot. According to Lt Col Shams, many officers including DG, DDG, Col Anis, Col Kaiser were shot dead between 10:30am and 11:00am. Our team arrived after 11am.”

Criticising the live coverage on TV channels during the mutiny, the then army chief said that the live media coverage at the time of the incident played a negative role in spreading the BDR mutiny.

The former army chief said Captain Shafiq reached Pilkhana with 355 RAB members under his leadership before 10am. At that time, he asked his superior officer for permission to enter the Pilkhana, but he did not get it. Had he been allowed, the situation might have been easier to deal with and not so much damage done.

Moeen said, “Around 11:45am PSO AFD said that the government is trying to solve the problem politically. The rebels have demanded that the army must withdraw from the area before any talks are held. If there is no agreement with them then military operations will be conducted. At 12pm he called me and asked me to meet the former prime minister at Jamuna on an urgent basis. Around 1pm former minister Jahangir Kabir Nanak and whip Mirza Azam went to Pilkhana for discussion.”

He also said, “The chiefs of the Air Force and Navy went there an hour after I went to Jamuna. That is, they were called and asked to go there after I was. After a long time, when they reached there, we were informed that former minister Jahangir Kabir Nanak and whip Mirza Azam were coming to Jamuna with a group of rebels and they (rebels) demanded amnesty. Former prime minister (Sheikh Hasina) said, ‘If anything needs to be told to the rebels, we should tell them.’ Then I told her, 'Many have been killed. None of their demands can be accepted. You tell them first, killing officers have to stop right now. Second, all those detained must be released immediately. Thirdly, rebels with arms must surrender. And fourthly, amnesty is out of the question’.”

Army didn’t get govt’s help in investigating the incident

Moeen U Ahmed said, “When I ordered an investigation into the BDR rebellion, I was told that why do we need to do that when the government is investigating this matter? We did not get the help we needed from the government to conduct this investigation.”

The former army chief said, “The army's inquiry committee was headed by Lt Gen Jahangir Alam Chowdhury (current home adviser). He could not do his job properly, because many were in jail, many could not be questioned. He (Jahangir Alam) came to me and mentioned his problem several times.”

Moin U Ahmed said, “He has now become the home affairs adviser. I hope he will be able to reconstitute this investigation committee and find out the culprits. I requested him in this regard after forming the government.”

In his video, Moeen U Ahmed demanded a fair investigation into the Pilkhana carnage. He also said his book on the BDR mutiny will be published soon.

The architect of 1/11 coup in 2007 - General Moeen U Ahmed also opened up about the incident. However, need to take it with a grain of salt, as he was possibly on-board with Hasina on this. His role in the entire episode must be thoroughly investigated as well.

Moeen U Ahmed opens up about Pilkhana carnage​

A total of 74 people including 57 army officers were killed in the Pilkhana carnage.

One of the most brutal massacres in the country's history took place on 25-26 February 2009 at the then Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) Headquarters, currently Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) Headquarters, in Pilkhana in the capital. A total of 74 people including 57 army officers were killed in the Pilkhana carnage. Since then there have been many speculations regarding the murders.

After the fall of the autocratic government led by Sheikh Hasina on 5 August due to a student-led mass uprising, many former army officers have spoken about the Pilkhana carnage. Many named the then prime minister Sheikh Hasina and Awami League leaders as the masterminds of the murders. Now the then army chief Moeen U Ahmed has opened up about the barbaric murders.
Moeen U Ahmed, the main character of the much talked about “One-Eleven”, gave his commentary on his YouTube channel on Thursday. This is the first time Moeen, who is staying abroad, spoke about that incident.

He said, "On that day (25 February 2009) at 7:30am, the daily work of the military headquarters began. In the morning I was preparing to go there. At that time, CGS Lt Gen Sinha came to me and said, we have some mortars, which are not used by the army. Their warehousing and maintenance is difficult for us. BDR uses these. It will benefit us if they take them.

“After that, when I spoke to BDR DG General Shakil, he agreed to take them. I believe he knew nothing about this rebellion till then. After that I went for another CGS meeting. The meeting started at 9am. We all got busy there. Around 9:30am my Principal Secretary Col Feroz entered the room and told me that, ‘There was a commotion in the Pilkhana and we need your guidance’. After some time I tried to talk to the former prime minister (Sheikh Hasina). But their phone was busy.”

Moeen U Ahmed said, "The military intelligence then told me about the situation. Realising the gravity of the situation, I then ordered another brigade of the army to prepare for the operation without anyone's orders to save time. They immediately started taking action which was named as 'Operation Restore Order'.

He said, “DG BDR (Shakil) was found on the phone at 9:47am. He told me, ‘During the Durbar, two armed soldiers entered and one stood behind me. Then came the sound of gunshots from outside. Immediately the soldiers left the Durbar Hall. It all seems to be planned and going according to plan. I have sent sector commanders and battalion commanders to bring them back.' Then I told him about the operation.

Moeen U Ahmed also said, “I was able to contact the former prime minister on the phone at 9:54am. Meanwhile, she got a lot of information about the BDR rebellion. When I told her about the operation, she wanted to know how long it would take to prepare the brigade. I informed about the time and asked for her permission to send the brigade to Pilkhana. In this case, although it usually takes a long time, the 46th Brigade started its journey within an hour.

“Meanwhile, the rebels deployed rocket launchers, mortars and other weapons to resist the attack in front of the BDR gates. As the first vehicle of the 46th Brigade approached the main gate at 11am, insurgents fired rockets at a pickup. The driver died on the spot. According to Lt Col Shams, many officers including DG, DDG, Col Anis, Col Kaiser were shot dead between 10:30am and 11:00am. Our team arrived after 11am.”

Criticising the live coverage on TV channels during the mutiny, the then army chief said that the live media coverage at the time of the incident played a negative role in spreading the BDR mutiny.

The former army chief said Captain Shafiq reached Pilkhana with 355 RAB members under his leadership before 10am. At that time, he asked his superior officer for permission to enter the Pilkhana, but he did not get it. Had he been allowed, the situation might have been easier to deal with and not so much damage done.

Moeen said, “Around 11:45am PSO AFD said that the government is trying to solve the problem politically. The rebels have demanded that the army must withdraw from the area before any talks are held. If there is no agreement with them then military operations will be conducted. At 12pm he called me and asked me to meet the former prime minister at Jamuna on an urgent basis. Around 1pm former minister Jahangir Kabir Nanak and whip Mirza Azam went to Pilkhana for discussion.”

He also said, “The chiefs of the Air Force and Navy went there an hour after I went to Jamuna. That is, they were called and asked to go there after I was. After a long time, when they reached there, we were informed that former minister Jahangir Kabir Nanak and whip Mirza Azam were coming to Jamuna with a group of rebels and they (rebels) demanded amnesty. Former prime minister (Sheikh Hasina) said, ‘If anything needs to be told to the rebels, we should tell them.’ Then I told her, 'Many have been killed. None of their demands can be accepted. You tell them first, killing officers have to stop right now. Second, all those detained must be released immediately. Thirdly, rebels with arms must surrender. And fourthly, amnesty is out of the question’.”

Army didn’t get govt’s help in investigating the incident

Moeen U Ahmed said, “When I ordered an investigation into the BDR rebellion, I was told that why do we need to do that when the government is investigating this matter? We did not get the help we needed from the government to conduct this investigation.”

The former army chief said, “The army's inquiry committee was headed by Lt Gen Jahangir Alam Chowdhury (current home adviser). He could not do his job properly, because many were in jail, many could not be questioned. He (Jahangir Alam) came to me and mentioned his problem several times.”

Moin U Ahmed said, “He has now become the home affairs adviser. I hope he will be able to reconstitute this investigation committee and find out the culprits. I requested him in this regard after forming the government.”

In his video, Moeen U Ahmed demanded a fair investigation into the Pilkhana carnage. He also said his book on the BDR mutiny will be published soon.

I will believe a goat over this ghaddar.
Moeen's role will also be investigated. He is just trying to sell his book and buy some time for himself. It's easy to blame everything on Hasina now that she's gone, but he was in a position of power and could have easily taken control of the situation from Hasina. He didn't.

All he needed to do was get commandos to raid within the first hour and so. Many officers could have survived. Forget commandos, even RAB entering could have changed things. That's what Col Gulzar was saying to his friend on phone - these are cowards and will run away if they see RAB. But that never happened and we need to know why no one went in that day.
The architect of 1/11 coup in 2007 - General Moeen U Ahmed also opened up about the incident. However, need to take it with a grain of salt, as he was possibly on-board with Hasina on this. His role in the entire episode must be thoroughly investigated as well.

Moeen U Ahmed opens up about Pilkhana carnage​

A total of 74 people including 57 army officers were killed in the Pilkhana carnage.

One of the most brutal massacres in the country's history took place on 25-26 February 2009 at the then Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) Headquarters, currently Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) Headquarters, in Pilkhana in the capital. A total of 74 people including 57 army officers were killed in the Pilkhana carnage. Since then there have been many speculations regarding the murders.

After the fall of the autocratic government led by Sheikh Hasina on 5 August due to a student-led mass uprising, many former army officers have spoken about the Pilkhana carnage. Many named the then prime minister Sheikh Hasina and Awami League leaders as the masterminds of the murders. Now the then army chief Moeen U Ahmed has opened up about the barbaric murders.
Moeen U Ahmed, the main character of the much talked about “One-Eleven”, gave his commentary on his YouTube channel on Thursday. This is the first time Moeen, who is staying abroad, spoke about that incident.

He said, "On that day (25 February 2009) at 7:30am, the daily work of the military headquarters began. In the morning I was preparing to go there. At that time, CGS Lt Gen Sinha came to me and said, we have some mortars, which are not used by the army. Their warehousing and maintenance is difficult for us. BDR uses these. It will benefit us if they take them.

“After that, when I spoke to BDR DG General Shakil, he agreed to take them. I believe he knew nothing about this rebellion till then. After that I went for another CGS meeting. The meeting started at 9am. We all got busy there. Around 9:30am my Principal Secretary Col Feroz entered the room and told me that, ‘There was a commotion in the Pilkhana and we need your guidance’. After some time I tried to talk to the former prime minister (Sheikh Hasina). But their phone was busy.”

Moeen U Ahmed said, "The military intelligence then told me about the situation. Realising the gravity of the situation, I then ordered another brigade of the army to prepare for the operation without anyone's orders to save time. They immediately started taking action which was named as 'Operation Restore Order'.

He said, “DG BDR (Shakil) was found on the phone at 9:47am. He told me, ‘During the Durbar, two armed soldiers entered and one stood behind me. Then came the sound of gunshots from outside. Immediately the soldiers left the Durbar Hall. It all seems to be planned and going according to plan. I have sent sector commanders and battalion commanders to bring them back.' Then I told him about the operation.

Moeen U Ahmed also said, “I was able to contact the former prime minister on the phone at 9:54am. Meanwhile, she got a lot of information about the BDR rebellion. When I told her about the operation, she wanted to know how long it would take to prepare the brigade. I informed about the time and asked for her permission to send the brigade to Pilkhana. In this case, although it usually takes a long time, the 46th Brigade started its journey within an hour.

“Meanwhile, the rebels deployed rocket launchers, mortars and other weapons to resist the attack in front of the BDR gates. As the first vehicle of the 46th Brigade approached the main gate at 11am, insurgents fired rockets at a pickup. The driver died on the spot. According to Lt Col Shams, many officers including DG, DDG, Col Anis, Col Kaiser were shot dead between 10:30am and 11:00am. Our team arrived after 11am.”

Criticising the live coverage on TV channels during the mutiny, the then army chief said that the live media coverage at the time of the incident played a negative role in spreading the BDR mutiny.

The former army chief said Captain Shafiq reached Pilkhana with 355 RAB members under his leadership before 10am. At that time, he asked his superior officer for permission to enter the Pilkhana, but he did not get it. Had he been allowed, the situation might have been easier to deal with and not so much damage done.

Moeen said, “Around 11:45am PSO AFD said that the government is trying to solve the problem politically. The rebels have demanded that the army must withdraw from the area before any talks are held. If there is no agreement with them then military operations will be conducted. At 12pm he called me and asked me to meet the former prime minister at Jamuna on an urgent basis. Around 1pm former minister Jahangir Kabir Nanak and whip Mirza Azam went to Pilkhana for discussion.”

He also said, “The chiefs of the Air Force and Navy went there an hour after I went to Jamuna. That is, they were called and asked to go there after I was. After a long time, when they reached there, we were informed that former minister Jahangir Kabir Nanak and whip Mirza Azam were coming to Jamuna with a group of rebels and they (rebels) demanded amnesty. Former prime minister (Sheikh Hasina) said, ‘If anything needs to be told to the rebels, we should tell them.’ Then I told her, 'Many have been killed. None of their demands can be accepted. You tell them first, killing officers have to stop right now. Second, all those detained must be released immediately. Thirdly, rebels with arms must surrender. And fourthly, amnesty is out of the question’.”

Army didn’t get govt’s help in investigating the incident

Moeen U Ahmed said, “When I ordered an investigation into the BDR rebellion, I was told that why do we need to do that when the government is investigating this matter? We did not get the help we needed from the government to conduct this investigation.”

The former army chief said, “The army's inquiry committee was headed by Lt Gen Jahangir Alam Chowdhury (current home adviser). He could not do his job properly, because many were in jail, many could not be questioned. He (Jahangir Alam) came to me and mentioned his problem several times.”

Moin U Ahmed said, “He has now become the home affairs adviser. I hope he will be able to reconstitute this investigation committee and find out the culprits. I requested him in this regard after forming the government.”

In his video, Moeen U Ahmed demanded a fair investigation into the Pilkhana carnage. He also said his book on the BDR mutiny will be published soon.

This guy is the biggest traitor this nation has ever produced.

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