Bangladesh Socio-Political Crisis 2024

Yes, I think so.

Since you display such abysmal ignorance about the history of partition, you should know that Suhrawardy, the undisputed Muslim League leader of the time, had planned with Sarat Bose and Kiron Shankar Roy for Bengal to be a third Dominion. Jinnah, exasperated by this, agreed; the plan was undone, not by a hard-core Islamist, but by Syama Prasad Mukherjee, who rushed to Delhi to protest. The Congress leadership strongly discouraged Bose and Roy, the provincial legislature was asked to vote separately by community, and the vote was in favour of partition.

There are other factors that completely disprove the validity of the Two Nation Theory, but this is neither the time nor the place.

Before you rush to tell people your own view of what happened, please do your homework. অল্প বিদ্যা ভয়ঙ্করী।
Lets agree to disagree Sir. For me two nations theory is the reason for safety of my way of life...
I once read a Facebook post: Onek chinta koricham. Onikhon pore bhujlaam je eto chinta kore kono laabh nai.

Though it may not be ideal, profiling based on demographics may be be a necessary evil. America did the same with Arabs and Muslims after 9/11.

I don't see how this is neccessary. Vast majority of the traitors are Muslims. All Hassina's top military and intelligence officials are Muslims. Same is true with bureaucrats and BAL Cadre.

My proposal is that we castrate DGFI and keep military out of intelligence business inside the border. fully empower NSI and National Telecommunication Monitoring Centre under civilian leadership. And spy on just about everyone and everything in this country.

Speaking of mind-set, I suggest you start with your countrymen.

He is already doing his best. Let's us be respectful toward veteran members.
I once read a Facebook post: Onek chinta koricham. Onikhon pore bhujlaam je eto chinta kore kono laabh nai.

Though it may not be ideal, profiling based on demographics may be be a necessary evil. America did the same with Arabs and Muslims after 9/11. Does that make America a theocratic state?

Speaking of mind-set, I suggest you start with your countrymen. We will do whatever it takes to keep our nation secure including profiling.
The mind-set of my countrymen is what it is, created by circumstance and events as they take place. At the moment, there is no activity by India on either a state or a personal level, other than the ravings of the fringe lunatics of the Internet.

As far as profiling is concerned, that is entirely your option, and will speak to the world about more than merely your mind-set. Good luck with that.
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With Indian backing, they want to get Bangladesh labeled as anti Hindu country. These Hindutvas protested in US too.

Hindu victim card is how BAL dreams of coming back.
Isn't there an obvious way to avert such insinuations and such institutional hostility?

One would imagine that loose talk, of the kind that is being picked up by those in this forum looking for such talk as pegs on which to hang further accusations, should stop. Instead, we have the Two Nation Theory, discredited even in Pakistan (the Pakistan of today) and religion-based profiling suggested.

How do you think even the neutral or the supportive elements within the Indian population will react? How are they to distinguish this behaviour from the overt pro-Jamaat colouring that this revolutionary situation has been given by the enemies of that situation?
Isn't there an obvious way to avert such insinuations and such institutional hostility?

One would imagine that loose talk, of the kind that is being picked up by those in this forum looking for such talk as pegs on which to hang further accusations, should stop. Instead, we have the Two Nation Theory, discredited even in Pakistan (the Pakistan of today) and religion-based profiling suggested.

How do you think even the neutral or the supportive elements within the Indian population will react? How are they to distinguish this behaviour from the overt pro-Jamaat colouring that this revolutionary situation has been given by the enemies of that situation?

I will edit my post to reflect "Modi Government" which is more appropriate. By "Indian" I did mean the Indian government. Off course I don't expect an average Indian to do anything with the politics of a foreign country. That was not very careful on my part I admit.

On the issue - these active demonstrations and lobbying are directly backed by the government of India. We have BJP VHP RSS Shiv Shena wings in Bangladesh now. Their activities in social media will astound you. Some are openly calling for secession to India to fulfill their Akhand Bharat dream. Since when did Bangladeshis have these political ideologies? Bangladesh was not founded through a bloody war only to be assimilated to a Greater India ruled by non Bengalis.

But this is now the new reality of South Asia. These ideologies have been introduced, made acceptable within Bangladeshi Hindu communities and are here to say irrespective of who comes to power in India in future.

Even Congress will be placating to these groups to maintain their control in Bangladesh. The damage is permanent.
Isn't there an obvious way to avert such insinuations and such institutional hostility?

One would imagine that loose talk, of the kind that is being picked up by those in this forum looking for such talk as pegs on which to hang further accusations, should stop. Instead, we have the Two Nation Theory, discredited even in Pakistan (the Pakistan of today) and religion-based profiling suggested.

How do you think even the neutral or the supportive elements within the Indian population will react? How are they to distinguish this behaviour from the overt pro-Jamaat colouring that this revolutionary situation has been given by the enemies of that situation?

Sir, my opinion is that, we are at a point when what Indian population think is largely irrelevant. That ship has sailed, and this relation has too much baggages already. We aren't gonna gain anything meaningful now by trying hard to appeal to the neutral element, or supposedly the supportive elements of the Indian population. (if there's any) The battle for heart and minds is already lost long before. The overall majority Indian perception has been strongly shaped by religious, cultural and historical factors over decades. (Which influence its foreign policy decision toward BD. And it isn't much different for Congress and BJP. Realistically, this is not going to change in short to medium term.)

Religiously and culturally here how it works, the less Muslims and more Bengali muktomona you are, the better. For secular folks it is obvious, they often like those who are less religious. As for Bhakt brigade, they hate just about anything and everything Islam and muslims.

So, in this regard there is this unholy agreement between Bhakts and secular indians. Even though both parties are coming from two different places. But that doesn't change the end result.

(Of course, this is not as binary as I am making it out to be. There are secular Indians hateful to Muslims that looks at this through a civilizational prism. I think you would find some of them here this forum.)

Unfortunately, BD Muslims are devout to their religion, very much aware and proud of their identity. So, indians from both sides of their political spectrum chose a party in BD that is carries the banner of the left and secularism. But see, here's the important part, that in itself isn't the crux of the matter.

The problem arrises when this same party also happened to be one that destroyed democracy in BD everytime it consolidated its grip on the power. Remember, the whole point of 1971 was to be able to exercise our political power as people. Hence, BAL turns out to be the biggest blunder of People's Republic of Bangladesh. Sheikh Mujib, her daughter and AL played us. It was never about our rights, it was always about their grab of power.

People talk about corruption and like to draw a false equivalency between BAL and BNP. Of course they are all corrupt, wtf do you expect in a dirt poor third world country? But you do not measure the nature of a people's republic by examining where it lies in corruption index. Rather, by observing if people are able to exercise their fundamental political right, the right to vote. Here BAL rigged the playing field and deprived us of our fundamental right over and over again. BNP despite all of this faults (I.e. corruption, abuse of power) never did any such thing. Multi-party politics was banned by Mujib but reinstated by Zia.

Now the dynamic of India and BNP relation is not our first concern. Our first concern is our right to vote. And we have so far only two options to keep it. BAL and BNP. If we want have a better chance of keeping our fundamental political right, we know which one to go with.

In the end it is irrelevant who is responsible for the fualt line between BNP and India. Both blame each other. The end result is, Indian political stablishment (left and right) continue to double down on its support for BAL, and that directly puts it at odd with the people of Bangladesh after last 16 years of dictatorship, and specially after 2024 revolution.

As of now and in the near future, our ability to exercise our fundamental political right (what makes this very republic a people's republic) and India are almost two mutually exclusive things. Despite the religious and cultural unease, it would have been much easier for India, BAL, BNP and the people of Bangladesh if BAL played by the rule and didn't deprived us of our right to vote. And people would've gone much easier on BAL/India alliance. But this is not the case.

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