Battle Cry: New Improved Tejas Lands In Weeks | New High For India’s Tejas fighter jets


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Apr 28, 2011
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In the season's inaugural episode Battle Cry, discussion revolves around India's Tejas jet, the homegrown combat fighter that has been a revelation in 2023. Anticipation is high that 2024 could bring even more success and expansion for the aircraft. The Indian Air Force plans to order an increased number of Tejas jets, cementing its trust in this home-built combat fighter. In a year where Prime Minister Narendra Modi became the first premier to strap into an Indian-manufactured Tejas, it's clear the fighter jet has ascended to new heights.
Tejas programme was late much delayed and much maligned
Thank god we persisted
Today we have forty in service
Aesa equipped versions arriving with Indian bvrs and stand off weapons this next year
A mark 2 late fourth gen version arriving in five to seven years
And fifth gen Amca five years after this ..

The industrial base know how will also lead to drones and other sub systems eco system towards self sufficiency

I predict an India air force by 2050 consisting of majority Indian fighters ie
100 Amca mark one and two
200 Tejas mark two
200 Tejas mark 1a

120 rafale f4 and F5
That's 80% Indian
I could be wrong and India may buy fifth gen from USA or Europe even Russia but I think Amca will arrive

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