China ‘Soon to Be World’s Largest Air Force’


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China ‘Soon to Be World’s Largest Air Force’

March 28, 2024 | By Unshin Lee Harpley


China's J-20 "Mighty Dragon" fighter jets, the People's Liberation Army Air Force's most advanced 5th-generation aircraft

It has been known and publicly acknowledged for several years now that China has surpassed the U.S. Navy in sheer number of warships. But in recent testimony on Capitol Hill, the head of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command suggested China may also have world’s largest air force soon, a surprising assessment of their rapid modernization efforts.

“The world’s largest Navy, soon to be the world’s largest Air Force,” Navy Adm. John C. Aquilino said, referring to the People’s Liberation Army, before the Senate Armed Services Committee on March 21. “The magnitude, scope, and scale of this security challenge cannot be understated, all would be challenged.”

An INDOPACOM spokesperson confirmed to Air & Space Forces Magazine that Aquilino was referring to the number of warplanes each country’s military possesses.

In its 2023 report on Chinese military power, the Pentagon noted that the PLA Air Force and Navy combined have over 3,150 total aircraft, not counting trainer variants and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). The U.S. Air Force, by comparison, is at its smallest size in years but still has around 4,000 non-trainer, non-drone aircraft. That’s in addition to several thousand more in the Navy, Marine Corps, and Army.

Airpower and China experts expressed doubt that China would imminently overtake the U.S. in military aircraft. However, they did highlight China’s significant overall production capacity ramp-up in recent years, specifically for their cutting-edge fighters.

“The J-20 is now being produced at over roughly 100 airframes per year,” Daniel Rice,

China military and political strategy subject matter expert at the Krulak Center for Innovation and Future Warfare told Air & Space Forces Magazine. “That’s purely for indigenous consumption, for supplying the PLA Air Force with J-20 airframes. If you look at production capacity, the F-35, roughly 135 airframes per year, but 60 to 70 of those airframes are going to allies and partners.”

Rice noted, though, that the J-20 and F-35 should not be compared one-to-one.

“They have different mission sets and capabilities,” Rice added. “We like to say that the J-20 is roughly a 4.5-generation aircraft because there are different definitions of ‘generations’ between China and the U.S.”

This quality-versus-quantity assessment also comes into play when comparing the naval fleets of the two countries, as experts argue that while China may have more ships and submarines, the tonnage of America’s naval fleet surpasses that of China by a 2-to-1 ratio due to the larger size of U.S. vessels.

On the air side, China is accelerating its production of the J-16, J-10, and its sea variants as well. The J-16, a multi-role fighter, has more than 100 airframes produced annually, while the J-10’s production is around less than 40 airframes per year. But again, the J-10C is not quite the USAF’s F-15EX, and is rather “the low-end, or high-low mix of that version,” Rice said.

Yet, if production rate increases as anticipated, China may surpass the U.S. in producing their latest fighter aircraft. Rice noted that China’s development of an indigenous engine and reduced reliance on Russian-built engines have accelerated their combat aircraft production.

“With the WS-10 and WS-15 series engines, China has been able to produce a credible and reliable engine for their combat aircraft, namely J-10C and J-20,” Rice said. “Since this supply chain shift, and in conjunction with increasing production capacity for their airframes, we have seen different production facilities such as Shenyang Aircraft Corporation and Chengdu Aircraft Corporation, increase the size of their production facilities in anticipation of more throughput.”

Regional influence is another consideration in comparing fleet sizes. In his separate written testimony to lawmakers, Aquilino stated that the PLA Air Force and Navy combined constitute “the largest aviation forces in the Indo-Pacific.” While the U.S. is set to retain its long-range superiority, China’s regional dominance carries strategic concerns, especially in a scenario where it attempts to take Taiwan by force.

“China doesn’t need tankers, because it just doesn’t have to go that far,” J. Michael Dahm of the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies told Air & Space Forces Magazine. “China doesn’t need a Global Hawk that can fly for over 24 hours. It may just need drones, retro-fitted, older aircraft that can fly 100 miles across the Taiwan Strait on a one-way trip.”

U.S. airpower is also spread across the globe, with missions in Europe, the Middle East, and the homeland.

And while the China military power report excluded drones from its aircraft count, they could play a crucial role in future assessments of military power projection. China is modernizing on that front too, with the recent introduction of the Xianglong jet-powered UAS, the supersonic WZ-8, and the redesigned GJ-11 stealth Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV).

“In an age when we’re increasingly concerned about artificial intelligence, I would say that when we start counting unmanned aircraft, it could also quickly tip the scales in China’s favor,” Dahm said.
With China's unrivaled industrial and manufacturing capability, it's just a matter of time.
I think you may need to recheck the numbers posted in the article.

If memory serves US Navy had the largest airforce jets pool followed by US airforce with a combined 10k+ jets

Is the article comparing one branch of china to a singular us armed force branch?
I think you may need to recheck the numbers posted in the article.

If memory serves US Navy had the largest airforce jets pool followed by US airforce with a combined 10k+ jets

Is the article comparing one branch of china to a singular us armed force branch?
“The world’s largest Navy, soon to be the world’s largest Air Force,” Navy Adm. John C. Aquilino said.
Soon?? Lol
How it is even possible??
US has 13000 aircrafts for airforce.
China 3200.
Can you see the difference?
China just started to get hands on domestic made jet engines, we all know once China gets its hands on something, how fast it can dominate that domain.
Think about shipbuilding industry, a decade ago China was nowhere on the map, now already controls 60%-70% global share.

China ‘Soon to Be World’s Largest Air Force’

March 28, 2024 | By Unshin Lee Harpley


China's J-20 "Mighty Dragon" fighter jets, the People's Liberation Army Air Force's most advanced 5th-generation aircraft

It has been known and publicly acknowledged for several years now that China has surpassed the U.S. Navy in sheer number of warships. But in recent testimony on Capitol Hill, the head of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command suggested China may also have world’s largest air force soon, a surprising assessment of their rapid modernization efforts.

“The world’s largest Navy, soon to be the world’s largest Air Force,” Navy Adm. John C. Aquilino said, referring to the People’s Liberation Army, before the Senate Armed Services Committee on March 21. “The magnitude, scope, and scale of this security challenge cannot be understated, all would be challenged.”

An INDOPACOM spokesperson confirmed to Air & Space Forces Magazine that Aquilino was referring to the number of warplanes each country’s military possesses.

In its 2023 report on Chinese military power, the Pentagon noted that the PLA Air Force and Navy combined have over 3,150 total aircraft, not counting trainer variants and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). The U.S. Air Force, by comparison, is at its smallest size in years but still has around 4,000 non-trainer, non-drone aircraft. That’s in addition to several thousand more in the Navy, Marine Corps, and Army.

Airpower and China experts expressed doubt that China would imminently overtake the U.S. in military aircraft. However, they did highlight China’s significant overall production capacity ramp-up in recent years, specifically for their cutting-edge fighters.

“The J-20 is now being produced at over roughly 100 airframes per year,” Daniel Rice,

China military and political strategy subject matter expert at the Krulak Center for Innovation and Future Warfare told Air & Space Forces Magazine. “That’s purely for indigenous consumption, for supplying the PLA Air Force with J-20 airframes. If you look at production capacity, the F-35, roughly 135 airframes per year, but 60 to 70 of those airframes are going to allies and partners.”

Rice noted, though, that the J-20 and F-35 should not be compared one-to-one.

“They have different mission sets and capabilities,” Rice added. “We like to say that the J-20 is roughly a 4.5-generation aircraft because there are different definitions of ‘generations’ between China and the U.S.”

This quality-versus-quantity assessment also comes into play when comparing the naval fleets of the two countries, as experts argue that while China may have more ships and submarines, the tonnage of America’s naval fleet surpasses that of China by a 2-to-1 ratio due to the larger size of U.S. vessels.

On the air side, China is accelerating its production of the J-16, J-10, and its sea variants as well. The J-16, a multi-role fighter, has more than 100 airframes produced annually, while the J-10’s production is around less than 40 airframes per year. But again, the J-10C is not quite the USAF’s F-15EX, and is rather “the low-end, or high-low mix of that version,” Rice said.

Yet, if production rate increases as anticipated, China may surpass the U.S. in producing their latest fighter aircraft. Rice noted that China’s development of an indigenous engine and reduced reliance on Russian-built engines have accelerated their combat aircraft production.

“With the WS-10 and WS-15 series engines, China has been able to produce a credible and reliable engine for their combat aircraft, namely J-10C and J-20,” Rice said. “Since this supply chain shift, and in conjunction with increasing production capacity for their airframes, we have seen different production facilities such as Shenyang Aircraft Corporation and Chengdu Aircraft Corporation, increase the size of their production facilities in anticipation of more throughput.”

Regional influence is another consideration in comparing fleet sizes. In his separate written testimony to lawmakers, Aquilino stated that the PLA Air Force and Navy combined constitute “the largest aviation forces in the Indo-Pacific.” While the U.S. is set to retain its long-range superiority, China’s regional dominance carries strategic concerns, especially in a scenario where it attempts to take Taiwan by force.

“China doesn’t need tankers, because it just doesn’t have to go that far,” J. Michael Dahm of the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies told Air & Space Forces Magazine. “China doesn’t need a Global Hawk that can fly for over 24 hours. It may just need drones, retro-fitted, older aircraft that can fly 100 miles across the Taiwan Strait on a one-way trip.”

U.S. airpower is also spread across the globe, with missions in Europe, the Middle East, and the homeland.

And while the China military power report excluded drones from its aircraft count, they could play a crucial role in future assessments of military power projection. China is modernizing on that front too, with the recent introduction of the Xianglong jet-powered UAS, the supersonic WZ-8, and the redesigned GJ-11 stealth Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV).

“In an age when we’re increasingly concerned about artificial intelligence, I would say that when we start counting unmanned aircraft, it could also quickly tip the scales in China’s favor,” Dahm said.
How many aircraft are frontline which can challenge the western AirForces frontline aircraft. China has a lot of legacy Soviet origin aircraft in its inventory
How many aircraft are frontline which can challenge the western AirForces frontline aircraft. China has a lot of legacy Soviet origin aircraft in its inventory
Not only that….the latest Chinese tech is no match to the F22/F35.
Russia is still technologically advanced than China especially in the business of producing high grade tech.
Not only that….the latest Chinese tech is no match to the F22/F35.
Russia is still technologically advanced than China especially in the business of producing high grade tech.
This may not be true anymore. China is rapidly catching up with the west. It needs to shed its image of bad quality.
Wouldn't it be better to keep the image of bad quality while being actual good quality?
It takes years if not generations to shed that image. It’s a world of perception and possibilities.
China may be advancing but it’s still no match to either US or Russia. Not much info is generally known to the public about the J20. If I were China, why wouldn’t I do that??
Maybe my tech is no match to the latest western tech (Precisely what the author says by terming J20 as 4.5 tech) or I’m saving my trump card for when the time is right.
China may be advancing but it’s still no match to either US or Russia. Not much info is generally known to the public about the J20. If I were China, why wouldn’t I do that??
It's from western media which consistently badmouths China. F-35 is actually plagued with problems and crashes. Indians just take for granted that whatever product, as long as it comes from US, it must be good. it's a myth, US is no longer an industrial and manufacturing powerhouse as it used to be. Boein is an example how US manufacturing delines.

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