China ‘Soon to Be World’s Largest Air Force’

China most likely want to avoid or atleast postpone a full scale war against America, as far into future as possible.

China knows that within 2-3 decades its economic-industrial-techonogial might will automatically act as a huge deterrent against any foreign agression. And China is a huge nation with vast land area and 1,4 billion population. Its neighbors know that a war of attrition favors China.

The US therefore will first and formost try to cripple China through finacncial-economical means. If succeds, it will limit Chinas means to achive technological superiority. America probably also want to win this tussle between the two giants without having to wage a full scale conflict.

The course of Great power conflicts are often very unpredictable.
It's from western media which consistently badmouths China. F-35 is actually plagued with problems and crashes. Indians just take for granted that whatever product, as long as it comes from US, it must be good. it's a myth, US is no longer an industrial and manufacturing powerhouse as it used to be. Boein is an example how US manufacturing delines.

More Beijing bs. You got called out for false info. Then you say nobody really knows the true number. Now you say it’s ok the f-35 is junk.
Give it a rest
How many posts in PDF can be personally verified and elaborated by posters? be sensible.
Weapon development is state secrets in China, no one knows for sure but it doesn't stop people from discussing and speculating.
So nobody knows for sure but everything you post is “Chyna is the best, America is weak and doesn’t stand a chance.” Can you see the contradiction in your own statements ?
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More Beijing bs. You got called out for false info. Then you say nobody really knows the true number. Now you say it’s ok the f-35 is junk.
Give it a rest
I didn't write a word of the OP article, don't be so blind.
So nobody knows for sure but everything you post is “Chyna is the best, America is weak and doesn’t stand a chance.” Can you see the contradiction in your own statements ?
That's the way you read them? something wrong with your mind.
It's from western media which consistently badmouths China. F-35 is actually plagued with problems and crashes. Indians just take for granted that whatever product, as long as it comes from US, it must be good. it's a myth, US is no longer an industrial and manufacturing powerhouse as it used to be. Boein is an example how US manufacturing delines.

Videos? I can show you more.
"How does the J-20 crack the mosaic warfare of the F-35?"

more analysis instead of only Nonsense repetition.
The same description.

China is weaker than the United States:
The report comes from China - of course, it is a fact.
The report comes from the United States - of course, it is a fact.

China is stronger than the United States:
The report comes from China - self proclaimed.
The report comes from the United States - defrauding funds.

Just paraphrasing the judgment of the United States - it's impossible anyway.
Stereotypes fill their minds with political propaganda, yet they believe that they are solely driven by their own independent thinking.
China is military super power now
That's from.a Indian.
I hate to admit this but the j10 and fifth programmes are scary
The navy looks formidable.
India will lose a war badly right now
We Indians need to take china seriously and double our efforts to modernise
It's just a matter of time, manufacturing capabilities always win everything in the end.
Silly young chinese padawan stop your delusion. US is decades ahead in military technology/weapon systems. We have aircraft that have been flying for years that will likely never be disclosed in near future.

Ten years ago US sent a message to Russia and China with these...
US purposely flew these aircraft over a populated center in broad daylight at con-altitude to make sure they were seen. These are not drones since it is prohibited to fly drones near civilian traffic. They likely call this base home too...
This is just one of many bases where we keep most of the toys that will never see the light of day/made public. These are the places where we keep aircraft that will be used against "near peer" adversary.

You need to understand the US is in another level when it comes to military aircraft no nation comes close to what the US produces. In 2018 Trump requested $81 billion for the so-called "black budget" that is more than majority of first world nations defense budget.

So never think that China or any other country will ever catch up to US military tech because they won't and I don't say/make this claim as bolstering arrogant murrrcan yankee cowboy I say/make this claim with distrust of what this part of my government that has no accountability is up to.
Silly young chinese padawan stop your delusion. US is decades ahead in military technology/weapon systems.
The name doesn't sound Chinese to me

It has been known and publicly acknowledged for several years now that China has surpassed the U.S. Navy in sheer number of warships. But in recent testimony on Capitol Hill, the head of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command suggested China may also have world’s largest air force soon, a surprising assessment of their rapid modernization efforts.

“The world’s largest Navy, soon to be the world’s largest Air Force,” Navy Adm. John C. Aquilino said, referring to the People’s Liberation Army, before the Senate Armed Services Committee on March 21. “The magnitude, scope, and scale of this security challenge cannot be understated, all would be challenged.”
The name doesn't sound Chinese to me

View attachment 43139
It has been known and publicly acknowledged for several years now that China has surpassed the U.S. Navy in sheer number of warships. But in recent testimony on Capitol Hill, the head of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command suggested China may also have world’s largest air force soon, a surprising assessment of their rapid modernization efforts.

“The world’s largest Navy, soon to be the world’s largest Air Force,” Navy Adm. John C. Aquilino said, referring to the People’s Liberation Army, before the Senate Armed Services Committee on March 21. “The magnitude, scope, and scale of this security challenge cannot be understated, all would be challenged.”
You're clueless how USMIC works. The USMIC always cries inferiority how else would they be able to justify an almost $Trillion in US defense and $81 billion on black budget. MIC needs a boogyman and right now China is it. China's military procurement has been the best thing for USMIC since the cold war. These people still remember the 90's and how awful it was for MIC. Don't allow yourself to be deceived by US headlines how China's military is supapawa and US is falling. US military is built to fight militaries like China it is what US Generals and Admirals dream of instead of these war on terror campaigns where they are forces to bring "democracy" and be police. An air and sea conflict with US would not end well for China the only thing the US would be concern is going too far in taking out Chinese naval warships and subs making the CCP desperate and possibly use a nuke in the conflict.

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