China ‘Soon to Be World’s Largest Air Force’

China is military super power now
Not yet.
I hate to admit this but the j10 and fifth programmes are scary
If you think in quantitative terms in fuselage, I agree.
The navy looks formidable.
The surface fleet still has a way to go. The submarine fleet still has a long way to go. CV/CVF/CVNs still have a long way to go. I'm not just talking in technological terms, but doctrinal and operational ones.

Just to give you an idea, the fleet of naval bombers and transport aircraft are only now being transferred to the PLAAF. PLANAF is still a lean force.
China's J-20 stealth fighter jet receiving upgrades; next generation coming soon: test pilot

Published: May 30, 2024 09:56 PM
The file photo shows a J-20 stealth fighter jet attached to the Chinese PLA Air Force flies through the clouds overhead during a flight training exercise. ( by Yang Jun)

The file photo shows a J-20 stealth fighter jet attached to the Chinese PLA Air Force flies through the clouds overhead during a flight training exercise. ( by Yang Jun)

An ace test pilot of China's J-20 stealth fighter jet recently revealed that the J-20 is receiving constant upgrades, and a next generation warplane is expected to make its debut soon.

"The J-20 is constantly improving, keeping pace with the times, and continuously perfecting its mission system to achieve its expected combat objectives," said Li Gang, the test pilot in the J-20's maiden flight, China Central Television (CCTV) reported on Wednesday.

Since the J-20's first test flight in 2011, China's aviation technologies have developed at an astonishing speed, far surpassing that of other countries, Fu Qianshao, Chinese military aviation expert, told the Global Times on Thursday.

The latest technologies have been applied to the J-20, including aerodynamic design changes and new engines, as well as the avionics, radar systems, software and materials, Fu said.

With these upgrades, the J-20 is now the world leader by far in advanced fighter jets, Fu said, noting that the US' F-22 has not received any major upgrades since its development, and its technologies are becoming obsolete.

But China will not sit on the J-20, with countries like the US having already started developing sixth-generation fighter jets, observers said.

"As the technology of our country's aviation industry continues to develop, the next generation will definitely come out soon," CCTV quoted Li, the J-20 test pilot, as saying.

China trailed behind the US at the start of the J-20's development, but now for the next generation fighter jet, China has either caught up with the US or is leading the world, Fu said.

The new warplane will likely also be built with an open architecture that allows fast development, fast production and fast upgrades like the J-20, analysts said.

No additional information has been given for China's next-generation fighter jet. Observers noted that some global trends include the integration of artificial intelligence, loyal wingman drones, more advanced engines that lead to faster speeds, stronger situational awareness, higher stealth capability, as well as the assumption of the role of a C4ISR (command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) node.

Are we counting fighter aircraft and bombers or everything?
6th generation will be key, if they can get ahead or catch up to the Usa then it will be game changer for China and allies. China will make J20 5.5th generation, similar to how they done to J10s.
6th generation will be key, if they can get ahead or catch up to the Usa then it will be game changer for China and allies. China will make J20 5.5th generation, similar to how they done to J10s.

The US already flew 3 NGAD prototypes in 2020 and are ready for down select this year.

NGAD will reportedly have an RCS of a BB pellet. China has zero chance of catching up with the US.
The US already flew 3 NGAD prototypes in 2020 and are ready for down select this year.

NGAD will reportedly have an RCS of a BB pellet. China has zero chance of catching up with the US.
Lol, how do you know what China is working on?
Lol, how do you know what China is working on?

During an event hosted by the Center for American Progress think tank, Kendall was asked if the Chinese would outpace the U.S. in sixth-gen capabilities, as some observers question whether the Air Force and its industry partners can deliver its Next-Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) platform before 2030.

“It’s an interesting question based on a premise that I don’t 100% accept here, but I’m not gonna be able to go into much detail about that,” Kendall responded.

“China has been pursuing aircraft technology, but they are not a match for the United States,” he continued. “We are ahead in aircraft technology. The J-20, which is their most recent fighter, is not as good as the F-35, which is our most recent fighter. The Next-Generation Air Dominance fighter … is going to be better than anything I think China can do. We’re ahead in areas like engine technology substantially. And our access to advanced computational capability gives us an edge as well.”

Secretary of the Air Force Kendall has arguably the best insight
During an event hosted by the Center for American Progress think tank, Kendall was asked if the Chinese would outpace the U.S. in sixth-gen capabilities, as some observers question whether the Air Force and its industry partners can deliver its Next-Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) platform before 2030.

“It’s an interesting question based on a premise that I don’t 100% accept here, but I’m not gonna be able to go into much detail about that,” Kendall responded.

“China has been pursuing aircraft technology, but they are not a match for the United States,” he continued. “We are ahead in aircraft technology. The J-20, which is their most recent fighter, is not as good as the F-35, which is our most recent fighter. The Next-Generation Air Dominance fighter … is going to be better than anything I think China can do. We’re ahead in areas like engine technology substantially. And our access to advanced computational capability gives us an edge as well.”

Secretary of the Air Force Kendall has arguably the best insight
First, everyone can have their own opinion, second, the OP talks about numbers. with China's unrivaled industrial juggernaut, overtaking US air force and Navy in number is just a matter of time.
The US already flew 3 NGAD prototypes in 2020 and are ready for down select this year.

NGAD will reportedly have an RCS of a BB pellet. China has zero chance of catching up with the US.

You sure about that, China is building the 6th generation fighter jet aswell, when Usa 6th generation has its first flight, China will counter it. Usa introduced the f22 around 2005 and China J22 was around 2017, after 12 years. This time it will be similar timing or a few years difference. I am still for Usa quality advantage but China is working hard to catch up.
First, everyone can have their own opinion, second, the OP talks about numbers. with China's unrivaled industrial juggernaut, overtaking US air force and Navy in number is just a matter of time.

The US Secretary of the Air Force is a pretty significant opinion🤣.

The USAF already fields more than 800 5th Gen fighters, and now set to field the first 6th Gen aircraft in the B-21 bomber. F-35s are set to begin deliveries again next month as their technology refresh begins. F-35 production is now 150 jets a year.

China may be building ships faster, but USN ships are still better quality with higher capability than Chinese ships.

Ford carriers, America class amphibs, Flight 3 Burke’s, Virginia class subs are all more capable than Chinese counterparts.
The US Secretary of the Air Force is a pretty significant opinion🤣.

The USAF already fields more than 800 5th Gen fighters, and now set to field the first 6th Gen aircraft in the B-21 bomber. F-35s are set to begin deliveries again next month as their technology refresh begins. F-35 production is now 150 jets a year.

China may be building ships faster, but USN ships are still better quality with higher capability than Chinese ships.

Ford carriers, America class amphibs, Flight 3 Burke’s, Virginia class subs are all more capable than Chinese counterparts.
For now, yes, but for the future, US is losing its industrial capability fast. China's overtaking is just a matter of time.
You sure about that, China is building the 6th generation fighter jet aswell, when Usa 6th generation has its first flight, China will counter it. Usa introduced the f22 around 2005 and China J22 was around 2017, after 12 years. This time it will be similar timing or a few years difference. I am still for Usa quality advantage but China is working hard to catch up.

US fighters are superior to any Chinese fighter they can produce. The US aerospace industry is significantly ahead in areas like stealth and engine technology and has much more experience in real world operations.
What US could do in the past doesn't mean they can still do it in the future.


China ‘Soon to Be World’s Largest Air Force’

March 28, 2024 | By Unshin Lee Harpley


China's J-20 "Mighty Dragon" fighter jets, the People's Liberation Army Air Force's most advanced 5th-generation aircraft

It has been known and publicly acknowledged for several years now that China has surpassed the U.S. Navy in sheer number of warships. But in recent testimony on Capitol Hill, the head of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command suggested China may also have world’s largest air force soon, a surprising assessment of their rapid modernization efforts.

“The world’s largest Navy, soon to be the world’s largest Air Force,” Navy Adm. John C. Aquilino said, referring to the People’s Liberation Army, before the Senate Armed Services Committee on March 21. “The magnitude, scope, and scale of this security challenge cannot be understated, all would be challenged.”

An INDOPACOM spokesperson confirmed to Air & Space Forces Magazine that Aquilino was referring to the number of warplanes each country’s military possesses.

In its 2023 report on Chinese military power, the Pentagon noted that the PLA Air Force and Navy combined have over 3,150 total aircraft, not counting trainer variants and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). The U.S. Air Force, by comparison, is at its smallest size in years but still has around 4,000 non-trainer, non-drone aircraft. That’s in addition to several thousand more in the Navy, Marine Corps, and Army.

Airpower and China experts expressed doubt that China would imminently overtake the U.S. in military aircraft. However, they did highlight China’s significant overall production capacity ramp-up in recent years, specifically for their cutting-edge fighters.

“The J-20 is now being produced at over roughly 100 airframes per year,” Daniel Rice,

China military and political strategy subject matter expert at the Krulak Center for Innovation and Future Warfare told Air & Space Forces Magazine. “That’s purely for indigenous consumption, for supplying the PLA Air Force with J-20 airframes. If you look at production capacity, the F-35, roughly 135 airframes per year, but 60 to 70 of those airframes are going to allies and partners.”

Rice noted, though, that the J-20 and F-35 should not be compared one-to-one.

“They have different mission sets and capabilities,” Rice added. “We like to say that the J-20 is roughly a 4.5-generation aircraft because there are different definitions of ‘generations’ between China and the U.S.”

This quality-versus-quantity assessment also comes into play when comparing the naval fleets of the two countries, as experts argue that while China may have more ships and submarines, the tonnage of America’s naval fleet surpasses that of China by a 2-to-1 ratio due to the larger size of U.S. vessels.

On the air side, China is accelerating its production of the J-16, J-10, and its sea variants as well. The J-16, a multi-role fighter, has more than 100 airframes produced annually, while the J-10’s production is around less than 40 airframes per year. But again, the J-10C is not quite the USAF’s F-15EX, and is rather “the low-end, or high-low mix of that version,” Rice said.

Yet, if production rate increases as anticipated, China may surpass the U.S. in producing their latest fighter aircraft. Rice noted that China’s development of an indigenous engine and reduced reliance on Russian-built engines have accelerated their combat aircraft production.

“With the WS-10 and WS-15 series engines, China has been able to produce a credible and reliable engine for their combat aircraft, namely J-10C and J-20,” Rice said. “Since this supply chain shift, and in conjunction with increasing production capacity for their airframes, we have seen different production facilities such as Shenyang Aircraft Corporation and Chengdu Aircraft Corporation, increase the size of their production facilities in anticipation of more throughput.”

Regional influence is another consideration in comparing fleet sizes. In his separate written testimony to lawmakers, Aquilino stated that the PLA Air Force and Navy combined constitute “the largest aviation forces in the Indo-Pacific.” While the U.S. is set to retain its long-range superiority, China’s regional dominance carries strategic concerns, especially in a scenario where it attempts to take Taiwan by force.

“China doesn’t need tankers, because it just doesn’t have to go that far,” J. Michael Dahm of the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies told Air & Space Forces Magazine. “China doesn’t need a Global Hawk that can fly for over 24 hours. It may just need drones, retro-fitted, older aircraft that can fly 100 miles across the Taiwan Strait on a one-way trip.”

U.S. airpower is also spread across the globe, with missions in Europe, the Middle East, and the homeland.

And while the China military power report excluded drones from its aircraft count, they could play a crucial role in future assessments of military power projection. China is modernizing on that front too, with the recent introduction of the Xianglong jet-powered UAS, the supersonic WZ-8, and the redesigned GJ-11 stealth Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV).

“In an age when we’re increasingly concerned about artificial intelligence, I would say that when we start counting unmanned aircraft, it could also quickly tip the scales in China’s favor,” Dahm said.
Insh'Allah, and we hope so as well.
China may be building ships faster, but USN ships are still better quality with higher capability than Chinese ships.

Ford carriers, America class amphibs, Flight 3 Burke’s, Virginia class subs are all more capable than Chinese counterparts.
The Kriegsmarine thought the same way. It is no coincidence that the US is considering its battle fleet more diluted and distributed, with various concepts of unmanned warfare, between ships and submarines.

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