China ‘Soon to Be World’s Largest Air Force’

That was not some random opinion he is in the know. Yu celestials have no concept how far US is ahead in aircraft technology your fanboyism gets in the way of logic but luckily for Yu fanboys PLA is not dumb and knows how outclassed they are when compared to US military tech.

Years ago US sent a message to Russia and Chyna by flying aircraft, never seen before and never seen after, over a populated area in broad daylight at con altitude to make sure they were seen.
Not B21, B2 or UAVs but a whole new type of aircraft of any known program. NGAD and B21 program were known programs these are not.

Yu chinese are still wet behind the ears when it comes to stealth fighter capability and will never catch up. Yu are still children and think like children you hear J-20 is stealth and has AESA and automatically conclude it is equal or almost equal to F-35 and yu think that way because logic is not your strong suit when it comes to this topic. F-35 is not just stealth fighter but a flying super computer with the capability to take over and control the battle space picture in a conflict under high-tech conditions. I bet you didn't know the F-35 has E-virus capability, huh?

Yu chinese got a very small taste of what the US is capable of when it comes to EM realm when Pelosi flew to Taiwan and your J-16D and Type055 warship tried to track and jam her plane but failed because the J-16D and Type055 huge AESA antenna was jammed itself by US. Yu celestials are not in the same league and yu need to accept that.
Oh padhemchen bhai stop it no?……😝👍…..yous turned solar whaardhen now of Gujrat?…😜

You can never hide Fram me oaay…..😝

I saws dat Chinese guppu avatar of yours, aur Tera bhaandda phoot gya si in two seconds…..

Oh bhaaanch….😝

And why yous avoiding Irani section? Like da plague?

U.S. Widens China Trade Fight to Shipbuilding Which It Lost Decades Ago​

Shipbuilding /
Cover Story: U.S. widens China trade fight to shipbuilding which it lost decades ago

May 07, 2024 07:36 AM

The U.S. last monthbegan an investigation into China’s dominant shipbuilding industry, in a move signaling increasing pressure on China that extends beyond technology and into its manufacturing sector.

Following a petition from five labor unions, Katherine Tai, the U.S. trade representative (USTR), announced on April 17 the so-called 301 probe into China’s practices in maritime equipment, logistics and shipbuilding.

A public hearing is set for May 29. This marks the first industry-specific investigation by the Biden administration under Section 301 of the U.S. Trade Act of 1974, a tool that allows the government to enforce trade agreements and impose sanctions on nations violating norms of international commerce.

The US builds with higher quality and more advanced capability. Who is the nation that can project naval power anywhere on the globe again?

Please go to Yemen first and show "project naval power anywhere on the globe again". The Houthis are now firing missiles at US warships and merchant ships on a daily basis.

Also, it has taken Israel nine months and it is still unable to occupy the Gaza Strip, which covers an area of only 360 square kilometers (a quarter of New York). Please go ahead and show "project naval power anywhere on the globe again" too.

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Please go to Yemen first and show "project naval power anywhere on the globe again". The Houthis are now firing missiles at US warships and merchant ships on a daily basis.

View attachment 47381
No kidding bro……these hard core irani’s keep da US on their toes and walking over eggshells daily…..😝
View attachment 47379

View attachment 47380

New Ford class carrier and America class amphib assault ship delivering next year.

Higher quality build, more advanced capability.

The USN can project naval power anywhere on the planet

The U.S. Can Afford a Bigger Military. We Just Can’t Build It​

America’s industrial base struggles to ramp up defense production while China’s churns out ever more weapons

Updated Dec. 6, 2023

When the Center for Strategic and International Studies simulated a war between the U.S. and China over Taiwan, the wargame ended with Taiwan still free, at grievous cost. The U.S. loses two aircraft carriers and up to 20 destroyers and cruisers; China sees more than 50 major surface warships sunk.

What looks like a draw, though, becomes a Chinese victory before long. As Eric Labs, a navy analyst for the Congressional Budget Office explains, China can replace lost ships far more quickly. In the past two years, its navy has grown by 17 cruisers and destroyers; it would take the U.S. six years to build the same number under current conditions, he said.

“In terms of industrial competition and shipbuilding, China is where the U.S. was in the early stages of World War II,” Labs said. In the U.S. now, “we just don’t have the industrial capacity to build warships…in large numbers very fast.”

Intensifying security challenges from the western Pacific to Ukraine to the Middle East have fueled debate over whether the U.S. can afford a bigger military. In fact, the more pressing question is whether it can build one—when its principal adversary possesses vast industrial capacity.

U.S. military spending was 3.1% of gross domestic product in the last fiscal year, near the lowest since World War II. Add the $106 billion President Biden has requested in aid primarily for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, and the total would still be less than the 4.6% spent at the peak of Iraq and Afghanistan operations in 2010, never mind the 8.9% in 1968, during the Vietnam War. Healthcare, pensions and interest on the debt really do menace the nation’s finances; military outlays don’t.

The problem is that even when money’s available, the munitions and weapons are difficult to deliver. In May of 2022, Biden and Lockheed Martin promised to double production of Javelin antitank missiles by 2024. That has been pushed back to 2026. The U.S. announced the sale of Harpoon antiship missiles to Taiwan in 2020. They might not be delivered until 2026. Because the U.S. only builds about 1.5 nuclear submarines a year, some legislators worry it will take too long to replace those the U.S. will sell to Australia under Aukus, a technology-sharing pact that includes the U.K.

In the early 1990s, with the Cold War over and military budgets shrinking, the Pentagon pushed defense contractors to consolidate. Since then, the government’s emphasis on lowest-cost production discourages the remaining contractors from having the extra capacity needed to surge production, said Cynthia Cook, a defense industry expert at CSIS.

“Very few people anticipated the prolonged, high-volume conflict we are seeing in Ukraine or that we might see again against a strategic competitor,” William LaPlante, the Pentagon’s top acquisition official, said in October. “We are relearning just how resource-intensive this type of warfare can be, and how dialing down our production numbers, and the just-in-time delivery model, doesn’t work in this kind of conflict.”

It isn’t just defense; the entire U.S. manufacturing base shrank as labor-intensive production migrated to East Asia. There are fewer suppliers, factories, shipyards and, most important, workers available to meet the rising demand.

True, civilian and military capacity aren’t perfect substitutes; defense products often require specialized systems and skills. That makes the shortfall even more severe. It could take three to five years to train a welder to work on a submarine, said Ronald O’Rourke, an analyst at the Congressional Research Service.

Echoing the quality problems U.S. manufacturers of semiconductors, autos and airliners have experienced, defense manufacturers suffer from endemic cost overruns and delays. On average, a new lead ship—the first in its class—costs 40% more than the Navy first estimates, the CBO says. Delivery times for submarines have grown to nine years from six.

These shortcomings matter all the more because China controls entire industrial supply chains, enabling it to deploy capacity quickly to new priorities, such as tests and personal protective equipment during the Covid-19 pandemic.

It has put that capacity to use in expanding its military. A shipyard in Huludao that builds civilian vessels and nuclear submarines boasts annual capacity in excess of all the ships the U.S. has launched since 2014.

In a report for the U.S. Naval War College, German analyst Sarah Kirchberger described how a Shanghai shipyard launched a “sailless” submarine. It was based on French, Soviet and Swedish designs that “have remained on the drawing board, whereas the Chinese sailless submarine has actually been built,” she wrote.

China’s weapons are typically inferior to their U.S. counterparts; its nuclear submarines, for example, are noisier. But as military types like to say, quantity has a quality all its own. And the quality gap is closing.

Cost overruns for lead Navy ship​

It would cost a fortune for the U.S. to rebuild its entire civilian industry base solely to serve the military, and it might not even work. Cook said the Pentagon could instead pay contractors to maintain excess capacity and parts inventories, or use the capacity of allies such as South Korea and Japan (the world’s second- and third-largest shipbuilders, respectively, after China).

Alternatively, U.S. manufacturers could learn from space launches, which like weapons systems, were plagued by delays and high costs. Then SpaceX came along. Founder Elon Musk ignored any NASA or Pentagon requirements he considered unnecessary, biographer Walter Isaacson has written. Musk sought cheap, mass-produced substitutes for costly specialized parts, such as a valve that cost about 30 times more than the automobile equivalent. SpaceX has helped slash the cost of space launches.


Should the U.S. military give priority to quantity or quality in its weapons procurement? Join the conversation below.

CRS’s O’Rourke said the Musk of shipbuilding was Henry Kaiser, who used mass-production techniques during World War II to slash the time it took to build a freighter. One way to emulate Kaiser and Musk, he said, would be to “make the Navy more standardized, modular and designed to be a kit of parts, so that standardized components feed into standardized systems that can be installed on standardized hull designs.”

He also points to South Korea, whose builders, drawing on civilian experience, design warships with construction and maintenance costs in mind. South Korea’s Aegis missile-defense-equipped destroyer weighs more than the U.S. equivalent, but that actually reduces cost by easing access for workers who install the complex electronics, O’Rourke said.

To build a bigger military, the key might be learning to build it more cheaply.

Celestial quality.... nuff said. :poop:
lol, not really now

lol, not really now

That study was absolutely laughable and based solely off of research papers. 🤣
That study had China ahead of the US in engine technology.

We live in the real world.
That study was absolutely laughable and based solely off of research papers. 🤣
That study had China ahead of the US in engine technology.

We live in the real world.
was issued by Australian institute, US is declining fast in many industries is a known fact, US itself admits it can't match China in shipbuilding, your posts about US ships won't change anything.

was issued by Australian institute, US is declining fast in many industries is a known fact, US itself admits it can't match China in shipbuilding, your posts about US ships won't change anything.

These are all brand new US ships and submarines. The USN delivers the highest quality and most advanced capabilities. It’s why the US can project power anywhere on the planet.

Like it’s doing now in the Western Pacific:


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