China ‘Soon to Be World’s Largest Air Force’

That study was absolutely laughable and based solely off of research papers. 🤣
That study had China ahead of the US in engine technology.

We live in the real world.
The crap these people choose to believe to help them with their inferiority complex is a sight to see. They search for crap articles like the one he posted to say, SEE WEE CHIRESE ARE SUPAPOWA STRONG!! It really is amazing the stuff they search for to stroke their ego.

How China’s $100B+ Shipbuilding Empire Dominates the U.S.’s | WSJ U.S. vs. China​


How China’s $100B+ Shipbuilding Empire Dominates the U.S.’s | WSJ U.S. vs. China​

Nobody wants or buys chirese naval ships, fighters, IADS, tanks, ect, ect... take a guess why sunshine? :rolleyes:

US Navy laments China’s shipbuilding supremacy​

US Navy Secretary says its imperative to upgrade fleet to keep pace with China but the reality is America lacks the capacity to do so

Nobody wants or buys chirese naval ships, fighters, IADS, tanks, ect, ect... take a guess why sunshine? :rolleyes:
Lol, doesn't stop China from capturing 85% of global shipbuilding orders.

By country, China topped the standings with 1.54 million CGT (54 ships,85 percent), followed by Korea with 170,000 CGT (2 ships, 10 percent).
I just love how they ignore the article I posted how their new and most powerful ship, Type 055, with the biggest and most "advanced" (Chirese made though) AESA was jammed as it tried to track Pelosi's plane when it was heading to Taiwan.

They are trying so hard to convince themselves that if they build a ship faster it must mean it’s of higher quality and more advanced capability. Give me capability any day.

And Chinas naval production has been offset by the US massive expansion of land based fires. PRSM, Typhon, NMESIS etc.
They are trying so hard to convince themselves that if they build a ship faster it must mean it’s of higher quality and more advanced capability. Give me capability any day.

And Chinas naval production has been offset by the US massive expansion of land based fires. PRSM, Typhon, NMESIS etc.
US Navy Secretary says so

US Navy Secretary says its imperative to upgrade fleet to keep pace with China but the reality is America lacks the capacity to do so
US Navy Secretary says so

The US Navy builds the most advanced ships and submarines on the planet and projects power everywhere on the globe.

And the Chinese? But muuuh production 🤣
The US Navy builds the most advanced ships and submarines on the planet and projects power everywhere on the globe.

And the Chinese? But muuuh production 🤣
I guess The US Navy Chief doesn't know, you really should tell him about it.
I guess The US Navy Chief doesn't know, you really should tell him about it.

US plans to turn Taiwan Strait into ‘unmanned Hellscape’ if China invades: top admiral​

If mainland China invades Taiwan, it may face a large, lethal drone force meant to make its military “miserable”.

At least that’s the plan, according to the top US admiral in the Pacific, who said the “Hellscape” strategy is designed to distract China and buy the United States time to respond.

“I want to turn the Taiwan Strait into an unmanned hellscape using a number of classified capabilities,” Admiral Samuel Paparo, the commander of US Indo-Pacific Command, told The Washington Post at the International Institute for Strategic Studies’ Shangri-La Dialogue Summit.

In doing so, he said: “I can make their lives utterly miserable for a month, which buys me the time for the rest of everything.”

The plan involves launching thousands of unmanned systems, from surface vessels and submarines to aerial drones, to fight Chinese invading forces as soon as they begin to cross the Taiwan Strait, effectively acting as a kind of first line of defence.

This type of strategy would require heavy investments in cheap, reliable drones, which the US has been doing with its Replicator initiative. Last year, the Department of Defence officially announced the program, which is a long-term plan to field thousands of autonomous systems.

While progress on the ambitious plan has been relatively quiet, there have been some signs of movement.

Back in March, Deputy Defence Secretary Kathleen Hicks said the Pentagon aims to spend US$1 billion this fiscal year on Replicator. A few capabilities have been highlighted as necessary for the first drones in the programme, and the Pentagon is working with defence partners to develop and acquire these systems.

Last summer, Hicks said Replicator aimed to counter China’s “biggest advantage”, which is its mass: “More ships. More missiles. More people.” She said “we’ll counter the [People’s Liberation Army’s] mass with mass of our own, but ours will be harder to plan for, harder to hit, harder to beat.”

The previous INDOPACOM commander said last year that US unmanned capabilities “will be an asymmetric advantage”.

“Operational concepts that we are working through are going to help amplify our advantages in this theatre”, he said, adding: “There’s a term, hellscape, that we use.”

Paparo’s remarks on the “Hellscape” strategy come on the heels of a massive Chinese military drill around Taiwan, during which it effectively surrounded the island and showed off joint force capabilities.

While the exercise showed Taiwan and the US how quickly and easily mainland China could employ a blockade, it was also a learning opportunity for the US military.

After the drills concluded, Paparo said they “looked like a rehearsal” for an invasion, telling Japan’s Nikkei newspaper: “We watched it. We took note. We learned from it. And they helped us prepare for the future.”

Choosing to go to war with the United States will be your worst nightmare
Choosing to go to war with the United States will be your worst nightmare
lol, we learned it 70 years ago.

The US Navy builds the most advanced ships and submarines on the planet and projects power everywhere on the globe.

And the Chinese? But muuuh production 🤣
Another funny thing about these people is they believe without thinking when some member of the MIC shouts poverty or falling behind chyna not thinking through that it is the job of many US generals and MIC folks to keep the funding train going. However they sometimes let the truth slip out and say they are not worried about PLA's capabilities VS U.S and that chinese fanboys ignore like these articles....

They won't believe this but they will believe when they say we're behind chyna we need more money.
Another funny thing about these people is they believe without thinking when some member of the MIC shouts poverty or falling behind chyna not thinking through that it is the job of many US generals and MIC folks to keep the funding train going. However they sometimes let the truth slip out and say they are not worried about PLA's capabilities VS U.S and that they ignore like this one....

They won't believe this but they will believe when they say we're behind chyna we need more money.
Either way, as long as they say they are being outcompeted by China, you won't believe it, and if they say they outcompete China, you are so eager to believe it. it's not about what they say, it's about what you believe and refuse to believe.
Either way, as long as they say they are being outcompeted by China, you won't believe it, and if they say they outcompete China, you are so eager to believe it. it's not about what they say, it's about what you believe and refuse to believe.
US MIC and US Generals have always needed a boogie man to keep the funding they remember the 90's how bad it was so they changed tactics and right now it is you Chirese that have been chosen as the evil monster wanting to eat American children and their democracy. US Generals and MIC are so grateful that China building a lot of warships and fighters because they get to say to congress, we're falling behind and point to china's military buildup without congress checking.

You have no idea how badly outclassed you are by the US. US has a whole secret defense budget that is more than UK, Germ, Fance and Russia.

It's probably at $100billion right now. A whole defense budget in the black where congress has no say. A program where weapon systems come straight out of SciFi shows. The stealth Blackhawk that was used to kill Osama where one crashed has never been made public after over a decade says a lot. Most of these flying toys call this base home...

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