Chinese EVs ‘compete very well’ on price and quality, even with extra EU tariffs: Expert

Right now the top selling Made in China EVs are Teslas (almost half) and Chinese owned MGs. I think Dacia #3 with a small slice.

Tesla engineers are mostly Chinese.
Compared to the West, China has huge natural and human resources. Also, not a lot of people in the West study STEM anymore. And that puts China at a significant advantage when it comes to cars. For every engineer the West can muster, China can muster several.

China will win in the end.

But it takes a very long time.

As long as China keeps innovating.
Tesla engineers are mostly Chinese.

Uh-huh..well I guess there are of course tons of smart Chinese who have fled China due to it being a failed state with companies not as cutting edge as American ones who would want to work for the best companies in the world.

Why work for some 2nd rate Chinese EV company in your homeland when you can work and worship Westerners ensuring they remain the best in the world?

Yep that makes perfect sense.

Konstantinos Laskaris, Tesla’s Chief Motor Design Engineer,
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Uh-huh..well I guess there are of course tons of smart Chinese who have fled China due to it being a failed state with companies not as cutting edge as American ones who would want to work for the best companies in the world.

Why work for some 2nd rate Chinese EV company in your homeland when you can work and worship Westerners ensuring they remain the best in the world?

Yep that makes perfect sense.

View attachment 49084
Konstantinos Laskaris, Tesla’s Chief Motor Design Engineer,

It is all about money mate, money attract talents and China only surpass US in terms of infrastructure and governance around 15 years ago. Before that China was still dirty, has high crime rate, high corruption, bad infrastructure. Not to forget racists like you.

Most top talent will still want to go US for a few years to gain experience and exposure before returning to China. Unless you are the desperate poor, most will return. I mean why not? Good infrastructure, high wage, lower inflation and good governance. The failures migrate permanently to US, the top talents migrate and return.
..and somehow you think that makes China look good?

Looks good? This is just reality. US is now declining so fast that the inner cities look like a 3rd world country. 20 years ago, China had nothing to boast. No top rate criminal prevention system, no nationwide surveillance system, no modern DNA database. You can literally kill someone and just disappear. China today does periodic checking of cold cases with DNA database and recently caught a serial killer.

20 years ago, I wouldn't even dare debate with you and say China is better at this or that. Times have change Jose. The old US was inclusive and somewhat righteous, the US after the fall of Soviet Union is no more righteous. Absolute power corrupts, it is time for check and balance.
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Looks good? This is just reality.

Reality should be US engineers going to work at Chinese EV companies to gain experience and exposure.

But it isn't. It is Chinese engineers coming to the US for experience.

The US is forever the teacher while China remains the matter how much you think things have changed in the last 20 years.
Reality should be US engineers going to work at Chinese EV companies to gain experience and exposure.

But it isn't. It is Chinese engineers coming to the US for experience.

The US is forever the teacher while China remains the matter how much you think things have changed in the last 20 years.

Chinese engineers will go to any tech company for experience and exposure. i doubt CATL, BYD, HUAWEI will allow Americans to come here, we don't lack engineers, US is the one lacking them. You have the right to think US is forever at the top. You do know US is already at the risk of a civil war.
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