Chinese Military - General News

The development of the Chinese Army air brigade is nothing short of astonishing from zero to 15 brigades in 20 years with all domestic helicopter except heli transporter
Quite surprising. The last report I had seen was 12 units, now there are 15, a 25% increase in four years. I think it would be quite informative how the PLA views the use of aviation in support of ground forces in the combined arms concept. The more the PLA trains and operates using helicopter units, the more they should understand how vital they are to modern operations.

However, exercises conducted in recent years have determined that many tactical and operational commanders are still not adequately trained and ready to employ the helicopter assets assigned to them. For example, the PLA media routinely reports that some commanders do not know how to employ “new combat forces” or are unwilling or unwilling to do so.

Probably part of the reason for this problem is that in the past there were so few Army Aviation units available that commanders down to the battalion level, trained almost exclusively in their own branch functions, had few opportunities to interact with Army Aviation. As the PLA Army grows, the new combat forces will become a larger percentage of the ground unit and more commonly seen in training. However, changing the mindset of commanders to integrate Army Aviation into traditional operations will not magically happen overnight.

Indeed, this concept of combined arms battalions is something that has been implemented currently, but several improvements are needed to make this new combat force operationally prepared for the challenges of modern warfare. It took approximately 20 years for the Army Aviation Corps to expand from seven units with 135 mostly transport helicopters to 15 operational units with over 1,000 helicopters of all types, including attack helicopters. It seems likely that the Army Aviation Corps will grow more rapidly in the coming years than it did in the first two decades of the Army Aviation Corps’ existence. As among the “new fighting forces,” Army Aviation, Special Operations Forces and Combined Arms Battalions units will be in the news more often as they train and operate together.

The ZTZ-99 is the latest generation of Chinese main battle tanks, representing the most advanced armor technology produced domestically by China. It stands as a symbol of China's military modernization, equipped with cutting-edge systems for firepower, mobility, and protection. A recent development, as shared by "David Wang" on X (formerly Twitter) on September 19, 2024, reveals that China is currently developing a variant of the ZTZ-99 outfitted with an advanced Active Protection System (APS). This APS includes two projectile launchers and four fire control radars, similar to the GL-6 system, first revealed in 2022.

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