Chinese Type 041 Zhou class mini nuclear submarine reported to have sunk in Wuhan

Type 41 conventional with plugin small reactor is planned but not built yet. Wuchang can't build nuclear submarines because they are not qualified. It required workers, and procedures qualified for nuclear facilities. Then you need a nuclear refueling facility. Logically the only one that has all of them is the Huludao shipyard in Liaoning province or Maybe even the Jiangnan shipyard in Chiangxin island

Well a boat sunk, b/c that submarine is not there now.

US intelligence thinks its carrying nuclear fuel based on their own assessments and their observance of how Chinese authorities are going about salvaging the boat.

Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth​

Dear If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. That's why we are seeing so many articles and posts on this old fake news.
That flag that we used to have in the older PDF ain't here anymore. The smiley with the chinese flag :LOL:
There was confusion and disagreement over this boat sinking and they closed the thread citing fake news, but now its not just 1 report, there are several reports, and far more details have come out, to where I don't think its just a rumor, but there is something to this report, and it should be open for discussion.

We Initially thought it was a Type 93B or a Type 95 and the chinese users pointed out that its being build in China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation Bohai Shipyard, Huludao

But this boat was reported sunk Wuchang Shipyard, located near Wuhan in Hubei Province, China.

So people assumed it was fake b/c they assumed that if it was a 093 or 095 it would have been built in Huludao.

But this seems to be the Type 041 Nuclear Submarine.

It was also posted about in this thread.

Just because lot of people repeat the same thing doesn't make it true. The evidence for this is too little. A missing image from a commercial satellite doesn't mean a whole lot. I do hope we have better intelligence capability than this. This should be considered political gossip mongering. I don't know why they are doing this. But disinformation has become fashionable everywhere.
So when Pro China people post here or Pro Chinese publications post, why don't you call them out?

Here is a Pro China Bot posting about the Type 041 several months back(before this whole sinking news came)

Or a Post about it on Pro Chinese websites.

There is a DoD report also saying its nuclear powered.

So either you are more intelligent than the people in the US intelligence services who made the same assessment that the pro chinese bloggers were bragging about a few months back with their "mini nuclear reactor" submarine, they were all BSing, b/c its such "common sense", or you are just blabbering. lol
A "bot" is a dummy who just repeats whatever others say without thinking. Talk about a "DoD" report, is this the same DoD who also reported WMD in Iraq? After thousands of lives lost, billions of dollars spent, were they proved right?
So when Pro China people post here or Pro Chinese publications post, why don't you call them out?

Here is a Pro China Bot posting about the Type 041 several months back(before this whole sinking news came)

Or a Post about it on Pro Chinese websites.

There is a DoD report also saying its nuclear powered.

So either you are more intelligent than the people in the US intelligence services who made the same assessment that the pro chinese bloggers were bragging about a few months back with their "mini nuclear reactor" submarine, they were all BSing, b/c its such "common sense", or you are just blabbering. lol

1st Your mentioned post/thread is it's self starting with word "Rumors" so what to comments.
2ndly if we didn't comments as per your wishes doesn't make any fake news to a fact.
3rdly can you tell Why US Intelligence Reports can't be propaganda when they are receiving huge money for that too.
The standard that people are applying for dismissing the report, you realize nothing in China can ever go wrong or be bad by that standard, its not physically possible.

B/c all that is required is to claim everything is false the US Congress is funding fake news etc etc then do the same copy paste on anything that slightly bad news about china.

None of them are actually addressing the actual report itself and why they think its false. Its all Ad Hominem stuff.
Here is the submarine in question btw.

That flag that we used to have in the older PDF ain't here anymore. The smiley with the chinese flag :LOL:

To be honest, everyone do propaganda against enemy but level of Chinese are much much better than others. West was somewhat better but not at the level of Chinese. Then comes other countries like Pakistan And last but not least India, please don't ask the level of Indians with me. They are still living in Vedic Period. 😜
1st Your mentioned post/thread is it's self starting with word "Rumors" so what to comments.
2ndly if we didn't comments as per your wishes doesn't make any fake news to a fact.
3rdly can you tell Why US Intelligence Reports can't be propaganda when they are receiving huge money for that too.

b/c initially it was a rumor. How is that a point? Every report starts out as a rumor, then either it gets shown to be false or the story grows with more details coming out.

Iran's president dying in a helicopter crash was a rumor as well, until more details started coming out. lol

If this report was being faked by the US intelligence, China would have a great opportunity to embarrass them by positing the Submarine above water right now(rather than several months from now when they salvage the boat and then fix the damage and replace the electronics).

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