Chinese Type 041 Zhou class mini nuclear submarine reported to have sunk in Wuhan

US says it's similar to this accident

Yes that boat sank, accidents happen, just like an accident likely happened with this boat. I didn't post this to know China, I just posted it b/c its a news story. This likely won't slow down China's submarine program, which will continue to grow.
No body Belittle China's Progress and achievements as much China it self do. It's their way of war.

500 IQ move, fake a submarine sinking story several months in advance of the ICBM test, then mention things about it afterwards.

Then comes other countries like Pakistan And last but not least India, please don't ask the level of Indians with me. They are still living in Vedic Period.
Yes I know! Why only propaganda? Indians are at least 2000 years if not more behind Pakistan in everything starting from technology, self-sufficiency, STEM, Universities, Education, Polio, Medicare, Infrastructure, Dams, Billionaires, banking system pretty much everything. It is what it is. :(

But, back to topic. How soon would you believe such a report from the same source about any other country.
This is not the first news of a "fake Chinese sub sinking" Use your head how a Nuclear sub with a draft of at least 7.5 m sinks in river that has 5 m depth

can we confirm that 039 boats are built in Wuhan?

We aren't contesting that right?

If so, why is it impossible to believe a boat of the same size based on the 039 with a nuclear reactor can't be built there?

This terrible piece of disinformation has just given Trump another election ammunition to attack his opponent. It's so illogical, so incoherent, just like Kamala Harris when she speaks and when she explains why clouding computing is up in the sky 😂
b/c initially it was a rumor. How is that a point? Every report starts out as a rumor, then either it gets shown to be false or the story grows with more details coming out.

Iran's president dying in a helicopter crash was a rumor as well, until more details started coming out. lol

If this report was being faked by the US intelligence, China would have a great opportunity to embarrass them by positing the Submarine above water right now(rather than several months from now when they salvage the boat and then fix the damage and replace the electronics).

Just see below post:

It is their way of coping with the news of the Chinese ICBM launch trying to belittle China's progress and achievement

This is not the first news of a "fake Chinese sub sinking" Use your head how a Nuclear sub with a draft of at least 7.5 m sinks in river that has 5 m depth

Dear @hyperman It's not china didn't have failures I am sure they do and they have a way to hide it too but that doesn't mean this news was true. It was proved fake earlier and still have no proof other than "US Intelligence Report Says" which is not a proof by any means. The circumstances of this news being true is very bleak and chance of being fake still are high enough to be considered fake. US Intelligence Report itself didn't provide anything which can be considered as proof. If they do than please share it.
can we confirm that 039 boats are built in Wuhan?

We aren't contesting that right?

If so, why is it impossible to believe a boat of the same size based on the 039 with a nuclear reactor can't be built there?

View attachment 67723
Because they never built a nuclear reactor and were not qualified to build one. You need certification to build nuclear reactor and nuclear refuelling facility
Who said the submarine type? That was speculation on internet. The actual report is the one that came out recently.

And how did you "prove it false" last time? lol

US intelligence reports are the ones being cited now, not random people on the internet observing things.

This is the same submarine at the shipyard before it sunk.

View attachment 67705
Random people would be more credible. Don't you know disinformation is a part of the job description of US intelligence?
Yes I know! Why only propaganda? Indians are at least 2000 years if not more behind Pakistan in everything starting from technology, self-sufficiency, STEM, Universities, Education, Polio, Medicare, Infrastructure, Dams, Billionaires, banking system pretty much everything. It is what it is. :(
No I am just referring Propaganda, rest is plain lie.

But, back to topic. How soon would you believe such a report from the same source about any other country.
Never until provide some proof with it which is missing here. So I would not believe, sooner or later is not an option here. I am more logical type person than i should be.

This is the photo of the incident in question. So why so many crane in that spot? What are they trying to lift from beneath the waves in that spot?
You need this to build nuclear-powered sub

Reactor Fuelling Facility (RFF)

This structure is located to the immediate east of the LMFS. While the original building measures 56m x 44m, a structure (34m x 30m) was constructed to its immediate west in 2021-22. The double-walled containment of the original building was evident in images while it was still under construction (Figure 9A). Therefore, it is likely that the building is used for handling reactor fuel. There are two large doors on the western side, each with its own set of rails (Figure 9B), likely for transporting fuelled reactors to the LMFS. The new addition to the east is presumably for capacity expansion.

Figures 9A and 9B: Reactor-Fuelling Facility Under Construction; Completed


They just built a brand new and large nuclear fabrication facility why do they need Wuhan to build nuc sub?
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This is the photo of the incident in question. So why so many crane in that spot? What are they trying to lift from beneath the waves in that spot?
That shadow belongs to the crane, not necessarily the submarine but that doesn't rule out the possibility of a sinking submarine down there. Light bends underwater, and visibility depends on how clear the water is, which affects whether you can see the "shadow" of the submarine below the surface. Also, one more thing, the red arrow is pointing to an oil containment boom. It's almost certain that there is a sinking submarine down there, possibly a diesel type.
Here's my old comment that got deleted along with the thread. I also think that's definitely a sinking submarine but not the nuclear type that WSJ suggested.
Well this might be a fake news, but you know China, they will never admit it.
Like... admitting the fake news is real? How would you do that? "It's fake, Ladies and Gentlemen, but I admit it's real."

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