Chinese Type 041 Zhou class mini nuclear submarine reported to have sunk in Wuhan

Because the black cigar shape figure is a SHADOW OF THE CRANE SETTING UP FOR MOORING TEST

Yes, I know that it is shadow of crane. I can see shadow of each crane in the photo.

But the photo does show unusual activity in that spot at a particular point in time. It looks like an attempt to recover something. What that is, we don't know. It is not visible in the photo.
Should they just lineup all their submarines for you to count just because tens of "your" media houses came up with a news that one of those submarine sank ? By this logic, I am here claiming that USA's 6th generation fighter jet was destroyed recently. Now you refute this news and show me all of your "secret" prototypes you testing.

ok, but if some satellite photos emerged from a secret base where you saw it before in another satellite photo, then you see its wreckage being salvaged where it was previously, then you would be warranted. lol, not any more incorrect comparisons?
Yes, I know that it is shadow of crane. I can see shadow of each crane in the photo.

But the photo does show unusual activity in that spot at a particular point in time. It looks like an attempt to recover something. What that is, we don't know. It is not visible in the photo.
Yes, I know that it is shadow of crane. I can see shadow of each crane in the photo.

But the photo does show unusual activity in that spot at a particular point in time. It looks like an attempt to recover something. What that is, we don't know. It is not visible in the photo.

Stop you are making too much sense. lol
Saar gee when did you become an expert on rivers and depths and drafts of submarines? :)

Intelligence agency people have jobs to do surveillance, this newsreport came from an intelligence brief not a random blogger.

You are not better than then in making assessments, especially when they have clandestine resources for observance.

What proof would you be willing to accept?

And what proof would an intelligence agency reveal without giving away how it collected the information?

Common sense isn't common because people follow their emotions instead of reason.

I can't accept even if US Intelligence Report say they saw a Chinese person drowned in one inch height stranded water.

Because US Intelligence is saying, maybe some will accept it because we are not better than them in making assessments, especially when they have clandestine resources for observance.
Common sense isn't common because people follow their emotions instead of reason.

I can't accept even if US Intelligence Report say they saw a Chinese person drowned in one inch height stranded water.

Because US Intelligence is saying, maybe some will accept it because we are not better than them in making assessments, especially when they have clandestine resources for observance.

Let's change it up a bit, let me ask you is there anything that you believe to be true about China that is negative news, that the "Pro China" people deny but you believe?
Let's change it up a bit, let me ask you is there anything that you believe to be true about China that is negative news, that the "Pro China" people deny but you believe?
The issue is not whether you are pro-China or anti-China, the real issue is that there is no evidence to support this claim. It's that simple.
Let's change it up a bit, let me ask you is there anything that you believe to be true about China that is negative news, that the "Pro China" people deny but you believe?

Yes like not letting their people use lots of western apps, Too much control on people life, controlling people choices, restricting them from many a things, Some Chinese people did lots of wrong things while doing business with other countries, There are lots of things.
Fair enough. I appreciate all responses to my posts in this thread. I don't have anything else to share for now. To discuss all things in sensible ways is something I always welcome and recommend.
Yes like not letting their people use lots of western apps, Too much control on people life, controlling people choices, restricting them from many a things, Some Chinese people did lots of wrong things while doing business with other countries, There are lots of things.

Thats not the question, but nice try anyways. lol

Pro Chinese people have always warned against using Western Apps, saying they are compromised by western intelligence and can be subversive(And they are right about that, China was correct in fire-walling and developing its own ecosystem).

I asked you about something bad/negative about china, that you believe but they deny, and you failed to answer the question.

Someone negative or something embarrassing about china, a claim made, that you believe, but they deny. thats the question, let's give it another shot, shall we?
Thats not the question, but nice try anyways. lol

Pro Chinese people have always warned against using Western Apps, saying they are compromised by western intelligence and can be subversive(And they are right about that). So you are essentially saying something they agree with.

I asked you about something bad/negative about china, that you believe but they deny, and you failed to answer the question.

Someone negative or something embarrassing about china, a claim made, that you believe, but they deny. thats the question, let's give it another shot, shall we?

Dear Then I didn't understand what you want to ask (I probably failed to understand your query but that's not failed to answer), can you share some exact point on which you want my answer. I am now confused what you want to ask.
The issue is not whether you are pro-China or anti-China, the real issue is that there is no evidence to support this claim. It's that simple.

But there literally is, the Submarine was filed at that shipyard. Then it disappeared and there were several cranes at the place, thats the evidence. Or atleast the evidence you will see released publicly, any other evidence will not be released b/c it would compromise intelligence gathering, so no intelligence agency will reveal more.

What would you reasonably be willing to accept as evidence?

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