
Jan 11, 2024
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Interesting read about what china is saying about CPEC in mandarin.

"Qian writes that many Pakistanis regard CPEC a “game-changer” and even a “fate-changer”, expecting that, when completed, CPEC would bring fundamental changes to their lives. “However, whether CPEC can really change Pakistan, or to what extent can it change, is a question that can only be answered when it is completed,” she states. At the moment she said she was more concerned “whether CPEC can be implemented successfully.”


"The developers from Punjab and Sindh, who had made a fortune from trading land in Balochistan, did not build schools and other social infrastructures as they had agreed,” wrote Professor Ruoshui Jiao"


"Yan He of China’s Tsinghua University. They wrote that being “one of the slowest developing South Asian countries, Pakistan considers CPEC as a lifeline to stimulate its economy and promote its infrastructure.” In their view “the government, military and research institutes in Pakistan have placed high expectations on China"


@ety Have you been lying to your iron brother in English and talking different in mandarin?

Interesting read about what china is saying about CPEC in mandarin.

"Qian writes that many Pakistanis regard CPEC a “game-changer” and even a “fate-changer”, expecting that, when completed, CPEC would bring fundamental changes to their lives. “However, whether CPEC can really change Pakistan, or to what extent can it change, is a question that can only be answered when it is completed,” she states. At the moment she said she was more concerned “whether CPEC can be implemented successfully.”


"The developers from Punjab and Sindh, who had made a fortune from trading land in Balochistan, did not build schools and other social infrastructures as they had agreed,” wrote Professor Ruoshui Jiao"


"Yan He of China’s Tsinghua University. They wrote that being “one of the slowest developing South Asian countries, Pakistan considers CPEC as a lifeline to stimulate its economy and promote its infrastructure.” In their view “the government, military and research institutes in Pakistan have placed high expectations on China"


@ety Have you been lying to your iron brother in English and talking different in mandarin?
I don't know what the heck you are talking about, except you Indians are sour of CPEC and want it to fail badly.

Interesting read about what china is saying about CPEC in mandarin.

"Qian writes that many Pakistanis regard CPEC a “game-changer” and even a “fate-changer”, expecting that, when completed, CPEC would bring fundamental changes to their lives. “However, whether CPEC can really change Pakistan, or to what extent can it change, is a question that can only be answered when it is completed,” she states. At the moment she said she was more concerned “whether CPEC can be implemented successfully.”


"The developers from Punjab and Sindh, who had made a fortune from trading land in Balochistan, did not build schools and other social infrastructures as they had agreed,” wrote Professor Ruoshui Jiao"


"Yan He of China’s Tsinghua University. They wrote that being “one of the slowest developing South Asian countries, Pakistan considers CPEC as a lifeline to stimulate its economy and promote its infrastructure.” In their view “the government, military and research institutes in Pakistan have placed high expectations on China"


@ety Have you been lying to your iron brother in English and talking different in mandarin?

Calm down Indian. CPEC is fine.

Interesting read about what china is saying about CPEC in mandarin.

"Qian writes that many Pakistanis regard CPEC a “game-changer” and even a “fate-changer”, expecting that, when completed, CPEC would bring fundamental changes to their lives. “However, whether CPEC can really change Pakistan, or to what extent can it change, is a question that can only be answered when it is completed,” she states. At the moment she said she was more concerned “whether CPEC can be implemented successfully.”


"The developers from Punjab and Sindh, who had made a fortune from trading land in Balochistan, did not build schools and other social infrastructures as they had agreed,” wrote Professor Ruoshui Jiao"


"Yan He of China’s Tsinghua University. They wrote that being “one of the slowest developing South Asian countries, Pakistan considers CPEC as a lifeline to stimulate its economy and promote its infrastructure.” In their view “the government, military and research institutes in Pakistan have placed high expectations on China"


@ety Have you been lying to your iron brother in English and talking different in mandarin?
Yes CPEC is a success story and the first international flight has been done to Gwadar international airport.

But people should not get too over excited about Gwadar/CPEC. That is the point.
Yes CPEC is a success story and the first international flight has been done to Gwadar international airport.

But people should not get too over excited about Gwadar/CPEC. That is the point.
Idk man chinese sound a little unconvinced in gwadar
Pakistani I'm just posting what your media is reporting..

What da fuq? You have time to open Pakistani newspapers and read them?? 😂😂😂😂
Who reads newspapers these days? And wow man you have nothing to do! Hows life? What do u do? I want to be that vella in life!

Swear to God I never thought to open Indian newspapers and read em! hahaha
What da fuq? You have time to open Pakistani newspapers and read them?? 😂😂😂😂
Who reads newspapers these days? And wow man you have nothing to do! Hows life? What do u do? I want to be that vella in life!

Swear to God I never thought to open Indian newspapers and read em! hahaha
Ye because it's hilarious lol
Professor Xuemei Qian of China’s prestigious Peking University highlighted the vast difference in understanding about CPEC among Pakistani and Chinese people, stating, “Pakistani people… believe it [CPEC] is their hope to change their lives”, while for China, it is “just a project of the BRI.”

From dawn article

And that's the issue our leaders over inflate it for political gains and when it doesn't deliver its hype people become disappointed

BTW countries build themselves not upon foreign projects
CPEC , the Gawadar corridor is a excellent project for Pakistan
however in order to fully reap the benefits for this project

1- Political Stability is must i.e Release of Imran Khan
2- Restoration of Trust between People (Citizens of Pakistan) and Rule/Justice
3- The major investors in Baluchistan will be Pakistani people

The success and failure of Project lies in Hand of Pakistani people

If Pakistani people will not trust the Governance we will not invest , no investor can risk it
"Qian writes that many Pakistanis regard CPEC a “game-changer” and even a “fate-changer”, expecting that, when completed, CPEC would bring fundamental changes to their lives. “However, whether CPEC can really change Pakistan, or to what extent can it change, is a question that can only be answered when it is completed,” she states. At the moment she said she was more concerned “whether CPEC can be implemented successfully.”
When is CPEC going to be completed.

Interesting read about what china is saying about CPEC in mandarin.

"Qian writes that many Pakistanis regard CPEC a “game-changer” and even a “fate-changer”, expecting that, when completed, CPEC would bring fundamental changes to their lives. “However, whether CPEC can really change Pakistan, or to what extent can it change, is a question that can only be answered when it is completed,” she states. At the moment she said she was more concerned “whether CPEC can be implemented successfully.”


"The developers from Punjab and Sindh, who had made a fortune from trading land in Balochistan, did not build schools and other social infrastructures as they had agreed,” wrote Professor Ruoshui Jiao"


"Yan He of China’s Tsinghua University. They wrote that being “one of the slowest developing South Asian countries, Pakistan considers CPEC as a lifeline to stimulate its economy and promote its infrastructure.” In their view “the government, military and research institutes in Pakistan have placed high expectations on China"


@ety Have you been lying to your iron brother in English and talking different in mandarin?
@nibba get burnol please. U need it
CPEC was never supposed to be a game changer or life changer. It is in short, a big infrastructure package in the otherwise backwards Balochistan.

It gives the Chinese an alternate route for imports as well.

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