Drone Strike In Paktika

So Our All-Knowing All-Wise Leaders Have Decided To Play With Fire Again. We Will Go Back To The Dark Days Of 2007-2015 In No Time

You have to understand where this sudden courage has come from. Pakistan is a country that was sleeping for the better half of the decade. Pakistan is a reluctant country most of the time. You will never see the Pakistani army attacking Afghan territory even when the opposite side has transgressed. Often the argument is that there are no winners. At best we see border closures for a few days. You ask yourself why suddenly such attacks are taking place. Wasn't TTP mounting attacks against Pakistan when the US/NATO were present in Afghanistan?

Ever since US/NATO left and made a deal with the Pakistani generals to look after Afghanistan you have suddenly seen an upsurge in attacks. This heroic fightback is due to Uncle Sam's permission. Uncle Sam has somewhat outsourced Afghanistan to Pakistani generals in their absence.

Just listen carefully to the spokesperson in the White House when speaking about the Pakistani army and generals. There is no more criticism. To the contrary, the Americans want to suddenly cooperate and work together. Now you understand what cooperation and working together means.
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Your right, we should just let Afghans attack us without response

Pakistan should have done the obvious many many years ago. Without any dictation and meddling from the US. You remember at the height of the WoT when the TTP was attacking Pakistan constantly? This isn't heroics and no one is fooled by it. This is all happening with the full consent of Uncle Sam. Now it is suddenly halal to attack Afghanistan.

We know exactly what the Americans always mean with their favourite phrase i.e. security partnership with Pakistan.
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So Our All-Knowing All-Wise Leaders Have Decided To Play With Fire Again. We Will Go Back To The Dark Days Of 2007-2015 In No Time
Only Pakistanis are suicidal and self hating enough to allow child murdering zio-kharji afghan terrorists roam freely and settle in Pakistan.
I am really surprised at the lack of posts in this topic. Lately I have noticed that hot topics are rarely discussed.
I am really surprised at the lack of posts in this topic. Lately I have noticed that hot topics are rarely discussed.
Probably because it didn't happen. There are no other reports, even from afghan social media who are almost always the first to report on any such incident.
Probably because it didn't happen. There are no other reports, even from afghan social media who are almost always the first to report on any such incident.

That explains a lot.
So Our All-Knowing All-Wise Leaders Have Decided To Play With Fire Again. We Will Go Back To The Dark Days Of 2007-2015 In No Time
We should bend over and leave our asshole spread open so an Afghani terrorist can come and take a dip, is that what you want?

People like you should be thrown across the border tbh, too many coward cucks.
Pakistan should have done the obvious many many years ago. Without any dictation and meddling from the US. You remember at the height of the WoT when the TTP was attacking Pakistan constantly? This isn't heroics and no one is fooled by it. This is all happening with the full consent of Uncle Sam. Now it is suddenly halal to attack Afghanistan.

We know exactly what the Americans always mean with their favourite phrase i.e. security partnership with Pakistan.
I'm always down to blame the Americans but a lot of the times it has been our own establishment at fault.

Remember this was their genius lumber 1 IQ move that somehow strengthening the same group that sees you as their most extreme enemy that they are willing to die in the proccess to destroy, is somehow a good idea.

The establishment practically worshipped Afghans and had erotica fantasies about them. They taught the nation to also suck up to them. Boomer military-Afghan mullah alliance was real.
what about TTP supporters inside Pakistan including IK and his followers.

Yar. Just kill IK so that you are done with this excuse.. but what if even after killing IK, military failed to provide security to the nation and we still keep giving "sacrifices" ? Will you go for the generals heads then ?
Yar. Just kill IK so that you are done with this excuse.. but what if even after killing IK, military failed to provide security to the nation and we still keep giving "sacrifices" ? Will you go for the generals heads then ?
Do you deny that PTI supporters have been peddling TTP propaganda and at times openly supporting them though?

He is right. PTI supporters are like weak emotional little girls, especially the Punjabi leftist types that just cry, truly repulsive cringe people.

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