Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


UN inquiry says Israel and Hamas have both committed war crimes since October 7​

Why omit Hamas? They are not exactly angels either. War is war.

No, that is false equivalency. Just look at how Hamas treats it's Captives and how Israel has treated Palestinian Hostages for over 75 years!

You believe CNN?... The Media that says Iraq had weapons of mass destruction???.... How naive are you?...
No, that is false equivalency. Just look at how Hamas treats it's Captives and how Israel has treated Palestinian Hostages for over 75 years!

I merely quoted what the UN inquiry says without any selection of what one would choose to believe or not. War is war: both sides are committing war crimes according to the UN inquiry.
Thank you.

I am dealing with hateful idiots.

Someone here said I was a Muslim already, but the more I search online, first thing to come up is what Muslims can and cannot do.

I recall what Sam Houston said when the Christians finally baptized him. Preacher, dipping him in a river, said, "All your sins are washed away."

First thing Sam Houston asked, "Are the fishes ok?"

Houston, Texas is named after him. My cousin restored the school house Sam Houston went to in Maryville, Tennessee.

Born in Rockbridge County, Virginia, Houston and his family relocated to Maryville, Tennessee, when he was a teenager. Houston later ran away from home, spending about three years living with the Cherokee,[1] becoming known as "Raven." He served under General Andrew Jackson in the War of 1812;

Big bro lives in Katy, just a few miles west of Houston, been there many times. There's a lot of Muslims in Houston, and who doesn't love Texas? It's one of the defining states in this great country, with its geographical location but particularly its history in the shaping of the eventual lower 48. From Houston to Dallas to San Antonio, Austin, Fort Worth, Arlington, Corpus Christi so many big, major cities in that super large state. Even Plano has that unmistakable cowboy charm unique to that state. Don't mess with Texas!

As far as sins in Islam, the basic ones that cover the general no-no's are pretty much the standard, all around do not commits. There are certainly a few that go well beyond what's allowed in Christianity, but they all make sense. The biggest difference in the atonement aspect is that no priest can absolve you of your sins simply by confessing them to him. I realize that is mostly in Catholicism, but being that Catholicism is a major part of Christendom, it's still a major difference. We also don't believe Jesus (a.s.) was crucified, but rather saved by God, hence he never "died for our sins," going back to that.

And of course he was human, not divine, likely the largest difference and blasphemous to the worse degree to equate any human, with Allah (swt), regardless of the intended "notion" that He came to mankind in the form of a man in order to relate to man. A concept most consider created by man, not by God.

I'm guessing you most likely know all this stuff so forgive me if I'm stating the obvious. I saw your comment on finding things Muslim can and cannot do, so I figured I would chime in a bit. Oh yeah, and the impressive city of Houston, too.

Oh hey, what d'ya know, our favorite bimbo just came up with a rather neat metaphor. Good for her! :D

BTW, not sure of the veracity of this, but certainly interesting. Not surprised at all that there would be a group as such, run mostly by the CIA. Unless it's bogus.

I merely quoted what the UN inquiry says without any selection of what one would choose to believe or not. War is war: both sides are committing war crimes according to the UN inquiry.
Someone already has posted the actual report here. Please read it.

You shouldn't be a Mod on a forum that doesn't support the Zionist colonization of Palestine
Both sides will fight will ALL the means at their disposal. There is no requirement for proportionality of response in a war. If a weaker side chooses to fight a more powerful adversary, that is their decision. Those truths hold for any conflict throughout human history. The side that conducts war in all its aspects wins. Plain and simple.
That's literally the definition of "just your opinion, man" - but you're gravely mistaken and I think you know that.

There is a thing called international law and the geneva convention and the West has been hammering the global south about the idea of the "rule based order" for decades.

"Proportionality" is literally a thing, it's not an opinion of mine, it's just a mere fact.

If you don't believe in international law then that's your prerogative, just be honest about your "might is right" worldview.
If you don't believe in international law then that's your prerogative, just be honest about your "might is right" worldview.

I think my post that you quoted was absolutely clear exactly as I worded it:

Both sides will fight will ALL the means at their disposal. There is no requirement for proportionality of response in a war. If a weaker side chooses to fight a more powerful adversary, that is their decision. Those truths hold for any conflict throughout human history. The side that conducts war in all its aspects wins. Plain and simple.
I merely quoted what the UN inquiry says without any selection of what one would choose to believe or not. War is war: both sides are committing war crimes according to the UN inquiry.

Israel is committing war crimes

But the pressure on the U.N is so much that it is unable to call out Israel and has to include Hamas

Just like you say war is war and their are consequences

Their are consequences for what the Jews have done in the middle east, and their has to be a response
I think my post that you quoted was absolutely clear exactly as I worded it:

Both sides will fight will ALL the means at their disposal. There is no requirement for proportionality of response in a war. If a weaker side chooses to fight a more powerful adversary, that is their decision. Those truths hold for any conflict throughout human history. The side that conducts war in all its aspects wins. Plain and simple.
And like I said that's just your subjective opinion which is problematic to say the least.

You believe in "might is right" - "a society's view of right and wrong is determined by those in power" and "rejection of conventional ideas such as advocacy of human and natural rights and that only strength or physical might can establish moral right."

This rhetoric is reprehensible and dangerous, it can and has excused the worst of crimes like rape and slavery on the basis of strength and ability.

I gave you a way out, just say it's your opinion and move on.

Think it is almost certain now that the ICJ will conclude that this merits the definition of genocide.

ICC will issue arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Yallant and there will probably be more arrest warrants to come for those who directed assisted in the genocide by supplying weapons and/or diplomatic cover. Sunak, Schroder better start getting worried.

Even if this does not lead to the arrest and incarceration of the Zionist war criminals, but destroys the unity between the US/Europe over "rules based order" and "International law" then it is a plus for Muslims and the "Global South" in general.
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Another numbnut with a meme.

Arno Schickedanz (27 December 1892[1] – 12 April 1945) was a diplomat of the German Reich who held paramount positions in both the NSDAP Office of Foreign Affairs (APA) and the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories (RMfdbO).

He was the proposed ruler of the Reichskommissariat Kaukasien:


In his own words....


by Arno Schickedanz

The source: Arno Schickedanz, “Der Zionismus,” Der Schulungsbrief 3 (April 1936), pp. 149-150.

Some snippets...

The confusion of political Zionism with Palestine can be understood only through the Jewish prophecies in which Jewry is assured of control over all the goods of this world. Knowing that the time was near, and would culminate in taking possession of Palestine, Zionism developed the nonsensical notion of an “historic claim” to the “promised land,” to which Jews “without any outside pressure” would gradually emigrate.

In the ideology of political Zionism, Palestine fulfilled the role of an indispensable part of prophecy, just as certain rules are the guarantee for success in the magical ceremonies of primitive peoples. Political Zionism never intended Palestine to be the destination of all Jews, but rather it merely wants to make Palestine the center of Jewish world policy.

The Arabs are, after all, the undisputed owners of the land. But what other territory would be appropriate? And at the instant Palestine ceased to be the goal of Jewish emigration, political Zionism would collapse, since Palestine is seen as a means for the fulfillment of prophecy. Without that, the whole enterprise would lose its point.


S.S. head Heinrich Himmler with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini in 1943.Credit: © Bettmann/CORBIS

The Himmler telegram reads:

“To Grand Mufti Amin al-Husseini:
From the outset, the National Socialist movement of Greater Germany has been a standard-bearer in the battle against world Jewry. For this reason, it is closely following the battle of freedom-seeking Arabs, particularly in Palestine, against the Jewish invaders. The shared recognition of the enemy and the joint fight against it are creating the strong base [uniting] Germany and freedom-seeking Arabs around the world. In this spirit, I am pleased to wish you, on the anniversary of the wretched Balfour Declaration, warm wishes on your continued fight until the great victory.”


Good to see, at least some Palestinians, remember who were once their friends....

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