Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israel, in its Zionist form, is a cancer affecting the heartland of the Muslim world which is a contiguous region of literally millions of people from the 'Stans like Pakistan/Tajikistan to the north western shores of Africa. The Muslim land contiguity is basically broken by Israel. Imagine if a Muslim state, even if a narrow long one, backed by a Superpower and its rich powerful allies, was put in the middle of Europe as a tiny slice going from the Med. Sea to the northern seas. One could say, he, it is such a tiny land, so let it be. But the impact for regional chaos in Europe would be tremendously destructive!!
So Israel serves as an arm of the imperial Neo Cons in America. The Neo Cons have enriched themselves for generation because of the wars in the MENA region AND in Europe. Israel ensures the gravy train in the Middle East for these Neo Cons in America.

It's a vassel state, to keep the middleeast unstable and under their thumbs but Islamically this is the sign of dajaal coming, the zionist are waiting for their messiah to come and rule from Israel, he will indeed come.

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Please note that my question was not who has a problem with coexisting, but rather HOW both sides can learn to coexist with each other peacefully on an enduring basis, given that neither side can kill off all of the opposing side, nor ship them off physically to somewhere else, try as they might. And that applies to both sides equally.

Welcome back.

I want to highlight a point in this discussion about eliminating the opposing side or relocating them. The Israelis have a history of doing this through settlement projects such as the West Bank Settlements. The current coalition government is the most far-right we've seen in the last 75 years, and their stated goal is to remove what they refer to as "the animals." If they choose to go this route, there is no force on earth that can or will stop them; the last several months have proven it, along with the silence of the surrounding nations.

There are concerns about the divisions created by the Israelis in the North and South Gaza to reintroduce settlements. There is a possibility that settlements might not happen. Recent imagery shows a strong indication of separation between North and South Gaza; the rest will depend on speculation about what might happen. However, there are signs that Israelis will take 1 1/2 miles of Gaza land to establish a buffer zone, thus, in effect, displacing more Palestinians from their homes, and nothing can be done.

Anyways, let the parties carry on; what's more dead people at this point, as Joseph Stalin rightfully said, "One death is a tragedy, a million deaths a statistic."

Don't stress yourself over this conflict.
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You see Israel is such a powerful state, noone can touch them but they still are killing innocents, even if you give them all your golds, they will still not stop. This is why they will suffer a humiliating defeat when their time comes and we all are witnesses to their crimes and disorder on earth, they will indeed pay for it.
I sure hope so.

It's not just Israel or America - it's world Zionism we are up against.

It's evilness and rot has penetrated nearly all our institutions.

Henry Ford recognized this over 100 years ago. As well as many others.
I sure hope so.

It's not just Israel or America - it's world Zionism we are up against.

It's evilness and rot has penetrated nearly all our institutions.

Henry Ford recognized this over 100 years ago. As well as many others.

It's a religious ideological war. This is just the beginning, unfortunately things will go alot worse, more wars and killings, in order to fulfil the signs and then messiah comes, he will cause more killings and deception. The biggest weapon of the zionist dajaali movement is their deception, they fool everyone except the good hearted people. Would you believe they don't even believe in God, they're actually secular extremists devil worshippers.
It's a religious ideological war. This is just the beginning, unfortunately things will go alot worse, more wars and killings, in order to fulfil the signs and then messiah comes, he will cause more killings and deception. The biggest weapon of the zionist dajaali movement is their deception, they fool everyone except the good hearted people. Would you believe they don't even believe in God, they're actually secular extremists devil worshippers.
Dajjāl (Arabic: دجّال) is the superlative form of the root word dajl meaning "lie" or "deception". It means "deceiver" and also appears in Syriac (daggāl ܕܓܠ, "false, deceitful; spurious").

You are correct, it's a religious ideological war. A better description than "spiritual" which I have been using.

"they fool everyone except the good hearted people". That's been my observation meeting people from all over the world over the years.

We are on the same page.

The question really becomes, "what can we, the good hearted people do to help others out of the deception?"
Yossi Beilin, one of the more sensible sounding Israelis, is betraying a few things in this video, if you really read him carefully.
1) The Israeli fears of a two-front war.
2) He's suggesting that Israel has basically won, so stop the conflict in Gaza
3) Israel, via Macron, willing to give back the tiny Sheba Farms to Lebanon which is occupied by Israel. In return, Israel expects Hezbollah to stop attacking Israel.

Pretty sharp guy and cunning as they come! After all, he was one of the architects of the OSLO Accords which offered peanusts and vague promises. So, beware, he is only suggesting to buy time for Israel. And if Israel's situation becomes worse then these cunning Israelis might even offer the Golan Heights back to Syria. They occupy lands as bargaining chips!1 Smart. But should the regional countries fall for an inherently expansionist country's short term concessions? They would be fool if they do so!

Anyways, let the parties carry on; what's more dead people at this point, as Joseph Stalin rightfully said, "One death is a tragedy, a million deaths a statistic."

Of course. Please let the hysterics in this thread in on to your secret too.
Hezbollah launched alot of ATGM today
Yea.seems so.
I hope they up the production of these missiles they have launched over 800 ATGM since 7th October
They or Iran?:D
Almas video guided is also a great asset
Yes, wow. where are those that were laughing at Iranian military technology on the old defense forum? damn, i'm mad at myself that i've forgotten some of them, they should be shamed at this moment in the Gaza war.
Dajjāl (Arabic: دجّال) is the superlative form of the root word dajl meaning "lie" or "deception". It means "deceiver" and also appears in Syriac (daggāl ܕܓܠ, "false, deceitful; spurious").

You are correct, it's a religious ideological war. A better description than "spiritual" which I have been using.

"they fool everyone except the good hearted people". That's been my observation meeting people from all over the world over the years.

We are on the same page.

The question really becomes, "what can we, the good hearted people do to help others out of the deception?"

It is spiritual too as these modern movements don't believe in spirituality, instead they love materialism. The so called Muslim terrorists are the same, they hate spirituality. A spiritual person never wants to harm others, supports genocides, he/she can feel it in their hearts that something is wrong.

You cant do much to change others, they will bring you down with themselves. The only thing we can do is be good ourselves, be role model, speak the truth when we can, try to educate others and live your life. God controls the world, he is the real power.
#Urgent | Al-Qassam Brigades: We blew up a tunnel eye that had been previously booby-trapped by a Zionist force east of the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in #Gaza City, leaving its members dead and wounded.


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