Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Most if not all rebellion war conducted by nations like Indonesia, Vietnam, Algeria, etc are conducted outside the city. If the aggressor attack the city than most freedom fighter will retreat and mostly fight outside the city.

Only Hamas who attack the aggressor Israel while retreat and hide in the city tunnel while their women, kids, babies being bombed for months

Another 'word of wisdom' from you! Totally forgot the populations, the geography AND the casualty counts in the wars in Algeria and Vietnam and Afghanistan.
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Plenty of trees for paper and plenty of Mexicans to chop the trees down

You see: Americans can cut trees, turn them into paper, and the paper to $100 bills. Take suitcases of them to poor countries who'd give them actual material or diplomatic support. As long as USD is the Reserve Currency, suitcases with $1 billion stuffed in to offer to Sissi to arrange 'humanitarian aid' is no skin off America's back! None!
PS. I live in a 6+ acre thickly wooded property. I bet I have some big $$ bucks sitting here!

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