Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The merely 'voluntary' system had been in effect since 1980 - but critics have said that leaving it up for young men to decide for themselves whether to register has resulted in a weak and ineffective system with not enough numbers.


Wasn't really voluntary for many of us back then. I just went ahead and registered, like many others, to attend college. Wasn't worth the hassle when Vietnam was still fresh in everyone's mind. First Blood the most popular video rented out. Zero chance of a draft back then.

Do not know the law on Selective Service as of now.

Needs to be totally voluntary, along with the right to remove one's name from any draft list. Are we Americans, or not? Free men, or not?

To give away a little liberty for security, we will eventually end up with neither. Benjamin Franklin was a very wise man.

And he was right. Back in 1980, we gave away a little bit of liberty, and now years later, have little of both.

With ZOG itching to send more American sons and daughters off to Zionist foreign adventures, don't you think we need to demand conscious dissenter status for everyone?

Mohammed Ali, boxer, stood up for that right during the height of the Vietnam war and became a hero for many who did not wish to die in some rice paddy halfway across the globe for someone's foreign policy.

And I do not think there is many today who will be thrilled to be forced to die in some tunnel or ditch on the other side of the world either.

Only three Republicans voted against it.

War mongers.
Pretty soon the only two countries these settlers can visit will be USA and India.

Good on the Japanese hotel owners for saying no to war criminals.

These Zio genociders are being humiliated everywhere they go. Now their European and American fathers are having to beg and plead on the world stage. This is antisemitism is what they say.

Cringe fvcks these Hindutvatis.

Israel is a sworn enemy of Pakistan. Israel has a very special hatred against Pakistan. Israel aids India against Pakistan. This is a very very good moment for Pakistan to pay Israel back in its own coin. It would have been awesome if we were able to aid the Palestinians against Israelis. A double whammy as far as I am concerned.

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