Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Likely 5-6x more (50-60) injured as well.

If you look at Wikipedia for the Yom Kippur War statistics (we call it the October or Ramadan War of 1973), they list the Israeli deaths as 2,500 or so while Egypt's anywhere from 12,000 to 15,500.

Sisi just declassified a lot of the Egyptian military records about 6 months ago and in those documents were very detailed counts of enemy losses from armor, aircraft & personnel by all the Egyptian battalion & division commanders and for personnel, they totaled roughly 17,000 KIA, not including wounded because many of them were not only observed and noted but were photographed in field by soldiers and in the air by MiG-21 and other recon aircraft. Just goes to show you what kind of liars these demons are.

Just couple of several shots of scattered dead demons photographed by EAF MiG-21Rs. Many of them had to be burried in the Sinai because of the time it was going to take to SAR them back, they were rotting in the heat. Demons rot fast and stink up the joint baaad.


Even with their fighters they lost a lot more than what they published, even denying a pivotal air battle over Mansoura on October 14th where the EAF scored 17 kills to 3 losses when they thought they could just bomb the Mansoua & Tanta airbases and all the fighters on the ground like they did in 1967. Little did they know BIG SURPRIIIISE they got smack-bitch-slapped-punched in the face hard to the point they completely denied the battle took place. That's why they go to the ends of the world to deny us AMRAAMs lol evil bastards.


They know we would put them on ice then roast them.
So much more but I think you get the point.
If you look at Wikipedia for the Yom Kippur War statistics (we call it the October or Ramadan War of 1973), they list the Israeli deaths as 2,500 or so while Egypt's anywhere from 12,000 to 15,500.

Sisi just declassified a lot of the Egyptian military records about 6 months ago and in those documents were very detailed counts of enemy losses from armor, aircraft & personnel by all the Egyptian battalion & division commanders and for personnel, they totaled roughly 17,000 KIA, not including wounded because many of them were not only observed and noted but were photographed in field by soldiers and in the air by MiG-21 and other recon aircraft. Just goes to show you what kind of liars these demons are.

Just couple of several shots of scattered dead demons photographed by EAF MiG-21Rs. Many of them had to be burried in the Sinai because of the time it was going to take to SAR them back, they were rotting in the heat. Demons rot fast and stink up the joint baaad.

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Even with their fighters they lost a lot more than what they published, even denying a pivotal air battle over Mansoura on October 14th where the EAF scored 17 kills to 3 losses when they thought they could just bomb the Mansoua & Tanta airbases and all the fighters on the ground like they did in 1967. Little did they know BIG SURPRIIIISE they got smack-bitch-slapped-punched in the face hard to the point they completely denied the battle took place. That's why they go to the ends of the world to deny us AMRAAMs lol evil bastards.

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They know we would put them on ice then roast them.
So much more but I think you get the point.

If there is enough declassified material create a separate thread to add content. It would be a good source for research.
Strange gaslighting by Netanyahu. Israeli army advised to make a ceasefire in Gaza as objectives are complete. Netanyahu claims people at receiving end of genocide are trying to annihilate Israel so they must continue the war.

the current Israeli government is so right wing even centre right Zionists have jumped ship

they are so extreme and satanic evil even Chuck Schumer turned against them

but guess what? UK, Germany and USA back them eyes closed

just blind support for Israel

you know these imbeciles keep talking about 7th October and now its June 2024

they also keep talking about the Hamas "atrocities" and yet Hamas only killed 1,200 people of which round 1000 were killed by Israel the 200 killed by Hamas were IDF

they took ZERO hostages they did however take prisoners of war

Israel is holding 9,500 Palestinian hostages

Hamas is also fighting a occupation while Israel has killed 100,000 Palestinians while ENFORCING AN OCCUPATION

so the scope and scale of Hamas atrocities dont compare to Israel

one is fighting a occupation one is enforcing a occupation

even if Hamas killed 100,000 Israelis that would be justified because by its very definition a occupying force cannot defend itself
If you look at Wikipedia for the Yom Kippur War statistics (we call it the October or Ramadan War of 1973), they list the Israeli deaths as 2,500 or so while Egypt's anywhere from 12,000 to 15,500.

Sisi just declassified a lot of the Egyptian military records about 6 months ago and in those documents were very detailed counts of enemy losses from armor, aircraft & personnel by all the Egyptian battalion & division commanders and for personnel, they totaled roughly 17,000 KIA, not including wounded because many of them were not only observed and noted but were photographed in field by soldiers and in the air by MiG-21 and other recon aircraft. Just goes to show you what kind of liars these demons are.

Just couple of several shots of scattered dead demons photographed by EAF MiG-21Rs. Many of them had to be burried in the Sinai because of the time it was going to take to SAR them back, they were rotting in the heat. Demons rot fast and stink up the joint baaad.

View attachment 48568

Even with their fighters they lost a lot more than what they published, even denying a pivotal air battle over Mansoura on October 14th where the EAF scored 17 kills to 3 losses when they thought they could just bomb the Mansoua & Tanta airbases and all the fighters on the ground like they did in 1967. Little did they know BIG SURPRIIIISE they got smack-bitch-slapped-punched in the face hard to the point they completely denied the battle took place. That's why they go to the ends of the world to deny us AMRAAMs lol evil bastards.

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They know we would put them on ice then roast them.
So much more but I think you get the point.
it's not really relevant to this thread but I understand EAF's overall performance against IAF in the 1973 war was terrible. is this not true? how many confirmed IAF jets downed by EAF and vice versa?

IAF is built upon USA's commitment to ensure Israel has supreme qualitative advantage over its neighbours, so that's not throwing shade at EAF, I am sure they did the best they could with their equipment and in their circumstances.
Leader's Hajj message: Gaza tragedies leave no room for tolerance

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei's message to the 2024 Hajj pilgrims calls on Muslims to fully support the Palestinian resistance and people in every possible way.
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the "tragedies in Gaza" leave no room for any tolerance toward "the ruthless Zionist regime", calling on Muslims to fully support the Palestinian resistance and people in every possible way.
In his annual Hajj message, the Leader called on millions of Muslim pilgrims from around the globe who commenced their pilgrimage in Mecca Saturday to demonstrate their "renunciation of the Zionist regime and its supporters, in particular the US, in words and actions".
The issue of renunciation of the polytheists or bara'at in Qur'anic terms is the central point of Ayatollah Khamenei's annual Hajj messages. This year, "the issue of bara'at is more significant than ever before", he said.
"This year's renunciation of the polytheists must continue beyond the time and place of Hajj to all Muslim countries and cities worldwide. It must continue beyond just the Hajj pilgrims and be extended to the general populace," he added.
Ayatollah Khamenei touched on the tragedies in Gaza, which he said are unparalleled in the contemporary history.
Those tragedies "along with the audacity of the ruthless Zionist regime, which is the embodiment of cruelty and villainy, and of course the declining state of Zionism, leave no room for any consideration or tolerance by any individual, party, government or Muslim denomination", he said.
"This renunciation of the Zionist regime and its supporters, in particular the government of the United States of America, must be demonstrated in the words and actions of nations and governments, and it must impede the actions of the murderers.
"The ironclad resistance of Palestine and the patient, oppressed people of Gaza – whose remarkable patience and resistance have earned them admiration and respect globally – must be fully supported in every way," Ayatollah Khamenei added.
The following is the full text of the Leader's message to the 2024 Hajj pilgrims:
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be upon the best of creation, our Master Muhammad al-Mustafa, and upon his Pure Progeny, upon his chosen Companions and upon those who follow them in righteousness until the Day of Judgment.
The appealing Abrahamic call, which by God's command summons all human beings in all eras to the Kaaba during the time of Hajj, has once again this year, attracted the hearts of a number of Muslims from around the world to this center of tawhid and unity.
It has created this magnificent, diverse gathering of a multitude of people, revealing the human spectrum and spiritual power of Islam both to itself and to others.
When one contemplates this magnificent gathering and the complex Hajj rituals, they are a source of reassurance and increase the confidence for the Muslims, while being intimidating and a cause of trepidation for enemies and for ill-wishers.
It should not come as a surprise if the enemies and ill-wishers of the Islamic Ummah attempt to ruin and sow doubts about both of these aspects of the Hajj – whether it is by accentuating denominational and political differences, or by trying to diminish the importance of its sacred and spiritual aspects.
The Quran introduces Hajj as a manifestation of worship, dhikr [remembering God], humbleness and the equal dignity of all human beings. [It introduces Hajj as] a manifestation of a human being's organized material and spiritual life, a manifestation of blessings and guidance, and a manifestation of moral peace and harmony between [religious] brothers in practice. And [the Quran introduces Hajj as] a manifestation of repugnance and the establishment of a powerful front against the enemies.
Reflection on the verses related to Hajj and contemplation on the acts and rituals of this unparalleled obligation, reveal these matters and similar secrets and mysteries as these that exist within the intricate arrangement that constitutes Hajj.
Brothers and sisters, as pilgrims undertaking Hajj, you are currently in a place where you can practice these truths and luminous teachings. Bring your thoughts and actions closer and closer to these, and bring back to your homes a reformed identity infused with these lofty concepts. This is the valuable, real souvenir of your Hajj journey.
This year, the issue of bara'at [renunciation of the polytheists] is more significant than ever before. The tragedies in Gaza, which are unparalleled in our contemporary history, along with the audacity of the ruthless Zionist regime, which is the embodiment of cruelty and villainy, and of course the declining state of Zionism, leave no room for any consideration or tolerance by any individual, party, government or Muslim denomination.
This year's renunciation of the polytheists must continue beyond the time and place of Hajj to all Muslim countries and cities worldwide. It must continue beyond just the Hajj pilgrims and be extended to the general populace.
This renunciation of the Zionist regime and its supporters, in particular the government of the United States of America, must be demonstrated in the words and actions of nations and governments, and it must impede the actions of the murderers.
The ironclad resistance of Palestine and the patient, oppressed people of Gaza – whose remarkable patience and resistance have earned them admiration and respect globally – must be fully supported in every way.
I implore God for their complete and swift victory. And for you dear pilgrims, I pray that your Hajj will be accepted. May the prayers of the Remnant of God on earth [Imam Mahdi (may our souls be sacrificed for him)] be with you.
May Allah’s greetings and mercy be upon you.
Hadashot Al-Abri: After the arrival of 8 burned bodies from the armored vehicle that was bombed at dawn today, and the arrival of two critically injured people in another bombing of another armored vehicle, their deaths were announced at Soroka Hospital in Beersheba, bringing the number to 10 dead soldiers and a number of others injured in other battles in the northern areas of the # sector. Gaza

Tweet by Al-Qassam spokesman Abu Ubaida

🔴 Our complex and qualitative operation today in Rafah is a new confirmation of the enemy’s failure in the face of our resistance and a painful blow to his army.. and we have more.

🔴 Our painful strikes on the enemy will continue everywhere he is present, and the occupation army will find nothing but death ambushes in any part of our land, with God’s help.


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