Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Conflict summarised by a US official:-


They must be anti Semitic? Shame on them picking on gods chosen immigrants - sorry I meant people.
Does this not concern you? This is the day and age of social media. These documents filled with genocide and war crimes are logged into history and eventually 1 day - justice will prevail. If it prevailed in 1945 - it will prevail now.
Discovered this fairly young American anti-colonial activist Greg Stoker. He served as part of the US military in Afghanistan and is honest enough to say that he went to the military to pay for college--like most people do. He is not some armchair 'expert' and seems to know a lot about combat and even larger picture. Unlike many people, he doesn't want to give answers which would please his audience--and I hugely respect that.
Watch if you have 30 minutes. I subscribed to his channel after watching this video.
PS. Sorry: Ben Gvir is in the video!!


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