Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Is this revenge from the Indians for the Feb 19 own goal on their helicopter using
Israeli SAM's. lol

I never minced words when it came to Hindus or Indians, they are the enemy, they have a 1000 years of humiliation and defeat and a chip on their shoulder

Jinnah was a genius, he was right all along, don't trust the Hindus

As usual it was always the GCC Arabs which were a weak link

Now everyone needs to wake up to common enemies and understand and work against common enemies like the Hindus

They are not to be trusted or tolerated same as the Zionists
The protests going forward should have a speaker remind the public (with stats) of the impact BDS is making and to keep it up.

Imagine introducing a bill that forces you to like Israel? How unfathomable is such a disgusting concept to begin with let alone that it could actually exist in the country that represents "FREEDOM". You are not allowed to boycott Israel because you're not allowed to dislike what it represents; therefore, you must like Israel. The friggin nerve. Good thing it didn't go through but just imagine the fact that these representatives think they can actually not only promote such a bill, but to force it on us.

I don't know how long many fellas have been in the United States, but in the last 40 years, I've seen the people running the government and representing the people back in the day go from some form of self-respected and decent people with righteous morals and ethics (about as much as can be expected they weren't anything great by any means but.....) to gradually and systematically being castrated and increasingly subservient to zionist-greasing and with decaying morals & self-respect & dignity. All by this bizarre and incomprehensible power of this little zionist shithole called Israel. And it's a sad, sad truth that this new despicable group is slowly but surely sending this country hell into a basket.

The only silver lining in all of this is how this same exact concept of boycotting that despicable, genocidal craphole seems to be gaining world-wide momentum and it's finally starting to affect its economy. Those numbers are really encouraging and it seems like we're just starting to see these results.

But like that chick was saying, let's hope we never see the day all those grease-filled republicans who have AIPAC babysitters be forced to introduce another bill that forces all us taxpayers to foot a bill for an economic bailout for that shithole. What a potential disaster! But as unfathomable as that may seem, they did pass the bill to condemn or sanction the ICC for seeking arrest warrant for netanyahu and crime co. So I wouldn't put it past this new, morally decayed generation of representative & lawmakers to try again. Seems like the dignified ones like Bernie OG Sanders are far and few between. A dying breed.

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