Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

If the principle does not apply, it is not much of a principle relevant to the situation, is it? Then why should people get all riled up based upon an incomplete or incorrect understanding of the applicable law?

Saner voices need to prevail here, not mass hysteria.

A sane voice would do a quick check and realise Israel is a signatory.

So you doubted the existence of the principle, questioned its applicability then questioned the signatory to it.

The protection of children is a very sane thing to do.
A sane voice would do a quick check and realise Israel is a signatory.

So you doubted the existence of the principle, questioned its applicability then questioned the signatory to it.

The protection of children is a very sane thing to do.

Both sides may need to be signatories.
Kingdom 2000 years ago, but there had never been Palestine Kingdom ever existed there throughout history.
How many years did it last?

European Jews didn't even know they were going to be Jews in the future at that time lol
True, and it only supports what I say always: There is no morality in international geopolitics.. Never has been, never will be.

Certainly humans have a capacity for evil. OTOH past need not be prescription for future. Even in warfare there must be rules.
Certainly humans have a capacity for evil. OTOH past need not be prescription for future. Even in warfare there must be rules.

Of course. But that doesn’t work if one side signs on to abiding by the agreed rules and one side does not.
Certainly humans have a capacity for evil. OTOH past need not be prescription for future. Even in warfare there must be rules.
Here I fully concur, there is a reason the IHL (international humanitarian laws) and the 'Laws of War" were established, it is because at the time they were drawn up, never before in human history had indiscriminate targeting of civilian infrastructure occur on such a colossal scale.

So you don't know?

Sides, or state's? This isn't red team blue team, you need to be more precise.

As a member I need to watch my words. Hence the “may”. The statement is pretty much clear.
Here I fully concur, there is a reason the IHL (international humanitarian laws) and the 'Laws of War" were established, it is because at the time they were drawn up, never before in human history had indiscriminate targeting of civilian infrastructure occur on such a colossal scale.

And there have been many more such mass destructions since these were established, let us not forget.
I think what @Dalit is referring to and I do agree [personal opinion] here is that the present day Israeli's who live in modern day Israel are not native to that part of the world. Besides I think almost everyone here knows the concept of Aliyah.

Nation concept is not simply about pool of genetic.
For example: I am Indonesian not because I have 100% Indonesian genetic, but because I embrace Indonesian identity and culture and language.

Genetic testing can provide some information about a person's ancestry, including potential Jewish heritage, but it is not a definitive or foolproof method for determining someone's religious or cultural affiliation. Here are some key points to consider:
  1. Genetic Ancestry Tests: Some commercial DNA testing services claim to provide information about a person's genetic ancestry, including potential Jewish heritage. These tests analyze specific markers in an individual's DNA and compare them to reference populations to estimate genetic connections.
  2. Limitations of Genetic Testing: While these tests can provide interesting insights into one's ancestry, they have limitations. They rely on databases of genetic samples, and the results are estimates based on statistical probabilities. Genetic testing alone cannot determine religious beliefs, cultural practices, or personal identification with a specific group.
  3. Jewish Identity: Jewish identity is complex and multifaceted, encompassing religious, cultural, and historical dimensions. Being Jewish can be a matter of religious faith, cultural affiliation, familial ties, or a combination of these factors. Many people with Jewish ancestry may not identify as Jewish for various reasons.
  4. Conversion: Judaism is not only an ethnic or genetic identity but also a religious one. One can become Jewish through conversion, and this process involves religious study, commitment to Jewish practices, and acceptance by a Jewish community. Conversion is recognized by Jewish religious authorities, and individuals who convert are considered Jewish.
Israel exist thousand years before arab migrated massively to Palestine land during Rashidun Caliphate and Ottoman Empire occupation.

There were Israel/Samaria and Judea Kingdom 2000 years ago, but there had never been Palestine Kingdom ever existed there throughout history.

We really need to give back England to the Romans.. I mean, they were hear before, it's their land
As a member I need to watch my words. Hence the “may”. The statement is pretty much clear.
Or hold back from responding until you do the reading you said you were going to do, that's an option.

No need to burden yourself with the weight of being a member, especially after the weight you carried of being a mod for a few days😁
The 7 millions arab that you mentioned above is not Israel's citizen, so please stop lying.

73% of Israel population are jews, 27% are arab, you can check it by yourself.

If Israel treat arab Palestine differently because they are not Israel's citizen then it is Israel's right, and if they control the border because they have valid reason to do that: that is because Palestinian never stop their intention to wage war against Israel as you have mentioned many times above, because it is already their obsession.

Those Palestinians are under OCCUPATION

The Israeli control all the air space, all the sea space and borders of the Palestinians

The Palestinians are living in open air prison camps which the Jews control

The Arabs inside Israel are growing too, and slowly you will see their population hit 1/3

But I repeat the average age of the Palestinians is 19, the average age of the Jews is 43 across the world it's 49

The Palestinians are THE FUTURE, they are about to hit a population dividend and their population will expand far far quicker than the Jews

With all this ,, the occupation is even more intolerable

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