Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Or hold back from responding until you do the reading you said you were going to do, that's an option.

No need to burden yourself with the weight of being a member, especially after the weight you carried of being a mod for a few days😁
Good luck getting me to leave or keep quiet.

Maybe I have already done my homework?
We really need to give back England to the Romans.. I mean, they were hear before, it's their land

Even further back - the Celts

Torah affirms Israelites as immigrants to the Promised Land. Which means they were not indiginous to Palestine.

So what is the actual homeland of Jews? Mesopotamia according to secular academics.
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We really need to give back England to the Romans.. I mean, they were hear before, it's their land

Yes, but Italian will not throw such a ridiculous claim. England was Romans in the past, but not anymore now.

Same like Indian with America or Aborigin with Australia.
Same like Palestine, it belongs to Arab in the past but it is not 100% anymore.
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As a member I need to watch my words. Hence the “may”. The statement is pretty much clear.
Sir, if I didn't delete the other two posts which a certain someone made when they dumped the blame of war on every single Jew, I am not going to delete your post for expressing an opinion, neither is any other mod, but you have to be willing to ponder on the following;

a) Any legal document that the poor people of Palestine sign is worth less than toilet paper to the Israeli's as they have exhibited despite calls for restraint from pretty much the whole world bar 5 nations.

b) Israel has historically exercised a strategy of using overwhelming and excessive use of force which indiscriminately targets combatant and civilian alike.

c) Israel refuses to accept the present government in Gaza despite it being elected through the people of Gaza exercising their domestic mandate.

Almost 22,600 Palestinian people have been martyred, 9,600 of these are children, more than 10,000 are unaccounted for perhaps under the rubble. One cannot "bomb for peace.".
Good luck getting me to leave or keep quiet.

Maybe I have already done my homework?
I would do no such thing.

If you have, still talking as if you have not, you should be answering questions, not endlessly asking them.
Nation concept is not simply about pool of genetic.
For example: I am Indonesian not because I have 100% Indonesian genetic, but because I embrace Indonesian identity and culture and language.

Genetic testing can provide some information about a person's ancestry, including potential Jewish heritage, but it is not a definitive or foolproof method for determining someone's religious or cultural affiliation. Here are some key points to consider:
  1. Genetic Ancestry Tests: Some commercial DNA testing services claim to provide information about a person's genetic ancestry, including potential Jewish heritage. These tests analyze specific markers in an individual's DNA and compare them to reference populations to estimate genetic connections.
  2. Limitations of Genetic Testing: While these tests can provide interesting insights into one's ancestry, they have limitations. They rely on databases of genetic samples, and the results are estimates based on statistical probabilities. Genetic testing alone cannot determine religious beliefs, cultural practices, or personal identification with a specific group.
  3. Jewish Identity: Jewish identity is complex and multifaceted, encompassing religious, cultural, and historical dimensions. Being Jewish can be a matter of religious faith, cultural affiliation, familial ties, or a combination of these factors. Many people with Jewish ancestry may not identify as Jewish for various reasons.
  4. Conversion: Judaism is not only an ethnic or genetic identity but also a religious one. One can become Jewish through conversion, and this process involves religious study, commitment to Jewish practices, and acceptance by a Jewish community. Conversion is recognized by Jewish religious authorities, and individuals who convert are considered Jewish.

But then explain to me one point please, I will accept all you have written above, can you please explain if Aliyah is a continued practice of the Israeli state, the need for land and resources grows daily, settler lands grow, Palestinians are forced out of lands they have held for generations, are they not an aggrieved party?
Israel is a state based on claimed continuity going back millennia, so it's through blood.
Ironically, even the Torah says they're immigrants to the region. Even more ironic that they claim God gave them the right to take the land, but most of them are atheists and don't actually believe in God.
Israel and India. Not a surprise. We see in the old PDF how quickly and fully Modi showed solidarity with Netanyahu after October 7 and how forceful were Indian members not only on the old PDF but also in other places.

Those Palestinians are under OCCUPATION

The Israeli control all the air space, all the sea space and borders of the Palestinians

The Palestinians are living in open air prison camps which the Jews control

The Arabs inside Israel are growing too, and slowly you will see their population hit 1/3

But I repeat the average age of the Palestinians is 19, the average age of the Jews is 43 across the world it's 49

The Palestinians are THE FUTURE, they are about to hit a population dividend and their population will expand far far quicker than the Jews

With all this ,, the occupation is even more intolerable

Palestinian border will be always controlled by Israel as long as they are obsessed with war against Israel. Israel will always have valid reason to do this as long as Palestinian is obsessed to attack Israel.

OK, then why dont you be patient by waiting another 50 years from now when the arab population will be majority in Israel, at that time they can demand a referendum to determine whether the majority would agree or not with the Jewish state and the government.

Referendum will be peaceful and respectable way to overthrown a disliked regime (which in this case is Israel for you guys).
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The problem with your/their claim is that: it is delusional.

First: which beginning are you referring? 1947? 1914? 1850? 70 CE? 1000 BCE? 1500 BCE? 2000 BCE?
Israel can claim the same, and their ground is much stronger than yours because their ancestor has been there long time ago far before arab migrated to Palestinian during Rasidun Chalipate and Ottoman empire occupation.

Let me focus on this point as this is very simple.

Even say that a group of people can lay claim to land that they were ejected from 1.500 years ago, then this does not hold true for European Jews like Netanyahu, Gantz and Gallant.

They are Eastern European converts and so have no ancestral link to Palestine at all.

Whereas the majority of the Palestinians can trace ancestry back to biblical times - you see a lot of Jews of the time converted first to Christianity and a lot of them then converted to Islam.

Those Palestinian Arabs and Christians in Palestine and spread across the world as refugees can trace lineage all the way back to the ancient Jewish Kingdom where their ancestors were Jews.

Zionism is a fake made up ideology that has hijacked Jewish history for its own colonialist settler agenda.
Even further back - the Celts

Toarah affirms Israelites as immigrabts to the Promised Land. Which means they were not indiginous to Palestine.

So what is the actual homeland of Jews? Mesopotamia according to secular academics.

How would someone born and raised in Brooklyn...where his family has lived for generations...feel about the situation if he was awakened in the middle of the night by men with guns and told to get out because the gunmen's family lived there 3 thousand years ago and their god says they can have it back?
Israel and India. Not a surprise. We see in the old PDF how quickly and fully Modi showed solidarity with Netanyahu after October 7 and how forceful were Indian members not only on the old PDF but also in other places.

Heh, let me tell you something, philo semitism can become anti semitism.

Remember when Soros was accused of needing in India during COVID, well guess what the Indian press was saying about ....
Sir, if I didn't delete the other two posts which a certain someone made when they dumped the blame of war on every single Jew, I am not going to delete your post for expressing an opinion, neither is any other mod, but you have to be willing to ponder on the following;

a) Any legal document that the poor people of Palestine sign is worth less than toilet paper to the Israeli's as they have exhibited despite calls for restraint from pretty much the whole world bar 5 nations.

b) Israel has historically exercised a strategy of using overwhelming and excessive use of force which indiscriminately targets combatant and civilian alike.

c) Israel refuses to accept the present government in Gaza despite it being elected through the people of Gaza exercising their domestic mandate.

Almost 22,600 Palestinian people have been martyred, 9,600 of these are children, more than 10,000 are unaccounted for perhaps under the rubble. One cannot "bomb for peace.".

To be crude, with apologies, bombing for peace is like fcuknig for virginity. And you know what I do: I am sworn to protecting human life as a sacred duty and therefore I abhor absolutely what is happening there.

Having said that, your points against Israel have merit. The problem is how to get past the history to get to where we all need to be. That is the point I want to make. Claiming righteousness doesn’t help those dying. Being right is no consolation if one dies. Doing what has been done in the past has not resolved anything but made it worse. Doing tge same things now is not going to help either.

And if I am blunt that is what we all are doing in this thread again. I remember how we made posters and put fake blood on our white coats in solidarity after Sabira and Shatila. And here we are. Yet again.

No. We must work smarter. Otherwise innocent people and children will continue to die, as right as one thinks they are.
Absolutely, this could have been resolved decades ago

Their are two problems and it's not the Israeli and Palestinians

It's the ARABS and USA

In essence all the Arabs had to do was declare that the Arab states would not work or trade with any state who supported Israel in its oppression and unjust occupation UNTIL a just outcome was worked out

Fundamentally the USA and western lackeys now have a choice, tiny Israel or trade and relations with multiple states and the Muslim world in general

Sheer economic interests would have forced the U.SA and west to push for a reasonable and fair deal and they would have shackled Israel from its worst behavior

The Arabs CHOSE humiliation, they chose to be subservient to the USA and be client states, the spent BILLIONS on arms, BILLION on luxuries, they bought property and yachts etc

They HAVE NO REASON FOR THE USA AND WEST to deal fairly with the Palestinians because the Arabs are acting like such pusseys

That's is the HARSH TRUTH

Even TODAY if the Arabs put their foot down they could resolve this with a few years

But the Arabs are acting like jackals, with Saudi and UAE followed by Egypt and Jordan being the main culprits

The second major factor is a dishonest USA and western lackeys, they look at this issue through the prism of western colonialism, crusader/Christian identity so they know they historical importance of Jerusalem etc

So the land in the hands of Jews is an extension of the crusader state that was destroyed by Saladin

So instead of being fair they have protected the Jew state, provided weapons and resources, diplomatic cover and support, money and biased propaganda

If they were fair , this situation would have been resolved decades ago

The USA and West have looked after their own interests

It's the ARABS who are at fault

We need to change that now, ànd ensure the hatred for Israel is translated into tangible pressure

The world is changing and we need to make use of it
I think Arabs put heavy trade restrictions on everything remotely related to Israelis in 1960s

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