Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

To be crude, with apologies, bombing for peace is like fcuknig for virginity. And you know what I do: I am sworn to protecting human life as a sacred duty and therefore I abhor absolutely what is happening there.

Having said that, your points against Israel have merit. The problem is how to get past the history to get to where we all need to be. That is the point I want to make. Claiming righteousness doesn’t help those dying. Being right is no consolation if one dies. Doing what has been done in the past has not resolved anything but made it worse. Doing tge same things now is not going to help either.

Annd if I am blunt that is what we all are doing in this thread again. I reme how we made posters and put fake blood on our white coats in solidarity after Sabira and Shatila. And we are. Yet again.

No. We must work smarter. Otherwise innocent people and children will continue to die, as right as one thinks they are.
Great post.
Zionists should be very worried as China has jumped straight to the Palestinian side.


Hamas using ‘massive’ stockpile of Chinese weaponry in Gaza, says Israel​

IDF uncovers items such as assault rifles, grenade launchers, and telescopic sights for rifles and cartridges for M16s"

Chinese weaponry including assault rifles and grenade launchers is being used by Hamas to wage war in Gaza, Israeli investigations have revealed.

Stockpiles of hi-tech supplies uncovered by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) contained telescopic sights for rifles and cartridges for M16s as well as an array of communications equipment such as listening devices and tactical military radios.

Israeli investigators are now working to determine how the equipment made it into Hamas’s hands amid concerns Beijing may have been directly involved."

"On October 14, Wang Yi, the Foreign Minister of China, said Israel’s actions went “beyond the scope of self-defence” and demanded that it stop imposing “group punishment” on Palestinians, while still refusing to condemn Iran-backed Hamas for its atrocities."
I think what @Dalit is referring to and I do agree [personal opinion] here is that the present day Israeli's who live in modern day Israel are not native to that part of the world. Besides I think almost everyone here knows the concept of Aliyah.

Absolutely. The vast majority of present day Israelis were and still are imported. Of course Israelis existed in this region, but never in these amounts and with such vast land. Much of the Palestinian land was stolen. Zionists expanded and thrived on stolen land. More and more settlers from predominantly European, African and North African countries settled in these stolen lands. This is common knowledge.
Israel exist thousand years before arab migrated massively to Palestine land during Rashidun Caliphate and Ottoman Empire occupation.

There were Israel/Samaria and Judea Kingdom 2000 years ago, but there had never been Palestine Kingdom ever existed there throughout history.
And who was there 2500 years ago.
No. The issue here would be to the applicability of that law, given the nature of the combatants. Are both sides valid signatories to the applicable conventions, for example.
I suggest you start with the Geneva Conventions and the Additional Protocols

Then you can read some secondary material like this:

I suggest you start with the Geneva Conventions and the Additional Protocols

Then you can read some secondary material like this:

Are you ready to accept what is the applicability of what is being claimed?
Both sides may need to be signatories.
Customary international law applies to all states, even those who are not signatories or party to a specific treaty.
Let me focus on this point as this is very simple.

Even say that a group of people can lay claim to land that they were ejected from 1.500 years ago, then this does not hold true for European Jews like Netanyahu, Gantz and Gallant.

They are Eastern European converts and so have no ancestral link to Palestine at all.

Whereas the majority of the Palestinians can trace ancestry back to biblical times - you see a lot of Jews of the time converted first to Christianity and a lot of them then converted to Islam.

Those Palestinian Arabs and Christians in Palestine and spread across the world as refugees can trace lineage all the way back to the ancient Jewish Kingdom where their ancestors were Jews.

Zionism is a fake made up ideology that has hijacked Jewish history for its own colonialist settler agenda.

European jews are jews, they are descendent of ancient jews and still embrace jewish tradition/culture or jewish religion.

While lineage and ancestry can be factors, Jewish identity is not solely determined by genetic or ancestral ties. Instead, it often encompasses a combination of religious beliefs, cultural practices, and community acceptance.

Palestinian arabs were comers to Palestine during Rashidun Caliphate and Ottoman empire, their lineage to ancient jewish is minimal if non existent. Even if some of them has lineage to ancient jewish, if they dont maintain jewish identity/culture they can't claim as jewish anymore.
Customary international law applies to all states, even those who are not signatories or party to a specific treaty.

what about non state entities engaged in undeclared conflicts?
But then explain to me one point please, I will accept all you have written above, can you please explain if Aliyah is a continued practice of the Israeli state, the need for land and resources grows daily, settler lands grow, Palestinians are forced out of lands they have held for generations, are they not an aggrieved party?

Israel land area is about 28 times as much as that of Singapore. If Singapore can sustain 5 million population then there is no reason for Israel land not to be able to sustain 3 times as much as Singapore population, which is 15 millions which is twice of their current population. The key is development and use the resources efficiently.

The settlement in west bank area C is more about political and security matters.
Palestinian border will be always controlled by Israel as long as they are obsessed with war against Israel. Israel will always have valid reason to do this as long as Palestinian is obsessed to attack Israel.

OK, then why dont you be patient by waiting another 50 years from now when the arab population will be majority in Israel, at that time they can demand a referendum to determine whether the majority would agree or not with the Jewish state and the government.

Referendum will be peaceful and respectable way to overthrown a disliked regime (which in this case is Israel for you guys).

That's called occupation, Israel is the occupation state

Israel has stolen the land and has trapped millions of Palestinians, as of 2023 the majority of the population

It is the natural human right of all people to fight back against a oppressor and occupier

In a apartheid occupation state, how would a referendum be allowed???

When a peaceful solution to freedom and independence is disallowed, then violent struggle for freedom is inevitable

Israels occupation of millions of people is unsustainable and the region hates the Jews,even their presence in the middle east has become untenable
Israel and India. Not a surprise. We see in the old PDF how quickly and fully Modi showed solidarity with Netanyahu after October 7 and how forceful were Indian members not only on the old PDF but also in other places.

All Indian Hindus working in the every Muslim nation should be expelled.

All products produced in India that is not produced Muslim-majority areas should also be boycotted.

An awareness should be raised in all Muslim and non-Muslim nations about the extremism and the genocidal rhetoric coming from India.

There is a reason why Ghaswat El-Hind was promised to us.

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