Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Iranian loitering munitions are quite effective, there was that video from Ukraine, I'll see if I can find a link somewhere.
For sure, but typically not used in Ukraine at ranges >900km as far as I know. And they cannot be used against moving targets, although we have also seen newer versions with EO sensors so it's not totally out of the realms of possibility, I just find it quite unlikely
So you want me to take UN narrative as historical fact and ignoring other narratives outside there, just because it is well perceived that UN is supposed to be neutral?

Fyi it is not common and academical to quote narration on UN site as historical reference. History is based on consensus from scholars, whatever their ethnicity/religion is irrelevant as long as their study is conducted according to the discipline of the academical methods. Some historian that support Palestine narratives is also jews.

The fact when they use the word "narration/narrative" it already signify that there are many version of the story. So how come you insist me to pick a narration that fit to your lense and ignoring other narrative?

The use of the term "narratives" in the context of historical and cultural studies, including discussions of events like the Nakba, reflects an acknowledgment that historical understanding is shaped by various perspectives, interpretations, and stories. Here are some reasons why the term "narratives" is commonly employed:
  1. Multiple Perspectives: Historical events are often complex and can be interpreted in different ways based on one's viewpoint. The term "narratives" recognizes that there are multiple perspectives and stories about the same historical event.
  2. Subjectivity and Interpretation: The word "narratives" suggests that historical accounts are not purely objective, but are shaped by the subjectivity of those who recount them. Different individuals or groups may emphasize certain aspects of an event, leading to diverse narratives.
  3. Cultural and Political Context: Historical narratives are influenced by cultural, social, and political contexts. Different communities may construct narratives that align with their values, identity, or political goals.
  4. Memory and Oral History: The term "narratives" is often used when exploring collective memory and oral history. Narratives can encompass not only written accounts but also oral traditions, personal stories, and cultural expressions that contribute to how a community remembers and understands its past.
  5. Historical Revisionism: In contexts where historical narratives are being reassessed or challenged, the term is useful. It acknowledges that historical understanding can evolve, and new perspectives may emerge through the work of historians, scholars, or revisionist thinkers.
In the case of the Nakba, the use of "narratives" recognizes the diverse and sometimes conflicting ways in which different communities, historians, and individuals remember and interpret the events surrounding the Palestinian displacement in 1948. It underscores the importance of understanding historical events not as fixed and singular truths but as complex stories shaped by various factors.

I couldn't open the washington post site as it require me to subscribe; I could open your other source from

First, the article that you brought indirectly admit there are many narratives regarding Nakba, which means that there is no consensus regarding the history of Nakba and the cause among historians, period. Therefore which narrative picked by UN doesnt mean other narratives are false.

Second, the use of the term "revisionist history" does not necessarily imply a rejection of the work of Morris and Shlaim; rather, it signifies a broader trend within historical scholarship to revisit and reassess established narratives.

The question of whether the Palestinian Arabs were expelled by force during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, which resulted in the Nakba, is a matter of historical debate and interpretation. Different perspectives exist, and the historical narrative surrounding the events of the Nakba is complex and contentious.

In fact you yourself is just proving that I am not making up story, the contending narratives really exist there, and mentioned in the academical article that you brought here.

So now the UN are spinning narratives are they? Instead of writing all the above you could have just stated I'm sticking by my narrative argument.

You seem confused regarding the term 'narrative' and 'story', you actually used them interchangeably. A 'narrative' is the choice of which events to relate and in what order to relate them, that's the issue people have with the Israeli versions as they put a delicate spin of innocence on them, which is wrong, considering many of the actions were led by commanders, backed by political decision makers.

Narrative is the choice of which events to relate and in what order to relate them – so it is a representation or specific manifestation of the story, rather than the story itself. The story is the Nakba the narrative turns the story into information.

Ok you gave a breakdown why narratives are used, but I've explained to why the Israeli narrative of the event has flaws i.e. parts of events which have been corroborated by multiple agencies are glossed over or at best are dismissed as 'wayward troops'. But you've already dismissed the UN as a source, a case of genetic fallacy, which shows your will to commit to honest discourse is non-existent.
I'll find anther version of the Washington Times piece.
Well of course there are different narratives here, I didn't post there wasn't. The issue is the Israeli one, which has hazes over key events. You use the word 'consensus', if you mean historians will agree 100% on a course of events in history, then that seldom happens. However the vast majority do state there were atrocities carried by Israel's forces and the Palestinians were forcefully expelled in large numbers. There are differences in terms of motives, how much was threat perception rather than direct action etc. But not on events.

On another forum a gentlemen broke down three narratives from various historians which posters should read. I've highlighted key points.

New Historians: Late 1980s Revision of Accepted Narratives

Simha Flapan's Account

Simha Flapan, a "New Historian", discusses the issue in an article called The Palestinian Exodus of 1948. In this article, we are automatically notified that 600,000-700,000 Palestinians were evicted, or fled. This number has been backed up among numerous sources. The question, then, is how to see why they left, and how many left for which reason.

Flapan notes the official Israeli narrative: That Israel wanted to stop the exodus, and was not responsible for it. He notes that the major of Haifa (Shabatai Levy) and the head of the Worker's Council (Abba Hashi) pleaded with the Arabs to stay and surrender to the Haganah. Ben-Gurion also sent Golda Meir to attempt to convince them to stay. The efforts were unsuccessful.

Flapan believes that these efforts were purely politically calculated, and that Ben-Gurion didn't actually believe in trying to keep the Arabs around, basing this claim on Ben-Gurion biographer Michael Bar-Zohar. Zohar points to what he says are Ben-Gurion's claims that fewer Arabs left would be better, quoting his diary saying "We must afford civic and human equality to every Arab who remains, but it is not our task to worry about the return of Arabs".

This is, obviously, a little shaky. It's interpreting Ben-Gurion's stance off one diary entry that doesn't even mention evicting the Arabs. However, in 1950, Ben-Gurion was quoted as saying "These Arabs should not be living here, just as American Jews should not be living in America". This, however, came after the 1948 War, so we're not sure if it was his belief the whole time! Flapan does provide another quote, however, pointing to Ben-Gurion giving orders to "destroy the Arab islands in Jewish population areas". This cannot, though, explain everything, as Jewish population areas weren't the only places that existed obviously in the new state.

Flapan posits that the idea that the Palestinians were urged to run, part of the official narrative, is bunk. He argues that there's no evidence for it (and notes that thousands of new documents were just released when this was published in 1987). He also notes its improbability, as the local population being urged to run would mean the Arabs didn't want the local population to stick around and help the armies as they approached with supplies; hardly logical. Flapan also says that the declassified trove actually supports the theory that the Arab countries tried to get the Palestinians to stay, not to run.

A report of the Jewish Agency's Arab Section on January 3, 1948 (at the beginning of the flight, which took place in waves, as I'll get into later), mentions that the Arab Higher Executive (AHE) had succeeded in imposing significant scrutiny on those attempting to flee. The old, women, and children were allowed to flee, but overall Palestinians were encouraged to stay in place, and even granting visas to those women and children was often opposed.

Flapan also contends that the AHE statements which were purported to show how the Arabs encouraged the flight are now seen to be largely fabricated. Parts of them that weren't fabricated, however, did contribute to the panic and the flight. Things like " a very short time the armies of our Arab sister countries will overrun Palestine, attacking from the land, the sea, the air, and they will settle accounts with the Jews" were intended to deter Arabs from collaborating or surrendering to the Israelis. However, Flapan believes they had the opposite effect, increasing Arab panic and flight due to the impending disastrous effects of war. There are command records, however, that show Arab forces being commanded to return Palestinians to their homes by force if they were caught trying to flee.

Once the flight began, however, it wasn't that Jews necessarily looked to expel the Palestinians (again, working off Flapan here, I'm going to go more into it later). Flapan believes that Jewish leaders merely encouraged it (while there were some expulsions, again, get into that later). Chaim Weizmann, prominent in the Zionism community, had declared that "Jews are not going to encroach upon the rights and territory of the Arabs." However, that didn't mean the Jews didn't encourage the Arabs to abandon their territory. Moshe Sharett (foreign minister of Israel's provisional government) immediately declared that no mass return of Palestinians to Israel would be allowed, and Aharon Cohen (prominent political Zionist) insisted that "the Arab exodus was not part of a preconceived plan, but a part of the flight was due to official policy...Once it started, the flight received encouragement from the most important Jewish sources, for both military and political reasons."

But now that you've got a good idea of the narrative up to here, and you've understood that the argument of flight and expulsion is the main narrative Flapan
argues for, let's see what Flapan tallies it all up to. Keep in mind, Flapan believes there were far more expulsions, making the "encouragement" claim insufficient to explain the exodus.

Flapan notes that according to IDF intelligence estimates, as of June 1, 1948 (in the next 6 months a similar sized exodus would occur again), 370,000 Arabs had left. 84% were due to direct Israeli actions (55% due to attacks, 15% due to terrorism, 2% due to whispering campaigns, 2% due to evacuations by the IDF, and 10% due to general fear). About 5% left on orders from Arab bands. And finally, another 11% left voluntarily.

I'd like to categorize those numbers slightly differently, if I might. I'd say the general fear is hard to pin on either side (as Flapan noted the fears compounded by Arabs), so it ought be separated. Also, we must note that attacks by Israelis are military attacks (since they are described as separate from the terrorist attacks of Irgun and Lehi, two prominently radical fighting groups), and likely resulted in some expulsions and some running from the people now in control.

Flapan goes further into the issue of how they were encouraged to leave, what methods were used, what expulsions were like, etc. However, these are details that don't detract or add to the point above for the most part, so I'll move on to the next portion of my post: Ilan Pappé.

Simha Flapan. The Palestinian Exodus of 1948 Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 16, No. 4 (Summer, 1987

Ilan Pappé's Account

Ilan Pappé is yet another New Historian. I will discuss Pappé, then get into Morris' account, so if you think I'm never gonna get to what you might've been told growing up, then worry not!

Pappé is, to put it lightly, one of the more radical of the New Historians. His article, titled The 1948 Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, is a little controversial to say the least.

I would like to note that it's basically his attempt to sum up his new book through the early chapters, not the full book (which has the same title). Please feel free to read his book, if you wish to know more about his stance or sources. Unfortunately, I don't have his book on me, and can't find it online, so we'll have to make do with this!

Obviously, Pappé takes the controversial stance that most, if not all, of the Arabs running were due to ethnic cleansing. He begins the article by defining ethnic cleansing, and noting that it is a crime against humanity. There is a distinction I'd like to make, briefly, before I get into the writings of Pappé. Pappé mentions that ethnic cleansing is a crime against humanity, and points to the ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia) and its prosecutions of people for ethnic cleansing (among other things). A similar court was convened in Rwanda. He then goes on to describe the definitions used there, which mostly sum up to "systematic and forced removal of the members of an ethnic group from communities in order to change the ethnic composition of a given region."

It's clear, here, that Pappé is taking one of the most controversial stances he can. Ethnic cleansing as a systematic action taken willingly and intentionally is a big leap from Flapan's earlier argument that encouragement and expulsion were used in large amount, but that the whole situation was less a forced and intentional expulsion as opposed to a mixture of many factors. Furthermore, because it's nigh impossible to make the assertion and prove it without doubt, this is a hugely important difference from other accounts. When comparing the Nakba (which translates to the "catastrophe", and refers to the exodus post-war) to the case of Yugoslavia, I personally only see mild similarities and in more isolated cases. Whereas Milosevic in Yugoslavia and the military leadership in Rwanda actively pursued (throughout all levels) the ethnic cleansing and genocide of all those that weren't of their ethnic group (in Kosovo, the Serbs expelled Albanians, and in Rwanda, the Hutus expelled Tutsis, for example). I don't think this applies nearly as strongly to the case of the Nakba, and I want to preface Pappé's belief with this so you understand the gravity of what he's comparing it to. He specifically says that if we didn't know about Yugoslavia, but heard the definition (which was partially formulated to deal with Yugoslavia) and knew about Palestine, we'd apply the definition to Palestine immediately. That's a tall assumption, to say the least. Personally, I prefer the following Morris account. However, I'll give Pappé his fair share now that I've underlined how drastically he differs from the majority consensus (which is important to understanding the conflict).

Pappé argues that from the start, the idea of the Zionist organizations was to ethnically cleanse Arabs, and that they had been gearing up for war from the start. He points to Ben-Gurion calling for "a large chunk of Palestine" for a viable state. The Jewish Agency, a few months later, took that statement and made a map from it which would be larger than the 1947 UN Partition Plan. However, after the war, the map would largely be accurate for the new state. He points to this as evidence that the Jews were preparing from the start to seize so large an area. As a reference, this plan, which was outlined in Plan Dalet (this plan was drawn up in March of 1948, when the civil war had already begun and after the UN partition was approved), called for (his quote):

...operations [that] can be carried out in the following manner: either by destroying villages (by setting fire to them, by blowing them up, and by planting mines in their rubble), and especially those population centers that are difficult to control permanently; or by mounting combing and control operations according to the following guidelines: encirclement of the villages, conducting a search inside them. In case of resistance, the armed forces must be wiped out and the population expelled outside the borders of the state.
He notes that this was the plan for the expulsion of rural villages in Palestine (something which Flapan argues was done less deliberately) and that similar instructions were given for urban centers, but he doesn't provide any quotes on the latter. Pappé also argues that the orders were not given as guidelines, but as hard-cut directives; which runs contrary to what Morris argued. He draws this conclusion from documents released in the late 1990s by Israeli security, but Morris covers those as well and remains unconvinced.

Pappé goes on to accuse Ben-Gurion, along with all of his top commanders and generals and associates, of being responsible for the ethnic cleansing. Whereas Flapan and Morris think that Ben-Gurion and co. were amenable to the expulsion paradigm, but viewed it as something they didn't want to encourage, Pappé argues that they planned, executed, and wanted ethnic cleansing to occur.

As you can tell, I'm not a big fan of Pappé. I feel he speculates and is far too revisionist, making claims that are far wider than the source literature actually supports. Most of what he writes is along the lines of the above, and he hardly provides more real evidence in the article, so I suggest reading the book if you wish to judge for yourself what else he says. However, with that, I'd like to transition into my favorite account (personally) of it all: Benny Morris' account.

Ilan Pappé. The 1948 Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 36, No. 1

Benny Morris' Account

Benny Morris is the last New Historian I'll talk about. After this, I'll go into criticisms of their narratives.
u/gingerkid1234 actually mentions Benny Morris, noting the difficulty of ascribing numbers. I'm going to be quoting from Benny Morris' book called The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited. I don't want to bias you on the basis of source numbers, but you should get an idea of how much research Morris had done by 2004 (when he wrote this), so you can understand how complex the work of historians studying this is (and why I can't give a concise account). He had over 800 citations per section. That translates to citations of around 3,200 throughout the 4 sections. While some citations came from the same sources, can you imagine having to go through even 200 pieces of source material? Oh, and that's just the discussion of the 4 waves; he had other source material to confront in the forms of other things he talks about (like blocking the return of refugees, the decisions leading up to that, etc.). Tracking them down, citing them consistently, having to consult with them whenever you's a nightmare, and it's a wonder Morris could keep it all together and form such a comprehensive narrative. And because he wrote it after Flapan, when new documents had been released in the late 1990s, I feel it's likely he had a better grasp of the issue than Flapan.
It's important to note that Morris today refuses to write more histories of the conflict, saying there's "no point" since the Palestinians "don't want a two-state solution". Now, I mention this because I want you to get an idea of his background. He's a Zionist, by most accounts, so even while he addresses Israeli war atrocities that might've been skipped over in history, and even while he presents these points of view on the Palestinian exodus, he still argues that the overall Zionist position (and some of the actions) were justified.
That said, let's launch into an examination of Morris' arguments.
Morris begins by noting that the amount of fleeing Arabs reached approximately 390,000 by June 1st. This is fairly consistent with Flapan's estimate, and they appear to be drawing from the same place.
Morris makes it very clear he blames the Palestinians for the birth of the Palestinian refugee problem. He points to the Arab rejection of the UN Partition Plan and initiation of hostilities as the cause for everything that followed. He also argues that the war, not the design of Jews or Arabs, caused the refugee problem.
However, he argues, "...the displacement of Arabs from Palestine or from the areas of Palestine that would become the Jewish State was inherent in Zionist ideology and, in microcosm, in Zionist praxis from the start of the enterprise.
" Praxis means practice, in case you had to look that up like me!
He also argues that the exodus was inevitable, because of the intermixing of Jewish and Arab populations that led to the difficulty in making the partition plan in the first place. Violence, discontent, and anger was inevitable, as was fear. He goes into very great detail, and I'd highly recommend the book. But back to the narrative he provides...what exactly is it?
Well, Morris splits the exodus into 4 waves. The first, taking place between December 1947-March 1948, was characterized mostly by voluntary flight. He argues that an insignificantly small amount of refugees left because of Haganah or other forces (like Irgun and Lehi) expulsions or "forceful advice" to that effect. More, especially women, children, and the elderly, left as a result of orders or advice from Arab military commanders and officials. As he puts it, "Fears for their safety rather than a grand strategy of evacuation underlay these steps. And few were ordered or advised to leave Palestine; generally the orders or advice were merely to move to safer areas within the country, where Arabs were demographically predominant." In general, though, he believes the Arab leadership very much struggled against the exodus at this early stage. Unfortunately, he doesn't give any numbers I've found regarding how many people left during that first wave, so I couldn't tell you what he estimates.
The second wave, from April to June of 1948, took on a slightly different character. In this wave, Morris argues that expulsions really began, but were not the main focus of the Haganah forces. In general, he notes, Haganah orders were not explicitly calling for expulsion...however, they called in many cases for the destruction of a village or implicitly for expulsion, and that's what occurred. He furthers that Haganah forces did this because they knew that a flight had begun, and that with some nudging in that direction, the exodus would balloon to much larger proportions, serving the interests of the Jewish State. The expulsions were much more common in the countryside than the cities/towns, because it was further from headquarters where officers might object and because orders provided for the expulsion and leveling of villages, but not of towns.
Morris also does well to note the basic collapse of Palestinian society around the April point, which I talk about in my FAQ post. Civilian and military morale among the Palestinians, as well as the flight of almost all Palestinian communities (or expulsion) meant that during this period Jews didn't really have to worry about the dilemma of expelling; the job was mostly done for them by the fleeing villagers before the villages were conquered. He posits that the second wave, during which 250,000-300,000 Palestinians fled was not the result of a general, pre-determined policy by the Jewish leadership. While they were happy to exploit it, it actually caught the Jewish leadership by surprise. Yisrael Galili (chief of staff for the Haganah) he said:
Up to 15 May and after 15 May we must continue to implement the plan of military operations [i.e., Plan D]...which did not take into account thecollapse and flight of Arab settlements following the route in Haifa...[But] this collapse facilitates our tasks.
The Morris account is continued in the next post, it was too long for one comment.

With that, we enter the third wave that Morris discusses. He separates it into two subsections: the Ten Days (9-18 July) and the Second Truce (18 July-15 October).

During the Ten Days, which followed the end of the First Truce (which ended when the Egyptian army initiated hostilities in the south pre-emptively before the 30-day ceasefire expired), the IDF undertook a massive offensive on the northern and central fronts. In the south, it also undertook a counter-offensive, called "Mivtza An-Far" (Operation Anti-Farouq). Together with the Negev Brigade, the IDF failed the main objective of establishing a corridor from the Coastal Plains to the isolated Negev settlements, but did manage to conquer areas in the Galilee and some of the northern settlements of the Negev. Just prior to the Ten Days, Ben-Gurion put out what Morris describes as a grudging order put out through General Ayalon. It said this:

Outside the actual time of fighting, it is forbidden to destroy, burn, or demolish Arab cities and villages, to expel Arab inhabitants from villages, neighborhoods, and cities, and to uproot inhabitants from their places without special permission or explicit order from the Defense Minister in each specific case. Anyone violating this order will be put on trial.
This would pose an obstacle to those who were attempting to undertake forced expulsion, no matter how grudgingly it came out, and it would reach all major formations and headquarters. Smaller groups might not have gotten the order, however, and it was still only a formal obstacle; that's not to say it stopped everyone necessarily, or that it wasn't circumvented.

During the Ten Days, the policy on how to handle Arab communities (as Morris argues) was mostly up to Ben-Gurion and the IDF, without the interference of the Cabinet or other organizations. During this time, it seems the policy was mostly contradictory, very circumstantial, and haphazard. This led to different results in different places, as Morris puts it. Between the period after the Ten Days and the Second Truce (in October), Morris argues that the IDF carried out many operations to clear active or potentially hostile Arab populations from its rear and frontline areas. These included areas mostly the Little Triangle, as it was called. Morris says this:

During the days after Shoter, the IDF blew up much of ‘Ein Ghazal and Jab‘a. Arab spokesmen complained of Israeli brutality and atrocities. Tawfiq Abul Huda, the Jordanian prime minister, cabled the UN that the villagers were ‘subjected to savage treatment of the cruelest kind known to humanity. Masses were . . . forced to evacuate their homes . . .’ Another complaint spoke of ‘4,000’ dead or missing in Ijzim. On the morning of 29 July, a team of UN observers, at Bernadotte’s behest, visited the village and found ‘not one body’. But they were not looking hard. There were bodies in the villages, lying under rubble, in the outlying militia outposts, and in the surrounding hills, of those strafed and shelled by IDF aircraft and artillery, or killed in ambushes. According to one IDF report, ‘some 200 [Arab] bodies’ were found in the Little Triangle. IDF teams buried them.
Here we do find examples of IDF teams expelling or otherwise killing many civilians who were unwilling to surrender. The villages mentioned in that quote were given an ultimatum: surrender or evacuate. They chose neither, and that was the result.

At the end of the Third Wave, Morris estimates that Israeli offensives and the subsequent clearing operations sent somewhere around 100,000 Arabs into exile in neighboring Jordanian-held eastern Palestine
(Jordan would occupy the West Bank until 1967), the Gaza Strip (which Egypt would occupy until 1967), Lebanon, and the Upper-Galilee pocket held by the Arab Liberation Army.

So thus far we have what is likely roughly 350,000-400,000 Palestinians who have left Israel. Roughly 100,000 of them were expelled or left directly due to attacks (or were killed), while another 250,000-300,000 fled at the rising violence and in fear.

The Fourth Wave would contain the rest of the refugees. This wave took place within the exodus of October-November of 1948.

During this wave, Morris notes that Operations Yoav and Hiram were meant to conquer additional territory and give Israel more strategic depth. He also notes that nowhere in the operational planning were there orders with how to deal with the Arab civilian population. Colonels and generals probably assumed there would be a flight similar to that of the first wave, but brigade, battalion, and company commanders were happy to expel many Arabs because they felt they would be better off with fewer Arabs in Israel after the war. Arabs, for their part, feared the impending Israeli onslaught, and thought there would be expulsions and horrible treatment if they didn't flee, since they were likely to fall into Israeli hands after the war ended. In this wave, there was a mixture of both IDF nudging and expulsion with spontaneous flight due to fear that led to the exodus. Both operations would precipitate the flight of between 200,000 and 230,000 Arabs, he estimated. Again, Morris claims there was no clear IDF policy, but he doesn't explain how many left for which reasons during this period. Even if all of them were expelled, and none ran out of fear, we raise a tally of roughly 55% of those who left as leaving due to Israeli expulsions and military actions; largely consistent with the IDF intelligence estimates.

However, Morris points out that there's another portion after this, and rightly so. Between November of 1948 and 1950 (note that the war ended at different times: Israel signed separate armistices with Egypt on 24 February, 1949, Lebanon on 23 March, Jordan on 3 April, and Syria on 20 July), there were still more expulsions. He argues that in the weeks and months after the end of hostilities, Israeli authorities did their best to clear the new borders of Arab communities. They also scoured other areas within the new state to find refugees and other illegal entrants, to try and weed out any Arabs they could. During this time, Morris attributes another roughly 30,000-40,000 Arab refugees leaving to Israeli expulsions.

Through this, we can do a little add-up of Morris' estimates, which I largely think are reasonable representations. I would like to note, however, that while I agree with his estimates, that the numbers are far from concrete. We will likely never know what happened, how, or anything along those lines. Those responsible are largely either keeping quiet or dead by now, and it's hard to prove anything no matter how many documents you look at. I think Morris' description that the policy was circumstantial, haphazard, and rather contradictory is the best way to look at it.

That said, here's the tally, roughly:

First Wave: Uncertain amount. Mostly done at the behest of Arab authorities trying to get elderly, women, and children out of the areas, and out of fear.

Second Wave: 250,000-300,000, mostly fleeing of their own accord out of fear of hostilities. There was no policy to get rid of them explicitly, though it was provided for if it had to happen, and the policy didn't have to be dealt with because of a lack of Palestinians to expel.

Third Wave: There were many more expulsions undertaken, more as a result of the choices of lower commanders. The official policy was to avoid expulsions. Roughly 100,000 left, mostly due to expulsions or deaths.

Fourth Wave: Another 200,000-230,000 would leave, due to a mixture of expulsions, nudging/encouragement, and fear. How much due to each is hard to say, but it's likely more expulsions and nudging than fear at this point.

Post-Fourth Wave and Post-War: Another 30,000-40,000 roughly are expelled for various reasons, like arguments that it was necessary for border security or to prevent people returning/trying to stay in after infiltrating the new state.

Morris, Benny. The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2004.

From the above yes some of the migrations can be put down to fear and non-direct action. But much of the fear was created by incidents such as 'Dar Yasin massacre' and thereafter many of the expulsions were undertaken by people in an official capacity.
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So now the UN are spinning narratives are they? Instead of writing all the above you could have just stated I'm sticking by my narrative argument.

You seem confused regarding the term 'narrative' and 'story', you actually used them interchangeably. A 'narrative' is the choice of which events to relate and in what order to relate them, that's the issue people have with the Israeli versions as they put a delicate spin of innocence on them, which is wrong, considering many of the actions were led by commanders, backed by political decision makers.

Narrative is the choice of which events to relate and in what order to relate them – so it is a representation or specific manifestation of the story, rather than the story itself. The story is the Nakba the narrative turns the story into information.

Ok you gave a breakdown why narratives are used, but I've explained to why the Israeli narrative of the event has flaws i.e. parts of events which have been corroborated by multiple agencies are glossed over or at best are dismissed as 'wayward troops'. But you've already dismissed the UN as a source, a case of genetic fallacy, which shows your will to commit to honest discourse is non-existent.
I'll find anther version of the Washington Times piece.
Well of course there are different narratives here, I didn't post there wasn't. The issue is the Israeli one, which has hazes over key events. You use the word 'consensus', if you mean historians will agree 100% on a course of events in history, then that seldom happens. However the vast majority do state there were atrocities carried by Israel's forces and the Palestinians were forcefully expelled in large numbers. There are differences in terms of motives, how much was threat perception rather than direct action etc. But not on events.

On another forum a gentlemen broke down three narratives from various historians which posters should read. I've highlighted key points.

New Historians: Late 1980s Revision of Accepted Narratives

Simha Flapan's Account

Simha Flapan, a "New Historian", discusses the issue in an article called The Palestinian Exodus of 1948. In this article, we are automatically notified that 600,000-700,000 Palestinians were evicted, or fled. This number has been backed up among numerous sources. The question, then, is how to see why they left, and how many left for which reason.

Flapan notes the official Israeli narrative: That Israel wanted to stop the exodus, and was not responsible for it. He notes that the major of Haifa (Shabatai Levy) and the head of the Worker's Council (Abba Hashi) pleaded with the Arabs to stay and surrender to the Haganah. Ben-Gurion also sent Golda Meir to attempt to convince them to stay. The efforts were unsuccessful.

Flapan believes that these efforts were purely politically calculated, and that Ben-Gurion didn't actually believe in trying to keep the Arabs around, basing this claim on Ben-Gurion biographer Michael Bar-Zohar. Zohar points to what he says are Ben-Gurion's claims that fewer Arabs left would be better, quoting his diary saying "We must afford civic and human equality to every Arab who remains, but it is not our task to worry about the return of Arabs".

This is, obviously, a little shaky. It's interpreting Ben-Gurion's stance off one diary entry that doesn't even mention evicting the Arabs. However, in 1950, Ben-Gurion was quoted as saying "These Arabs should not be living here, just as American Jews should not be living in America". This, however, came after the 1948 War, so we're not sure if it was his belief the whole time! Flapan does provide another quote, however, pointing to Ben-Gurion giving orders to "destroy the Arab islands in Jewish population areas". This cannot, though, explain everything, as Jewish population areas weren't the only places that existed obviously in the new state.

Flapan posits that the idea that the Palestinians were urged to run, part of the official narrative, is bunk. He argues that there's no evidence for it (and notes that thousands of new documents were just released when this was published in 1987). He also notes its improbability, as the local population being urged to run would mean the Arabs didn't want the local population to stick around and help the armies as they approached with supplies; hardly logical. Flapan also says that the declassified trove actually supports the theory that the Arab countries tried to get the Palestinians to stay, not to run.

A report of the Jewish Agency's Arab Section on January 3, 1948 (at the beginning of the flight, which took place in waves, as I'll get into later), mentions that the Arab Higher Executive (AHE) had succeeded in imposing significant scrutiny on those attempting to flee. The old, women, and children were allowed to flee, but overall Palestinians were encouraged to stay in place, and even granting visas to those women and children was often opposed.

Flapan also contends that the AHE statements which were purported to show how the Arabs encouraged the flight are now seen to be largely fabricated. Parts of them that weren't fabricated, however, did contribute to the panic and the flight. Things like " a very short time the armies of our Arab sister countries will overrun Palestine, attacking from the land, the sea, the air, and they will settle accounts with the Jews" were intended to deter Arabs from collaborating or surrendering to the Israelis. However, Flapan believes they had the opposite effect, increasing Arab panic and flight due to the impending disastrous effects of war. There are command records, however, that show Arab forces being commanded to return Palestinians to their homes by force if they were caught trying to flee.

Once the flight began, however, it wasn't that Jews necessarily looked to expel the Palestinians (again, working off Flapan here, I'm going to go more into it later). Flapan believes that Jewish leaders merely encouraged it (while there were some expulsions, again, get into that later). Chaim Weizmann, prominent in the Zionism community, had declared that "Jews are not going to encroach upon the rights and territory of the Arabs." However, that didn't mean the Jews didn't encourage the Arabs to abandon their territory. Moshe Sharett (foreign minister of Israel's provisional government) immediately declared that no mass return of Palestinians to Israel would be allowed, and Aharon Cohen (prominent political Zionist) insisted that "the Arab exodus was not part of a preconceived plan, but a part of the flight was due to official policy...Once it started, the flight received encouragement from the most important Jewish sources, for both military and political reasons."

But now that you've got a good idea of the narrative up to here, and you've understood that the argument of flight and expulsion is the main narrative Flapan
argues for, let's see what Flapan tallies it all up to. Keep in mind, Flapan believes there were far more expulsions, making the "encouragement" claim insufficient to explain the exodus.

Flapan notes that according to IDF intelligence estimates, as of June 1, 1948 (in the next 6 months a similar sized exodus would occur again), 370,000 Arabs had left. 84% were due to direct Israeli actions (55% due to attacks, 15% due to terrorism, 2% due to whispering campaigns, 2% due to evacuations by the IDF, and 10% due to general fear). About 5% left on orders from Arab bands. And finally, another 11% left voluntarily.

I'd like to categorize those numbers slightly differently, if I might. I'd say the general fear is hard to pin on either side (as Flapan noted the fears compounded by Arabs), so it ought be separated. Also, we must note that attacks by Israelis are military attacks (since they are described as separate from the terrorist attacks of Irgun and Lehi, two prominently radical fighting groups), and likely resulted in some expulsions and some running from the people now in control.

Flapan goes further into the issue of how they were encouraged to leave, what methods were used, what expulsions were like, etc. However, these are details that don't detract or add to the point above for the most part, so I'll move on to the next portion of my post: Ilan Pappé.

Simha Flapan. The Palestinian Exodus of 1948 Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 16, No. 4 (Summer, 1987

Ilan Pappé's Account

Ilan Pappé is yet another New Historian. I will discuss Pappé, then get into Morris' account, so if you think I'm never gonna get to what you might've been told growing up, then worry not!

Pappé is, to put it lightly, one of the more radical of the New Historians. His article, titled The 1948 Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, is a little controversial to say the least.

I would like to note that it's basically his attempt to sum up his new book through the early chapters, not the full book (which has the same title). Please feel free to read his book, if you wish to know more about his stance or sources. Unfortunately, I don't have his book on me, and can't find it online, so we'll have to make do with this!

Obviously, Pappé takes the controversial stance that most, if not all, of the Arabs running were due to ethnic cleansing. He begins the article by defining ethnic cleansing, and noting that it is a crime against humanity. There is a distinction I'd like to make, briefly, before I get into the writings of Pappé. Pappé mentions that ethnic cleansing is a crime against humanity, and points to the ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia) and its prosecutions of people for ethnic cleansing (among other things). A similar court was convened in Rwanda. He then goes on to describe the definitions used there, which mostly sum up to "systematic and forced removal of the members of an ethnic group from communities in order to change the ethnic composition of a given region."

It's clear, here, that Pappé is taking one of the most controversial stances he can. Ethnic cleansing as a systematic action taken willingly and intentionally is a big leap from Flapan's earlier argument that encouragement and expulsion were used in large amount, but that the whole situation was less a forced and intentional expulsion as opposed to a mixture of many factors. Furthermore, because it's nigh impossible to make the assertion and prove it without doubt, this is a hugely important difference from other accounts. When comparing the Nakba (which translates to the "catastrophe", and refers to the exodus post-war) to the case of Yugoslavia, I personally only see mild similarities and in more isolated cases. Whereas Milosevic in Yugoslavia and the military leadership in Rwanda actively pursued (throughout all levels) the ethnic cleansing and genocide of all those that weren't of their ethnic group (in Kosovo, the Serbs expelled Albanians, and in Rwanda, the Hutus expelled Tutsis, for example). I don't think this applies nearly as strongly to the case of the Nakba, and I want to preface Pappé's belief with this so you understand the gravity of what he's comparing it to. He specifically says that if we didn't know about Yugoslavia, but heard the definition (which was partially formulated to deal with Yugoslavia) and knew about Palestine, we'd apply the definition to Palestine immediately. That's a tall assumption, to say the least. Personally, I prefer the following Morris account. However, I'll give Pappé his fair share now that I've underlined how drastically he differs from the majority consensus (which is important to understanding the conflict).

Pappé argues that from the start, the idea of the Zionist organizations was to ethnically cleanse Arabs, and that they had been gearing up for war from the start. He points to Ben-Gurion calling for "a large chunk of Palestine" for a viable state. The Jewish Agency, a few months later, took that statement and made a map from it which would be larger than the 1947 UN Partition Plan. However, after the war, the map would largely be accurate for the new state. He points to this as evidence that the Jews were preparing from the start to seize so large an area. As a reference, this plan, which was outlined in Plan Dalet (this plan was drawn up in March of 1948, when the civil war had already begun and after the UN partition was approved), called for (his quote):

He notes that this was the plan for the expulsion of rural villages in Palestine (something which Flapan argues was done less deliberately) and that similar instructions were given for urban centers, but he doesn't provide any quotes on the latter. Pappé also argues that the orders were not given as guidelines, but as hard-cut directives; which runs contrary to what Morris argued. He draws this conclusion from documents released in the late 1990s by Israeli security, but Morris covers those as well and remains unconvinced.

Pappé goes on to accuse Ben-Gurion, along with all of his top commanders and generals and associates, of being responsible for the ethnic cleansing. Whereas Flapan and Morris think that Ben-Gurion and co. were amenable to the expulsion paradigm, but viewed it as something they didn't want to encourage, Pappé argues that they planned, executed, and wanted ethnic cleansing to occur.

As you can tell, I'm not a big fan of Pappé. I feel he speculates and is far too revisionist, making claims that are far wider than the source literature actually supports. Most of what he writes is along the lines of the above, and he hardly provides more real evidence in the article, so I suggest reading the book if you wish to judge for yourself what else he says. However, with that, I'd like to transition into my favorite account (personally) of it all: Benny Morris' account.

Ilan Pappé. The 1948 Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 36, No. 1

Benny Morris' Account

Benny Morris is the last New Historian I'll talk about. After this, I'll go into criticisms of their narratives.
u/gingerkid1234 actually mentions Benny Morris, noting the difficulty of ascribing numbers. I'm going to be quoting from Benny Morris' book called The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited. I don't want to bias you on the basis of source numbers, but you should get an idea of how much research Morris had done by 2004 (when he wrote this), so you can understand how complex the work of historians studying this is (and why I can't give a concise account). He had over 800 citations per section. That translates to citations of around 3,200 throughout the 4 sections. While some citations came from the same sources, can you imagine having to go through even 200 pieces of source material? Oh, and that's just the discussion of the 4 waves; he had other source material to confront in the forms of other things he talks about (like blocking the return of refugees, the decisions leading up to that, etc.). Tracking them down, citing them consistently, having to consult with them whenever you's a nightmare, and it's a wonder Morris could keep it all together and form such a comprehensive narrative. And because he wrote it after Flapan, when new documents had been released in the late 1990s, I feel it's likely he had a better grasp of the issue than Flapan.
It's important to note that Morris today refuses to write more histories of the conflict, saying there's "no point" since the Palestinians "don't want a two-state solution". Now, I mention this because I want you to get an idea of his background. He's a Zionist, by most accounts, so even while he addresses Israeli war atrocities that might've been skipped over in history, and even while he presents these points of view on the Palestinian exodus, he still argues that the overall Zionist position (and some of the actions) were justified.
That said, let's launch into an examination of Morris' arguments.
Morris begins by noting that the amount of fleeing Arabs reached approximately 390,000 by June 1st. This is fairly consistent with Flapan's estimate, and they appear to be drawing from the same place.
Morris makes it very clear he blames the Palestinians for the birth of the Palestinian refugee problem. He points to the Arab rejection of the UN Partition Plan and initiation of hostilities as the cause for everything that followed. He also argues that the war, not the design of Jews or Arabs, caused the refugee problem.
However, he argues, "...the displacement of Arabs from Palestine or from the areas of Palestine that would become the Jewish State was inherent in Zionist ideology and, in microcosm, in Zionist praxis from the start of the enterprise.
" Praxis means practice, in case you had to look that up like me!
He also argues that the exodus was inevitable, because of the intermixing of Jewish and Arab populations that led to the difficulty in making the partition plan in the first place. Violence, discontent, and anger was inevitable, as was fear. He goes into very great detail, and I'd highly recommend the book. But back to the narrative he provides...what exactly is it?
Well, Morris splits the exodus into 4 waves. The first, taking place between December 1947-March 1948, was characterized mostly by voluntary flight. He argues that an insignificantly small amount of refugees left because of Haganah or other forces (like Irgun and Lehi) expulsions or "forceful advice" to that effect. More, especially women, children, and the elderly, left as a result of orders or advice from Arab military commanders and officials. As he puts it, "Fears for their safety rather than a grand strategy of evacuation underlay these steps. And few were ordered or advised to leave Palestine; generally the orders or advice were merely to move to safer areas within the country, where Arabs were demographically predominant." In general, though, he believes the Arab leadership very much struggled against the exodus at this early stage. Unfortunately, he doesn't give any numbers I've found regarding how many people left during that first wave, so I couldn't tell you what he estimates.
The second wave, from April to June of 1948, took on a slightly different character. In this wave, Morris argues that expulsions really began, but were not the main focus of the Haganah forces. In general, he notes, Haganah orders were not explicitly calling for expulsion...however, they called in many cases for the destruction of a village or implicitly for expulsion, and that's what occurred. He furthers that Haganah forces did this because they knew that a flight had begun, and that with some nudging in that direction, the exodus would balloon to much larger proportions, serving the interests of the Jewish State. The expulsions were much more common in the countryside than the cities/towns, because it was further from headquarters where officers might object and because orders provided for the expulsion and leveling of villages, but not of towns.
Morris also does well to note the basic collapse of Palestinian society around the April point, which I talk about in my FAQ post. Civilian and military morale among the Palestinians, as well as the flight of almost all Palestinian communities (or expulsion) meant that during this period Jews didn't really have to worry about the dilemma of expelling; the job was mostly done for them by the fleeing villagers before the villages were conquered. He posits that the second wave, during which 250,000-300,000 Palestinians fled was not the result of a general, pre-determined policy by the Jewish leadership. While they were happy to exploit it, it actually caught the Jewish leadership by surprise. Yisrael Galili (chief of staff for the Haganah) he said:

The Morris account is continued in the next post, it was too long for one comment.

With that, we enter the third wave that Morris discusses. He separates it into two subsections: the Ten Days (9-18 July) and the Second Truce (18 July-15 October).

During the Ten Days, which followed the end of the First Truce (which ended when the Egyptian army initiated hostilities in the south pre-emptively before the 30-day ceasefire expired), the IDF undertook a massive offensive on the northern and central fronts. In the south, it also undertook a counter-offensive, called "Mivtza An-Far" (Operation Anti-Farouq). Together with the Negev Brigade, the IDF failed the main objective of establishing a corridor from the Coastal Plains to the isolated Negev settlements, but did manage to conquer areas in the Galilee and some of the northern settlements of the Negev. Just prior to the Ten Days, Ben-Gurion put out what Morris describes as a grudging order put out through General Ayalon. It said this:

This would pose an obstacle to those who were attempting to undertake forced expulsion, no matter how grudgingly it came out, and it would reach all major formations and headquarters. Smaller groups might not have gotten the order, however, and it was still only a formal obstacle; that's not to say it stopped everyone necessarily, or that it wasn't circumvented.

During the Ten Days, the policy on how to handle Arab communities (as Morris argues) was mostly up to Ben-Gurion and the IDF, without the interference of the Cabinet or other organizations. During this time, it seems the policy was mostly contradictory, very circumstantial, and haphazard. This led to different results in different places, as Morris puts it. Between the period after the Ten Days and the Second Truce (in October), Morris argues that the IDF carried out many operations to clear active or potentially hostile Arab populations from its rear and frontline areas. These included areas mostly the Little Triangle, as it was called. Morris says this:

Here we do find examples of IDF teams expelling or otherwise killing many civilians who were unwilling to surrender. The villages mentioned in that quote were given an ultimatum: surrender or evacuate. They chose neither, and that was the result.

At the end of the Third Wave, Morris estimates that Israeli offensives and the subsequent clearing operations sent somewhere around 100,000 Arabs into exile in neighboring Jordanian-held eastern Palestine
(Jordan would occupy the West Bank until 1967), the Gaza Strip (which Egypt would occupy until 1967), Lebanon, and the Upper-Galilee pocket held by the Arab Liberation Army.

So thus far we have what is likely roughly 350,000-400,000 Palestinians who have left Israel. Roughly 100,000 of them were expelled or left directly due to attacks (or were killed), while another 250,000-300,000 fled at the rising violence and in fear.

The Fourth Wave would contain the rest of the refugees. This wave took place within the exodus of October-November of 1948.

During this wave, Morris notes that Operations Yoav and Hiram were meant to conquer additional territory and give Israel more strategic depth. He also notes that nowhere in the operational planning were there orders with how to deal with the Arab civilian population. Colonels and generals probably assumed there would be a flight similar to that of the first wave, but brigade, battalion, and company commanders were happy to expel many Arabs because they felt they would be better off with fewer Arabs in Israel after the war. Arabs, for their part, feared the impending Israeli onslaught, and thought there would be expulsions and horrible treatment if they didn't flee, since they were likely to fall into Israeli hands after the war ended. In this wave, there was a mixture of both IDF nudging and expulsion with spontaneous flight due to fear that led to the exodus. Both operations would precipitate the flight of between 200,000 and 230,000 Arabs, he estimated. Again, Morris claims there was no clear IDF policy, but he doesn't explain how many left for which reasons during this period. Even if all of them were expelled, and none ran out of fear, we raise a tally of roughly 55% of those who left as leaving due to Israeli expulsions and military actions; largely consistent with the IDF intelligence estimates.

However, Morris points out that there's another portion after this, and rightly so. Between November of 1948 and 1950 (note that the war ended at different times: Israel signed separate armistices with Egypt on 24 February, 1949, Lebanon on 23 March, Jordan on 3 April, and Syria on 20 July), there were still more expulsions. He argues that in the weeks and months after the end of hostilities, Israeli authorities did their best to clear the new borders of Arab communities. They also scoured other areas within the new state to find refugees and other illegal entrants, to try and weed out any Arabs they could. During this time, Morris attributes another roughly 30,000-40,000 Arab refugees leaving to Israeli expulsions.

Through this, we can do a little add-up of Morris' estimates, which I largely think are reasonable representations. I would like to note, however, that while I agree with his estimates, that the numbers are far from concrete. We will likely never know what happened, how, or anything along those lines. Those responsible are largely either keeping quiet or dead by now, and it's hard to prove anything no matter how many documents you look at. I think Morris' description that the policy was circumstantial, haphazard, and rather contradictory is the best way to look at it.

That said, here's the tally, roughly:

First Wave: Uncertain amount. Mostly done at the behest of Arab authorities trying to get elderly, women, and children out of the areas, and out of fear.

Second Wave: 250,000-300,000, mostly fleeing of their own accord out of fear of hostilities. There was no policy to get rid of them explicitly, though it was provided for if it had to happen, and the policy didn't have to be dealt with because of a lack of Palestinians to expel.

Third Wave: There were many more expulsions undertaken, more as a result of the choices of lower commanders. The official policy was to avoid expulsions. Roughly 100,000 left, mostly due to expulsions or deaths.

Fourth Wave: Another 200,000-230,000 would leave, due to a mixture of expulsions, nudging/encouragement, and fear. How much due to each is hard to say, but it's likely more expulsions and nudging than fear at this point.

Post-Fourth Wave and Post-War: Another 30,000-40,000 roughly are expelled for various reasons, like arguments that it was necessary for border security or to prevent people returning/trying to stay in after infiltrating the new state.

Morris, Benny. The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2004.

From the above yes some of the migrations can be put down to fear and non-direct action. But much of the fear was created by incidents such as 'Dar Yasin massacre' and thereafter many of the expulsions were undertaken by people in an officials capacity.

Bro, that was one of most interesting reading about the early years of the conflict.
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I think what @Dalit is referring to and I do agree [personal opinion] here is that the present day Israeli's who live in modern day Israel are not native to that part of the world. Besides I think almost everyone here knows the concept of Aliyah.
Did you know, Aliyah bet was the name given to the illegal migration of Jews into Palestine between 1930s and the creation of Israel. Over 100,000 illegally entered Palestine.

Apartheid Israel is a settler colony made into a state, this myth of the Jews bought all the land they occupied is utter horse crap.
So now the UN are spinning narratives are they?

I try not to get into the history much but... you see, when the UN made the creation of Israel possible in 1948, the UN was okay and the Arabs didn't accept the UN. But when the UNGA and even the Security Council votes against Israel, the UN is biased. You see the Jews call themselves heir to Palestine but then also call themselves 'The Last Outpost of the West in the Middle East'. So who are they really?
This is an open and shut case of yet another European colonialism and I absolutely don't think it's going to last for a long time. Unless Israel changes its ways, it is doomed in 10 years; Colonel Wilkerson says 20 years but I think 10 years.
I try not to get into the history much but... you see, when the UN made the creation of Israel possible in 1948, the UN was okay and the Arabs didn't accept the UN. But when the UNGA and even the Security Council votes against Israel, the UN is biased. You see the Jews call themselves heir to Palestine but then also call themselves 'The Last Outpost of the West in the Middle East'. So who are they really?
This is an open and shut case of yet another European colonialism and I absolutely don't think it's going to last for a long time. Unless Israel changes its ways, it is doomed in 10 years; Colonel Wilkerson says 20 years but I think 10 years.

How many times have we heard such predictions specifically after 1967 for Israel? Just the same as all the dire predictions about the other ideological creation after its debacle in 1971.

It all depends on the resolve of the people of the country to survive against all odds and dire circumstances.
A short but disturbing video of an old woman being shoved away and she fell. I am sure there is a 'context' to that per the Israelis but the larger context is the occupation.

A thoughtful front page columnist on NY Times right now by a self-proclaimed liberal Zionist.
Some of the sanest, most humane voices in America are from Jewish Americans themselves. And they must be appreciated.

Two far-right members of Israel’s cabinet — the national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, and the finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich — caused an international uproar this week with their calls to depopulate Gaza. “If in Gaza there will be 100,000 or 200,000 Arabs and not two million the entire conversation on ‘the day after’ will look different,” said Smotrich, who called for most Gazan civilians to be resettled in other countries. The war, said Ben-Gvir, presents an “opportunity to concentrate on encouraging the migration of the residents of Gaza,” facilitating Israeli settlement in the region.


But it’s not clear, because we’re writing a blank check to a government whose leader is only a bit more coy than Ben-Gvir and Smotrich about his intentions for Gaza. As Israeli news outlets have reported, Netanyahu said this week that the government is considering a “scenario of surrender and deportation” of residents of the Gaza Strip. (Some outlets reported that Netanyahu was referring only to Hamas leaders.) According to a Times of Israel article, “The ‘voluntary’ resettlement of Palestinians from Gaza is slowly becoming a key official policy of the government, with a senior official saying that Israel has held talks with several countries for their potential absorption.”

Some in Israel’s government have denied this, mostly on grounds of impracticality. “It’s a baseless illusion, in my opinion: No country will absorb two million people, or one million, or 100,000, or 5,000,” one official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told Israeli journalists. And on Thursday, Israel’s defense minister, Yoav Gallant, released a plan for the day after the war that said that, contrary to the dreams of the ultranationalists, there would be no Israeli settlement in Gaza.
But with its widespread destruction of Gaza’s civilian infrastructure, including roughly 70 percent of its housing, Israel is making most of Gaza uninhabitable for the foreseeable future. Disease is rampant in Gaza, hunger almost universal, and the United Nations reports that much of the enclave is at risk of famine. Amid all this horror, members of Netanyahu’s Likud party — such as Danny Danon, Israel’s former ambassador to the United Nations, and Gila Gamliel, Israel’s intelligence minister — are pushing emigration as a humanitarian solution.

“Instead of funneling money to rebuild Gaza or to the failed U.N.R.W.A.,” the United Nations agency that works with Palestinian refugees, “the international community can assist in the costs of resettlement, helping the people of Gaza build new lives in their new host countries,” wrote Gamliel in The Jerusalem Post.
Right now, this is a grotesque fantasy. But as Gaza’s suffering ratchets up, some sort of evacuation might come to appear to be a necessary last resort. At least, that’s what some prominent Israeli officials seem to be counting on.

If you grew up in a liberal Zionist household, as I did, you’ve probably heard this (possibly apocryphal) Meir quote: “When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons.” There’s much to criticize in this sentiment — its self-regard, the way it positions Israel as the victim even when it’s doing the killing; still, it at least suggests a tortured ambivalence about meting out violence. But this attitude, which Israelis sometimes call “shooting and crying,” is now as obsolete as Meir’s Zionist socialism, at least among Israel’s leaders.
I am sorry Antonius but that is not a good example to use. Please allow me to elaborate so I can qualify my argument. Since you have used Singapore I will continue to use that country as an example for comparative purposes

1. Water security:
Singapore consumes on average 440million gallons of water per day, it has a sustainable means of using ground water sources to cope with demand which is expected to double by 2065[1]

Israel on the other hand uses on average 1800 metric cubic gallons of water per year[2]. Unlike Singapore which controls the ground water tables in its territory.About 80% of the water potential is in the north of the country and only 20% in the south.

Conversely, In Gaza, some 90-95 per cent[3] of the ground water supply is contaminated and unfit for human consumption. In November 1967 the Israeli authorities issued Military Order 158, which stated that Palestinians could not construct any new water installation without first obtaining a permit from the Israeli army. As a result, some 180 Palestinian communities in rural areas in the occupied West Bank have no access to running water, according to OCHA. Even in towns and villages which are connected to the water network, the taps often run dry.

While restricting Palestinian access to water, Israel has effectively developed its own water infrastructure and water network in the West Bank for the use of its own citizens in Israel and in the settlements – that are illegal under international law.
View attachment 8071
The Israeli state-owned water company Mekorot has systematically sunk wells and tapped springs in the occupied West Bank to supply its population, including those living in illegal settlements with water for domestic, agricultural and industrial purposes.
View attachment 8072
[Image (c) WHO]

While Mekorot sells some water to Palestinian water utilities, the amount is determined by the Israeli authorities. As a result of continuous restrictions, many Palestinian communities in the West Bank have no choice but to purchase water brought in by trucks at a much high prices ranging from 4 to 10 USD per cubic metre. In some of the poorest communities, water expenses can, at times, make up half of a family’s monthly income.

Conversely the only other source of safe water available to Gazans is importation from outside the Gaza strip. Gaza currently imports 5-10 MCM [ Metric Cubic Gallons] of potable water from Israel, which is by no means enough (representing less 5% of Gaza’s water demand), nor is it a secure or
reliable supply, particularly during periods of conflicts when it is most needed.

Among the strategic interventions recommended was the construction of Seawater Desalination Plants (SDP); 3 relatively small capacity plants referred to as Short Term Low Volume (STLV) were identified to be implemented within a short period to provide urgent relief until the large scale desalination plant, referred to as the Gaza Central Desalination Plant (GCDP). [4]
View attachment 8069
Image (C) Unicef

2. Sovereignty: You have cited the example of Singapore, Singapore is a sovereign nation, Israeli occupied lands are subject to dispute.

The laws governing belligerent occupation establish a number of important principles, including the temporary or de facto nature of occupation enshrined in Article 42 of the Hague Regulations (1907), which finds that “[t]erritory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army”.

As such, although governmental authority may be “temporarily disrupted or territoriality restricted” during a belligerent occupation, the “State remains the same international person”.

The occupying Power therefore does not acquire sovereignty over the occupied territory, but rather, is obliged to administer the territory weighing the best interests of the occupied population with those of military necessity, under the limitative conservationist principle.

Significantly, the present study highlights the positions of leading authorities on international law which consider that the practice of “prolonged occupation” has related to occupations of no more than four or five years in length, such as Germany’s four-year occupation of Belgium during World War I, or Germany’s five year occupation of Norway in World War II.

Former United Nations Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk observes that modern occupations compliant with the principles of occupation law “have not exceeded 10 years, including the American occupation of Japan, the Allied occupation of western Germany and the American-led occupation of Iraq”. [5]

3. Settler colonization driven by increased need for food security to meet Israel's growing domestic demand and export markets

Again using Singapore, as per the Hunger Report published by the government of Singapore, 10.4% resident households that had experienced food insecurity in the 12 months prior to the data collection period of July to December 2019. Comparatively as per the Leket Food Report: 20% of Israeli households suffer from food insecurity.

To meet their domestic demands Israeli state has allowed settlers free reign to occupy Palestinian Land in Zone (C) neag Jericho this selfish and unsustainable practice has put so much pressure on the Palestinian agricultural sector that according to a report published in Geo Link, the agricultural system in the West Bank is close to collapse:[6]
View attachment 8073

Israel is ranked 12 in the global food security index just below the UK but above Japan. Meanwhile Palestine ranks right at the bottom among the nations with the worst cases of chronic hunger and food insecurity[7]

[6] Abdelhamid, A. (2006). Urban development and planning in the occupied Palestinian Territories: Impacts on urban form. Paper presented at the The Conference on Nordic and International Urban Morphology: Distinctive and Common Themes, Stockholm.

The key of the issue is: development which mean peace is required as the foundation for the development.

Gaza can use desalination technology to get fresh water, Israel is the leader in this technology, and they can help Gaza for that, but of course they require gaza to agree for peace with Israel without exception and give Israel freedom from terror threats.

The reason why Palestine state is not fully independent like Singapore is simply because they are always in warfare with their strong neighbor country, they are always obsessed on how to destroy Israel.

Lets accomodate and support for peace between Palestine and Israel, after itis reached then let's see how the development and cooperation with Israel go on, then we can comment. Now they can't complain about those matter because they are in warfare against Israel which they desire for.
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