Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Arabs migrated to Palestine and married with locals. Many of whom were christians and christian+jewish converts to Islam.

Arabs never ethnically cleansed Palestine after defeating Heraclius and Byzantines.

Yes, but still they are not jewish.
Jews are foreigners, netenyahu is polish
Even the Jews from the middle east are not from Palestine, they we Iraqi and Moroccan, and even the people there got sick of the Jews

The Palestinian people are genetically more closer to the area then the Jews today

Definition of "being foreigner" you use is biased and seems a false rhetoric, therefore not widely used by most people.

You can't be a foreigner in your homeland - your own country.
Jews is foreigner in Iraq/Iran/Saudi/etc, but not in Israel, because Israel is their homeland.
Most of their grand parents were foreigner in the past before 1948, but not after 1948.
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A thoughtful front page columnist on NY Times right now by a self-proclaimed liberal Zionist.
Some of the sanest, most humane voices in America are from Jewish Americans themselves. And they must be appreciated.

Two far-right members of Israel’s cabinet — the national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, and the finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich — caused an international uproar this week with their calls to depopulate Gaza. “If in Gaza there will be 100,000 or 200,000 Arabs and not two million the entire conversation on ‘the day after’ will look different,” said Smotrich, who called for most Gazan civilians to be resettled in other countries. The war, said Ben-Gvir, presents an “opportunity to concentrate on encouraging the migration of the residents of Gaza,” facilitating Israeli settlement in the region.


But it’s not clear, because we’re writing a blank check to a government whose leader is only a bit more coy than Ben-Gvir and Smotrich about his intentions for Gaza. As Israeli news outlets have reported, Netanyahu said this week that the government is considering a “scenario of surrender and deportation” of residents of the Gaza Strip. (Some outlets reported that Netanyahu was referring only to Hamas leaders.) According to a Times of Israel article, “The ‘voluntary’ resettlement of Palestinians from Gaza is slowly becoming a key official policy of the government, with a senior official saying that Israel has held talks with several countries for their potential absorption.”

Some in Israel’s government have denied this, mostly on grounds of impracticality. “It’s a baseless illusion, in my opinion: No country will absorb two million people, or one million, or 100,000, or 5,000,” one official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told Israeli journalists. And on Thursday, Israel’s defense minister, Yoav Gallant, released a plan for the day after the war that said that, contrary to the dreams of the ultranationalists, there would be no Israeli settlement in Gaza.
But with its widespread destruction of Gaza’s civilian infrastructure, including roughly 70 percent of its housing, Israel is making most of Gaza uninhabitable for the foreseeable future. Disease is rampant in Gaza, hunger almost universal, and the United Nations reports that much of the enclave is at risk of famine. Amid all this horror, members of Netanyahu’s Likud party — such as Danny Danon, Israel’s former ambassador to the United Nations, and Gila Gamliel, Israel’s intelligence minister — are pushing emigration as a humanitarian solution.

“Instead of funneling money to rebuild Gaza or to the failed U.N.R.W.A.,” the United Nations agency that works with Palestinian refugees, “the international community can assist in the costs of resettlement, helping the people of Gaza build new lives in their new host countries,” wrote Gamliel in The Jerusalem Post.
Right now, this is a grotesque fantasy. But as Gaza’s suffering ratchets up, some sort of evacuation might come to appear to be a necessary last resort. At least, that’s what some prominent Israeli officials seem to be counting on.

If you grew up in a liberal Zionist household, as I did, you’ve probably heard this (possibly apocryphal) Meir quote: “When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons.” There’s much to criticize in this sentiment — its self-regard, the way it positions Israel as the victim even when it’s doing the killing; still, it at least suggests a tortured ambivalence about meting out violence. But this attitude, which Israelis sometimes call “shooting and crying,” is now as obsolete as Meir’s Zionist socialism, at least among Israel’s leaders.

Fair enough and some decent points in the article.

Personlly , it bothers me that people today rely on random , few line tweets , from an anonymous poster , rather than serious articles from main stream media.

It is hard to have a conversation with someone when you don't agree on the basic facts of reality. Now it seems the truth is absent. Don't remeber this being like this before.

I noticed this started more or less when Trump got elected. Every reasoning could be condradicted with the words : " fake news " . . .

And let us not forget who brought this expression into our lives . . .

Now try to reason with someone who tells you that Trump was about to expose some net work of Satanic pedophiles , that is why he is hunted down by the courts.

And this is just ane example of how people communicate today.

As for the NY Times ,

Seems that people here like it when the article suits their views , it was not so with the article they posted last week :

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Your trying to justify occupation again

What's wrong with you?

What you are saying is no occupied population can ever fight back against their occupier and oppressor

You can't be so ridiculous, that you think these Jews turning up in the middle east, then declaring a Jew state , where millions of people ALREADY live and exist would be accepted by the occupied people

Resistance against occupation is a HUMAN RIGHT

It is the RIGHT of the Palestinian people to hate their occupier
It is the right of the Palestinian people to fight back against the occupier

The occupier has NO RIGHT

otherwise your justifying every occupier in history, when the Nazis turned up in France in WW2 did you say the French resistance were illegal and the Nazis right to kill them?

When the Dutch bastards turned up Indonesia to occupy the country, were you the sell out people who embraced Christianity and became slaves , saying the Indonesian people couldn't fight back against occupation?

UN has divided Palestine land into 2 for both Jewish State and Arab State, considering there are 2 major nations and ethnic that can't be reconciled in Palestine land. If whole Palestine land given to Arab Palestine, then it wont be justice for the 33% of jews population there in 1947 because they couldn't be reconciled. Humanity and Human Right will never allow one side oppress the other side. Therefore the UN resolution for the Partition Plan of Palestine is the right solution.

So the rhetoric of occupation used here stands on greed and hatred (against jews) which can't be justified international standard of morality (humanity, peace, justice).
Any chance of you sticking to the topic? We
Don’t need a history lesson - we would like to discuss the current conflict in Gaza…..

I totally agree with that.
Yes, but still they are not jewish.

Who are not jewish?

The point is using arab conquest of Palestine 1400 years ago, as an excuse for ethnic cleasing of palestinians today , dosent make sense. Because arabs from the Rashidun Caliphate didnt ethnically cleanse Roman Palestine.

Edit: Alright now i recognized that i misunderstood you original post, which was about Cananite times.
Very mature. Pretending something is not there on a map will be highly effective. Or maybe not.

Its start and a signal.
BDS, ICJ, Maritime blockade … the momentum is building up. Every little thing helps.
Its start and a signal.
BDS, ICJ, Maritime blockade … the momentum is building up. Every little thing helps.
How we do we get from missing labels on an online map to the ICJ and a blockade?
The key of the issue is: development which mean peace is required as the foundation for the development.

Gaza can use desalination technology to get fresh water, Israel is the leader in this technology, and they can help Gaza for that, but of course they require gaza to agree for peace with Israel without exception and give Israel freedom from terror threats.

The reason why Palestine state is not fully independent like Singapore is simply because they are always in warfare with their strong neighbor country, they are always obsessed on how to destroy Israel.

Lets accomodate and support for peace between Palestine and Israel, after itis reached then let's see how the development and cooperation with Israel go on, then we can comment. Now they can't complain about those matter because they are in warfare against Israel which they desire for.

Let’s not kid ourselves here.

Israeli can help Gaza with desalination?
Funny because you have destroyed their desalination plants, power stations, etc. I don’t think Israel cares for that.

Gaza agree to peace?
Hamas was created because of the oppression and occupation of the Palestinian people. Don’t forget PLO signed Oslo accords gave up their weapons and what did that achieve? It only achieved more illegal settlements , a leadership who is toothless, more oppression, etc You even assassinated your own leader who was leading the 2 state efforts. Your very own Netanyahu took pride in saying that he was responsible for not creating a Palestinian state.

Support peace?
There will only be peace when Palestinian are giving their rights to live in their own land with equal rights as their Jewish neighbors. The issue is you want Palestine but you do not want the Palestinian people there.

You speak about Hamas but your very own leaders who are in power are calling for the forced expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza. You refer to them as human animals and many genocidal statements from Smotrich, Givr, etc These people who are in power and who have the capacity to do genocide against Palestinians which is already evident in Gaza.

You have effectively destroyed anything that makes Gaza habitable including their power stations, water plants, hospitals, schools, UN shelters, whole neighborhoods, etc. You have literally carpet bombed the entire Gaza. You told people to flee south and said there would be a safe corridor only to bomb that corridor with civilians fleeing. With your leaders calling for the expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza and genocidal statements. I think you can see that it’s not just genocidal words from your leaders but also actions.

How do you expect Palestinians to react to occupation and oppression? Should they hand you flowers?
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Personlly , it bothers me that people today rely on random , few line tweets , from an anonymous poster , rather than serious articles from main stream media.
I noticed this started more or less when Trump got elected. Every reasoning could be condradicted with the words : " fake news " . . .

Bolded part. It bothered me too until I have come to realize what Mao said decades ago was true and remains true: Power flows from the barrel of gun.
As for Trump... he is a charlattan but a more acceptable one than the likes of Biden or other Dems hypocrites. Better have the Devil be fully exposed to recognize then to be in angelic clothes with sweet words. I'd choose Trump over Biden or other hypocrites Dems.

Its start and a signal.
BDS, ICJ, Maritime blockade … the momentum is building up. Every little thing helps.

Yes. They do.
But if decades old extremely sanctions couldn't bring down North Korea or Iran, then Israel is a far more robust economy. The solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict remains violence.

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