Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

This is another good one of him comparing Ashkanzi to Palestinians.

Palestinians over 70 percent Canaan dna. Ashkanzi Jews only have 20 percent Canaan DNA. Arab “Mizrahi” Jews have higher Canaan ancestry than Ashkanzi. Ashkanzi are closer to Europeans than they are to Canaanites.
Hostilities and casualties (Gaza Strip)
  • The following are among the deadliest incidents reported between 4 January and 5 January:
    • On 4 January, eight people were reportedly killed and tens people injured when a residential building in Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in Gaza city was struck.
    • On 4 January, at about 15:30, five people were reportedly killed when a drone hit a civilian vehicle in Abu Sarar area of the new An Nuseirat Refugee Camp in central Gaza.
    • On 4 January, at about 21:00, three people, including a 10-year-old girl, were reportedly killed and another five were injured by a missile attack in Al Mawasi area.
    • On 4 January, at about 21:30, five people, including two children and a woman, were reportedly killed and another three were injured when a residential building in Rafah was struck.
    • On 5 January, at about 9:45, five people were reportedly killed when the Fallouja cemetery in Jabalya Refugee Camp was struck.
    • On 5 January, at about 10:00, four people were reportedly killed when the Al-Ishreen street in An Nuseirat Refugee Camp in central Gaza was struck.

Displacement (Gaza Strip)
  • By the end of 2023, according to UNRWA, 1.9 million people, or nearly 85 per cent of the total population of Gaza, were estimated to be internally displaced, including many who have been displaced multiple times, as families are forced to move repeatedly in search of safety. Nearly 1.4 million IDPs are sheltering in 155 UNRWA facilities across all five governorates; facilities that are far exceeding their intended capacity. Rafah governorate is now the main refuge for those displaced, with over one million people squeezed into an extremely overcrowded space, following the intensification of hostilities in Khan Younis and Deir al Balah and the Israeli military’s evacuation orders. Obtaining an accurate figure of the total number of IDPs remains challenging.
  • On 4 January, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights stated that he was “very disturbed by high-level Israeli officials' statements on plans to transfer civilians from Gaza to third countries. 85 per cent of people in Gaza are already internally displaced. They have the right to return to their homes. International law prohibits forcible transfer of protected persons within or deportation from occupied territory.”
  • On 3 January, the Israeli military designated two additional blocks for evacuation in Deir al Balah governorate, issuing orders via air-dropped leaflets. The orders cover an estimated 1.2 square kilometres, home to about 4,700 people and where one UN-supported health centre (Nusseriat) is located. Since 1 December, evacuation orders have been issued for several areas, estimated to cover 128 square kilometres south of Wadi Gaza alone (35 per cent of the Gaza Strip) and previously home to just over 1 million people (44 per cent of Gaza’s population). This area encompasses 13 hospitals, 29 health facilities and 143 shelters where over 550,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) were taking refuge.

Hostilities and casualties (Israel)
  • On 4 January 2024, the Israeli military stated that additional Israelis who had previously been classified as missing, had been identified as hostages in Gaza. The Israeli authorities estimate that about 136 Israelis and foreign nationals remain captive in Gaza. During the humanitarian pause (24-30 November), 86 Israeli and 24 foreign national hostages were released.
  • Over 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals have been killed in Israel, including 36 children, according to the Israeli authorities, the vast majority on 7 October

Violence and casualties (West Bank)
  • On 5 January 2024, Israeli forces shot and killed a 17-year-old Palestinian child in the village of Beit Rima (Ramallah) during a search-and-arrest operation. The boy was shot with live ammunition in the chest while attempting to assist another injured person who was also shot by Israeli forces. Another four Palestinians were injured with live ammunition during the same incident.
  • This brings to 315 the number of Palestinian fatalities in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, since 7 October 2023 and as of 5 January 2024. Among the fatalities were 81 children. Additionally, two Palestinians from the West Bank were killed while carrying out an attack in Israel on 30 November. Of those killed in the West Bank, 306 were killed by Israeli forces, eight by Israeli settlers and another one by either Israeli forces or settlers. The number of Palestinians killed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in 2023 (507) marks the highest number of Palestinians killed in the West Bank since OCHA started recording casualties in 2005.
  • Since 7 October 2023 and as of 5 January 2024, four Israelis, including three members of the Israeli forces, have been killed in attacks by Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Another four Israelis were killed in an attack by Palestinians from the West Bank in West Jerusalem (one of the four was killed by Israeli forces who misidentified him). The number of Israelis killed in the West Bank and Israel in 2023 in attacks by Palestinians from the West Bank (36) is the highest since OCHA started recording casualties in 2005.
  • Since 7 October 2023 and as of 5 January 2024, 4,021 Palestinians, including 604 children were injured in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Of whom 3,918 have been injured by forces, 92 by settlers and eleven by either Israeli forces or settlers. Of the total injuries, 51 per cent were reported in the context of search-and-arrest and other operations, 37 per cent in demonstrations and 8 per cent during settler related attacks against Palestinians. Some 33 per cent of those injuries have been caused by live ammunition, compared with 9 per cent in the first nine months of 2023.

Settler Violence
  • Since 7 October 2023 and as of 5 January 2024, OCHA has recorded 381 Israeli settler attacks against Palestinians, resulting in Palestinian casualties (36 incidents), damage to Palestinian-owned property (297 incidents), or both casualties and damage to property (48 incidents). The number of such incidents represents almost one third of all settler attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank recorded from 1 January 2023 to date.
  • In 2023, 1,229 incidents involving settlers in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem (with or without Israeli forces), resulted in Palestinian casualties, property damage or both. Some 913 of these incidents resulted in damage, 163 resulted in casualties and 153 resulted in both. This is the highest number of settler attacks against Palestinians in any given year since OCHA started recording incidents involving settlers in 2006.
  • The weekly average of such incidents since 7 October is 30, compared with 21 incidents per week between 1 January and 6 October 2023. The number of incidents since 7 October has declined from 127 incidents in the first week (7-13 October) to 18 incidents between 23 and 28 December. One-third of those incidents after 7 October included firearms, including shootings and threats of shootings. In nearly half of all recorded incidents after 7 October Israeli forces were either accompanying or reported to be supporting the attackers.

Displacement (West Bank)
  • Since 7 October 2023 and as of 5 January, at least 198 Palestinian households comprising 1,208 people, including 586 children, have been displaced amid settler violence and access restrictions. The displaced households are from at least 15 herding/Bedouin communities. More than half of the displacements occurred on 12, 15, and 28 October, affecting seven communities. The displacement toll since 7 October 2023, represents 78 per cent of all displacement reported due to settler violence and access restrictions since 1 January 2023 (1,539 people, including 756 children).
  • Additionally, 444 Palestinians, including 224 children, have been displaced since 7 October, following the demolition of their homes, due to lack of Israeli issued permits in Area C and East Jerusalem. This represents 36 per cent of all displacement reported due to the lack of building permit since 1 January 2023 (1,153 people).
  • A total of 19 homes have been demolished on punitive grounds since 7 October, resulting in the displacement of 95 Palestinians, including 42 children. Between January and September 2023, 16 homes were punitively demolished, resulting in the displacement of 78 Palestinians. Punitive demolitions are a form of collective punishment and as such are illegal under international law.
  • Another 537 Palestinians, including 238 children, have been displaced since 7 October following the destruction of 82 residential structures during other operations carried out by Israeli forces across the West Bank; 55 per cent of the displacement was reported in Jenin Refugee Camp, and 39 per cent in Nur Shams and Tulkarm Refugee Camps (both in Tulkarm). This represents 59 per cent of all displacement reported due to the destruction of homes during Israeli military operations since January 2023 (908 people).

How can you have a 2 state solution when the West Bank is dissected like Swiss cheese? Do you really believe that is a viable state?

To implement it is the issue.
Definition of "being foreigner" you use is biased and seems a false rhetoric, therefore not widely used by most people.

You can't be a foreigner in your homeland - you own country.
Jews is foreigner in Iraq/Iran/Saudi/etc, but not in Israel, because Israel is their homeland.
Most of their grand parents were foreigner in the past before 1948, but not after 1948.

Being a foreigner

Meaning not local, not indigenous or from the area

The Jews today are foreigners, they set up a colonial state, even foreign Jews born after 1948 are not locals

Jews pretending to be middle Eastern is like me pretending to be European
UN has divided Palestine land into 2 for both Jewish State and Arab State, considering there are 2 major nations and ethnic that can't be reconciled in Palestine land. If whole Palestine land given to Arab Palestine, then it wont be justice for the 33% of jews population there in 1947 because they couldn't be reconciled. Humanity and Human Right will never allow one side oppress the other side. Therefore the UN resolution for the Partition Plan of Palestine is the right solution.

So the rhetoric of occupation used here stands on greed and hatred (against jews) which can't be justified international standard of morality (humanity, peace, justice).

No the U.N did not divide the land

The land is Palestine, the people are Palestinians

The Jews were just foreigners, why would Palestinians accept their homes and lands to be divided and occupied and given to foreigners

This is a Injustice and Palestinians want their lands back and the Jews to go back to Europe
Yes. They do.
But if decades old extremely sanctions couldn't bring down North Korea or Iran, then Israel is a far more robust economy. The solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict remains violence.

If sanctions are imposed on the Zionist entity like that of Iran and N Korea it would collapse very soon as millions of 2nd passport holders move out, investments no longer come in and Aliyah stops.

Zionist economy would collapse and first world living standards evaporate.

Not to mention the Zionists would be defenceless against rocket attacks as the US stops the supply of critical components for their Iron Dome system.

However we know that real and effective sanctions against the entity are highly unlikely and so the only option remaining is to put pressure through violence, BDS etc to stop giving the squatters an easy and tranquil existence in Palestine.

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