Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Not true. Most of them are born in Israel, not overseas, in their own country - their homeland, not in foreign country

They are a colonial population,, I was born in the UK, doesn't make me a European

A colonial population are not legitimate, unless the native population accepts them

The Palestinians never did and were never given a referendum, vote or choice
Not brough back, but Jews returned back to Jerusalem after the Muslim conquest.

The potential misinterpretations of the story:
  • "Brought back in large numbers": While it's true that some Jews returned to Jerusalem after the Muslim conquest, the statement might overemphasize the scale or suggest a singular event. The Jewish population in Jerusalem remained relatively small throughout these periods.
  • "Stayed there forever": While Jews maintained continuous presence in Jerusalem for centuries, their numbers and circumstances fluctuated significantly over time due to various factors, including persecution, religious freedom, and economic opportunities.
  • "Up in good favor": The relationship between the Jewish community and the ruling Muslim powers throughout history was complex and varied. While periods of tolerance existed, there were also instances of discrimination and persecution.
1. Numbers were also significant, plenty of evidence for it and it was even bolstered by migration from Spain where Christian rulers decided on forced conversion, expulsion of killing wholesale. When Saladin emerged victorious encouraged the Jews to return to the city. Some came from as far south as Yemen, others from North Africa. Between 1209 and 1211, Jews also reached Jerusalem from England, northern France and Provence. Some 300 rabbis in all were welcomed to the city by its Muslim rulers.
2. The presence was always strong after the crusade years. Yes at times it wasn't ideal, I'll agree but good enough for them to prosper for example Jewish families as early as the Caliph, Abd al-Malik were appointed to be guardians of the Temple Mount, many other Jews achieved high positions in government.
3. Yes to some extent I agree with that, but on the whole it was for the better, see my point 2.
Its a disturbing thing to do. Especially when they are using kids to sign on bombs that will kill and maim other other.

Pence the zio-stooge, didnt expect anything better from him quite frankly.
US political landscape is devolving and becoming increasingly vulgar.

Follow the money trail to their accounts and you'll see why they are selectively mute and blind.
Check out this story: LA Times bans 38 of its journalists from reporting on Gaza after they sign open letter critical of coverage from Flipboard.

What else do you expect from a media that is owned by the people you aren't allowed to mention.
Honestly mods, draw a line under the historical discussion or just make a new thread so this thread has a focus.

There is like 5 of you trying to discuss with him at once and not only are you absurdly boosting his ego it's distracting from the actual current events, in my humble opinion

@Musings @Waz @Mr X

I'll leave it.
Follow the money trail to their accounts and you'll see why they are selectively mute and blind.

What else do you expect from a media that is owned by the people you aren't allowed to mention.

“Editorial Freedom”

How much freedom is it, when owners of all major news corps and their editors, are working in tandem with their co-religionionst in govermant power, in order to ban critisism of a country that is pepretating geonocide in broad daylight.
Because of warfare.
If Palestine commit to abandon their obsession for war with Israel, it will be logical for them to cooperate.

Hamas was created in order to eradicate Israel and make whole land from river to sea under their authority. Their mission is not peace with Israel nor to live together with Israel as their neighbor, but to establish their ideology.

Their charter contained language that has been widely criticized for not recognizing Israel's right to exist and expressing a commitment to the liberation of all of historic Palestine.

You know it is not true. If Israel doesnt want Palestine to be there then there was no Gaza left by them for Palestine in year 2005, and no Oslo accord, as Israel already won.

Palestinian already stay in Gaza and west bank and have their own government.; but the obsession to destroy Israel is giving justification for Israel to control Gaza border.

You know it is not true. If Israel really intended to expulse Palestinian from Gaza then Israel wouldn't have left Gaza in year 2005.

Your expectation to be treated equally with foreign citizen by their government doesn't make sense. There is no country on earth treat foreign citizen as equal as their own citizen. Palestinian is not Israel citizen, the welfare of Palestinian is Palestine government responsibility, not Israel's

Because of war. And who is obsessed with war? who start the war? Palestine.

Does Israel have choice? nope!

Does/did Palestina have choice? yes! they could choose peace and cooperate with Israel, or fighting against Israel with each consequences; and Palestine has chosen the latter due to ideology.
lol you didn’t even refute any of my statements. My reply is for you to reread my post because we all know what you said is bologna.

Here I will repost it because it answers everyone of your questions. Ignoring the facts on the ground doesn’t make Israel less of a terrorist apartheid state.

Let’s not kid ourselves here.

Israeli can help Gaza with desalination?
Funny because you have destroyed their desalination plants, power stations, etc. I don’t think Israel cares for that.

Gaza agree to peace?
Hamas was created because of the oppression and occupation of the Palestinian people. Don’t forget PLO signed Oslo accords gave up their weapons and what did that achieve? It only achieved more illegal settlements , a leadership who is toothless, more oppression, etc You even assassinated your own leader who was leading the 2 state efforts. Your very own Netanyahu took pride in saying that he was responsible for not creating a Palestinian state.

Support peace?
There will only be peace when Palestinian are giving their rights to live in their own land with equal rights as their Jewish neighbors. The issue is you want Palestine but you do not want the Palestinian people there.

You speak about Hamas but your very own leaders who are in power are calling for the forced expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza. You refer to them as human animals and many genocidal statements from Smotrich, Givr, etc These people who are in power and who have the capacity to do genocide against Palestinians which is already evident in Gaza.

You have effectively destroyed anything that makes Gaza habitable including their power stations, water plants, hospitals, schools, UN shelters, whole neighborhoods, etc. You have literally carpet bombed the entire Gaza. You told people to flee south and said there would be a safe corridor only to bomb that corridor with civilians fleeing. With your leaders calling for the expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza and genocidal statements. I think you can see that it’s not just genocidal words from your leaders but also actions.

How do you expect Palestinians to react to occupation and oppression? Should they hand you flowers?
Its a disturbing thing to do. Especially when they are using kids to sign on bombs that will kill and maim other kids.

Pence the zio-stooge, didnt expect anything better from him quite frankly.
US political landscape is devolving and becoming increasingly vulgar.

What, that is Mike Pence?! Thanks for pointing that out.

That idiot was the former Vice President of the US and so should at least show some respect to the position he once held.

Another demonstration of how the US is a Zionist controlled country that they even have to do these shameful and disgusting acts to please their real masters.
A partition plan, the Palestinian people were never given a vote on

Unless you can point to a referendum on the issue where the Palestinians accepted their land and homes being stolen by foreign Jews

This is the gist of the matter.

The UN had no authority to dish out Palestine to the Zionists.

Only Palestinians can give up their land and they had every right to say no to the Partition Proposal.

Zionists are just squatters to the land just like the Crusaders were.
What, that is Mike Pence?! Thanks for pointing that out.

That idiot was the former Vice President of the US and so should at least show some respect to the position he once held.

Another demonstration of how the US is a Zionist controlled country that they even have to do these shameful and disgusting acts to please their real masters.

Not only the US, but also in Europe the Zionists have bought and instilled pro-Israeli leaders in forexample Italy and Netherland, where both leaders are utterly disgraceful vulgar individuals.

Zionists mindset is reflected in the peoples they put into power.
This is the gist of the matter.

The UN had no authority to dish out Palestine to the Zionists.

Only Palestinians can give up their land and they had every right to say no to the Partition Proposal.

Zionists are just squatters to the land just like the Crusaders were.
The only reason they accepted the partition plan is because they couldn’t take all of Palestine at one time. Now, it is clearly obvious their intentions with the continuous expulsion of Palestinians and illegal settlements. They not only call for expulsion and genocide from their leaders but they also act on it with the large scale of destruction of Gaza to make it inhabitable. No one with an ounce of morals can justify this.

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