Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Safe zones: Israel’s technologies of genocide​

The designation of safe areas in Gaza allows the Israeli army to carry out war crimes more efficiently and then to deny them

In November, shortly after the Israeli army launched its ground offensive, it designated Gaza’s main north-south route – Salah al-Din Street – as a “safe corridor”. A map with the evacuation passage was shared by the occupation forces, underscoring their “humanitarian effort” to protect civilians. But since then, Gaza’s main road artery has become a corridor of horror where Palestinians have been randomly bombed, executed, forcibly disappeared, tortured and humiliated.

The only reason they accepted the partition plan is because they couldn’t take all of Palestine at one time. Now, it is clearly obvious their intentions with the continuous expulsion of Palestinians and illegal settlements. They not only call for expulsion and genocide from their leaders but they also act on it with the large scale of destruction of Gaza to make it inhabitable. No one with an ounce of morals can justify this.

It is obvious that the intention was to slowly make life so unbearable that most Palestians from West Bank and Gaza leave.

With Gaza they did not count on armed resistance and have taken this opportunity to make the place uninhabitable with a genocidal war on the people of Gaza. The genocide on Gaza is also being used as a shield to carry out more stealing, intimidation and murder on the West Bank.

The final plan is to have a Zionist entity with worldwide acceptable of sovereignty over the whole of Palestine with a token 10-15% Palestianian presence to give the illusion of tolerance and democracy.

Although the most powerful countries in USA and Europe are behind the Zionists now, the hope for the Palestinians is they can count on support from an increasing poweful China and the younger generations of westerners are pro-Palestine. Once the old white racists are dead or in care homes, Zionists will find it much more difficult to control western countries.
Yes but peaceful resistance has not worked,,
Otherwise why isn't the west bank free

Their is no hamas in the west bank and the PA have given up armed conflict, so why are the settlements still growing
Why is Israel still occupying the Palestinians
Why isn't the west sanctioning Israel for Seattle and occupation?

Your talking crap

Peaceful resistance indeed worked in South Africa and it is the only way to solution.
Israel did make illegal settlements, but despite being big supporter of Israel, none among the 1st world countries accepted those illegal settlements (including the USA). And people were turning more and more against illegal settlements (including the USA).
But the so-called Jihad on Israeli civilians by Hamas gave a perfect excuse to zionists to keep expanding illegal settlements.
It is Hamas and its suicide bombings and its refusal to accept the existence of the state of Israel, which is the main cause that Israeli Zionists are getting a chance to make illegal settlements in the name of security etc.

The plan is simple and clear:

(1) The biggest problem is the refusal by Hamas to accept the existence of the Israeli state. Either Hamas should be eliminated, or they should accept Israel's right to exist.

(2) The next biggest problem is illegal settlements, and the remaining world should then gradually unite against Israel on this issue.

Peace is possible only after the elimination of these two biggest problems.
Peaceful resistance indeed worked in South Africa and it is the only way to solution.

It was not peaceful resistance.

If peaceful resistance is so good how come no western government has ever advocated it for themselves or their people.

There is no call for a Ukrainian Gandhi .
Peaceful resistance indeed worked in South Africa and it is the only way to solution.
Israel did make illegal settlements, but despite being big supporter of Israel, none among the 1st world countries accepted those illegal settlements (including the USA). And people were turning more and more against illegal settlements (including the USA).
But the so-called Jihad on Israeli civilians by Hamas gave a perfect excuse to zionists to keep expanding illegal settlements.
It is Hamas and its suicide bombings and its refusal to accept the existence of the state of Israel, which is the main cause that Israeli Zionists are getting a chance to make illegal settlements in the name of security etc.

The plan is simple and clear:

(1) The biggest problem is the refusal by Hamas to accept the existence of the Israeli state. Either Hamas should be eliminated, or they should accept Israel's right to exist.

(2) The next biggest problem is illegal settlements, and the remaining world should then gradually unite against Israel on this issue.

Peace is possible only after the elimination of these two biggest problems.

Why would the Palestinians stop fighting against a occupier and oppressor

That's like asking the French resistance to stop fighting against the Nazis

Whilst Israel has inflicted this brutality and cruelty, oppression and apartheid
Whilst it has ILLEGALLY expanded settlements

Why hasn't France or the west sanctioned Israel?

Israel has a illegal weapons program, it is illegal under U.S congressional law to deal with a state with a unregulated nuclear program, yet Israel gets a pass

You are lying!!!!!

Their is no hamas in the west bank, yet Israel is just as brutal and the west has done nothing to stop Israel

Going forward,, Israel is a monstrous state, which has no place in the middle east
I read in the Sunday Times -
60% Israeli have dual nationality or 2
Passports - that’s incredibly large number….

Exactly. That is because these are very often imported.
Peaceful resistance indeed worked in South Africa and it is the only way to solution.
Israel did make illegal settlements, but despite being big supporter of Israel, none among the 1st world countries accepted those illegal settlements (including the USA). And people were turning more and more against illegal settlements (including the USA).
But the so-called Jihad on Israeli civilians by Hamas gave a perfect excuse to zionists to keep expanding illegal settlements.
It is Hamas and its suicide bombings and its refusal to accept the existence of the state of Israel, which is the main cause that Israeli Zionists are getting a chance to make illegal settlements in the name of security etc.

The plan is simple and clear:

(1) The biggest problem is the refusal by Hamas to accept the existence of the Israeli state. Either Hamas should be eliminated, or they should accept Israel's right to exist.

(2) The next biggest problem is illegal settlements, and the remaining world should then gradually unite against Israel on this issue.

Peace is possible only after the elimination of these two biggest problems.

There is a big difference between South Africa and Palestine.

1. Israel already succeeded in stealing Palestinian land and making a state.

2. They have been ethnically cleansing Palestinians. How many Palestinians are stateless?

3. They have carved up the West Bank like Swiss cheese where it is no longer viable to even make a Palestinian state.

4. They control every aspect of Palestinian life with support from other colonizers. It is their sole mission to make life unbearable for Palestinians that they leave.

5. Signing Oslo and giving up their weapons did not accomplish anything but continued occupation and illegal settlements. You could argue Hamas resistance worked because at least it managed to get rid of settlements in Gaza. Did the PA giving up of guns and recognizing Israel accomplish anything in West Bank? Israel is not a true partner for peace.

South Africa experienced apartheid but their people were not ethnically cleansed from their lands. Israel is doing that and their leaders call for genocide. They are not just mere words because you can see their intent with the scale of destruction of Gaza. They are making it where Gaza is uninhabitable so they can come in and scoop it. They openly state of removing Palestinians from Gaza and reoccupy of Gaza. The only way for Israel to come to the table is when Palestinians have enough fire power to force them to. Right now they can act with impunity because they know other colonizer and the U.S. will always have their back.
A thoughtful front page columnist on NY Times right now by a self-proclaimed liberal Zionist.
Some of the sanest, most humane voices in America are from Jewish Americans themselves. And they must be appreciated.

Two far-right members of Israel’s cabinet — the national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, and the finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich — caused an international uproar this week with their calls to depopulate Gaza. “If in Gaza there will be 100,000 or 200,000 Arabs and not two million the entire conversation on ‘the day after’ will look different,” said Smotrich, who called for most Gazan civilians to be resettled in other countries. The war, said Ben-Gvir, presents an “opportunity to concentrate on encouraging the migration of the residents of Gaza,” facilitating Israeli settlement in the region.


But it’s not clear, because we’re writing a blank check to a government whose leader is only a bit more coy than Ben-Gvir and Smotrich about his intentions for Gaza. As Israeli news outlets have reported, Netanyahu said this week that the government is considering a “scenario of surrender and deportation” of residents of the Gaza Strip. (Some outlets reported that Netanyahu was referring only to Hamas leaders.) According to a Times of Israel article, “The ‘voluntary’ resettlement of Palestinians from Gaza is slowly becoming a key official policy of the government, with a senior official saying that Israel has held talks with several countries for their potential absorption.”

Some in Israel’s government have denied this, mostly on grounds of impracticality. “It’s a baseless illusion, in my opinion: No country will absorb two million people, or one million, or 100,000, or 5,000,” one official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told Israeli journalists. And on Thursday, Israel’s defense minister, Yoav Gallant, released a plan for the day after the war that said that, contrary to the dreams of the ultranationalists, there would be no Israeli settlement in Gaza.
But with its widespread destruction of Gaza’s civilian infrastructure, including roughly 70 percent of its housing, Israel is making most of Gaza uninhabitable for the foreseeable future. Disease is rampant in Gaza, hunger almost universal, and the United Nations reports that much of the enclave is at risk of famine. Amid all this horror, members of Netanyahu’s Likud party — such as Danny Danon, Israel’s former ambassador to the United Nations, and Gila Gamliel, Israel’s intelligence minister — are pushing emigration as a humanitarian solution.

“Instead of funneling money to rebuild Gaza or to the failed U.N.R.W.A.,” the United Nations agency that works with Palestinian refugees, “the international community can assist in the costs of resettlement, helping the people of Gaza build new lives in their new host countries,” wrote Gamliel in The Jerusalem Post.
Right now, this is a grotesque fantasy. But as Gaza’s suffering ratchets up, some sort of evacuation might come to appear to be a necessary last resort. At least, that’s what some prominent Israeli officials seem to be counting on.

If you grew up in a liberal Zionist household, as I did, you’ve probably heard this (possibly apocryphal) Meir quote: “When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons.” There’s much to criticize in this sentiment — its self-regard, the way it positions Israel as the victim even when it’s doing the killing; still, it at least suggests a tortured ambivalence about meting out violence. But this attitude, which Israelis sometimes call “shooting and crying,” is now as obsolete as Meir’s Zionist socialism, at least among Israel’s leaders.

The problem is that the current US administration is literally complicit. Providing weapons and other help to a rabid right wing fanatic like Netanyahu is not rational. The US hasn't won any supporters throughout the world.
Why would a people accept the right to exist a racist entity which deems themselves superior to the Palestinian people that they occupy? No one will accept this kind of entity.
Here we go again.
You blame Israel to be racist, while Israelis show how they are deemed Kafirs by the other side, and they will kill each and every Jew sooner or later according to their scriptures. They claim that these hatred coming from their scriptures make it impossible for any peaceful solution with religious nuts on the other side.
And Israel officially has nothing to do with racism, but it offered Palestinians to accept its right to exist officially, but it were palestininas who kept on denying it.

Here we go again on blaming Hamas, this did not start with Hamas. Hamas was created as a result of the continued occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people. This will always lead to resistance against occupiers. Do you expect them to lay down while you oppress, build illegal settlements, and control every movement of them?
It didn't start with Hamas, but it indeed started with Palestinians. And Hamas is now continuing the same mistake and not able to reform itself.

And please don't try to mislead people. Hamas has not taken weapons against illegal settlements, but it has taken weapons against the existence of the state of Israel.

Till the time Hamas aims to eliminate the whole state of Israel (instead of illegal settlements) till then no peace is possible.

Despite being huge supporter of Israel, not a single first world country accepted the illegal settlement. Even the voice was getting stronger and stronger against illegal settlements in the USA.

This word is not perfect. Not all things are achieved IMMEDIATELY. It took decades of peaceful resistance in South Africa to get the whole world united against the white apartheid government and to get independence. Palestinians and all its supporters need to get a lesson from it, instead of going totally against it and supporting Hamas and its so-called against Israelis civilians.

Where is your call for the termination of those extremists racist Israeli government leaders ?
I have already made it clear above.

As far as Hamas attacks on October 7, they targeted the military. Did they take hostages to use as a tool for prisoners to change? Yes they did
Please stop.
Hamas's goal is the elimination of the whole Israeli state and it is at the moment the BIGGEST reason for bloodshed in this region.
Hamas deems every Israeli settler as a target, which should either be directly eliminated in suicide bombings, rocket attacks, direct killing as on 7th October, or taken hostage despite them being civilians.

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