Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

In other words, they want Israel and others who are helping them take on Hamas, Hezbollah, perhaps Syria, and others while they bully anyone who may come to the aid of these Arab/Muslim groups. It is obvious they're working on creating Greater "Israel".
If Greater Israel is established and entrenched then countries in that region even with some distance would be for a long time under Israel's thumb. Countries like Turkey are just kicking the can down the road. Imagine 500 years ago, at the height of the Ottoman Power, Luxembourg in the heart of Europe would become a colonial dagger. What would Luxemburg do then??

How Israel is friends with Christians of Lebanon (Note there are Catholics in Lebanon , not those crazy Protestant in America who love Isreal in USA),
The Bible Thumpers / Christian Zionists in America are among the most dangerous, deluded, idiotic people on the planet. Catholics and the Orthodox tend to follow Christianity better, per my observation.
Pakistani heart beats with the hearts of the Palestinians, Pakistani Prime Minister:-

Pakistan falls under the US CENTCOM domain but is still far enough from Israel to be not too affected and yet Pakistan, despite its near-bankrupt economy and reliance on the GCC Arabs/West, manages to speak up in the UN and the public / political opinion in Pakistan is firmly pro Palestinians. I remember the Palestinian journalist (forgetting his name--something like Al Fara) who resides in Pakistan said something like this when this conflict began: 'Even if the whole world abandons us [Palestinians], I know the govt and the people of Pakistan will be still with us'.
There would be no colonization without first breaking apart the Axis of Resistance. It is this resistance that is hindering the greater Israel project. Israel tried to smash Hizbollah in 2006 but failed so the attention was switched to Syria right after their project to remove Momar Kadafi was completed in Libya.

Oh I remember when the Project Topple Assad was put into motion. Way back--probably in 2011/12 in the old PDF, the giddy, stupid Pakistanis and Turks and Arabs were out to support the toppling of Assad based on some 'democracy' BS!! As if their own countries wouldn't do the same to the rebels among them! I had even challenged those naive PDF members then.
Because I knew then and I know now: Assad's toppling had everything to do with the 2006 Hezbollah-Israel war. Assad was the main reason Israel was given a bloody nose and hence he could not stay in power.

I am sure, if and when a regional war starts, hundreds of thousands of warriors from Iraq, Yemen and as far as Pakistan/Afghanistan would march toward Palestine.
It is not necessarily my wish or wishful thinking. I think the conflict would have turned very overtly religious for hundreds of millions by then, setting aside geopolitical aspects.
Israel probably suspects such mobilization but is in denial and is rolling the dice trying to start a regional war with hopes of bringing in the Americans--but not only the Americans are reluctant but even if America gets fully involved, there is no 'victory' for Israel.
I have repeatedly said here and almost from Day One of this latest conflict: A regional war would destroy Israel and result in expulsion of Americans from the Middle East.
The major operations carried out by the Palestinian resistance groups on September 25, are as follows:

Al-Qassam Brigades' operations:
  • Engaged in fierce clashes with Israeli forces in the "Al-Samman" neighborhood of Jenin camp in the northern occupied West Bank, using machine guns.
  • In a joint operation with the Al-Quds Brigades, bombed an engineering site of the Israeli military north of "Netzarim" with heavy-calibre mortar shells.
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades' operations:
  • Targeted gatherings of Israeli soldiers at the Abu Mutibaq military site with an 122mm Asif rocket.
  • Targeted a Israeli military vehicle of the "Namer" type with an RPG shell, east of the city of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip.
Al-Quds Brigades' operations:
  • Engaged in fierce clashes with Israeli forces in Al-Bayader neighborhood in Jenin, occupied West Bank, using machine guns and explosive devices.
  • Engaged in intense clashes with a special until of Israeli forces in the village of Anza in Jenin, occupied West Bank, using a heavy shower of bullets.
Mujahideen Brigades' operations:
  • Targeted and destroyed D9 military bulldozer with an explosive device on Al-Nasira Street in Jenin, occupied West Bank.
Al-Asifah Forces' operations:
  • Launched a 107mm rocket at the "Sderot" settlement.
Watching the incomparable John Elmer from the Electronic Intefada video. Watch if you have 30 minutes. He is the best resource on the hardware and the battlefield--period! While his heart is definitely for Palestinians, he doesn't sing to the choir. He says as he sees it. Mark of a great journalist--something rare.
So far in this video, he goes into details about the Hezbollah commanders killed by Israel as 'great loss' but saying that those pioneer commanders, from 40+ ago, still had effective proteges. Also shows never before seen footage of the dead commanders--apparently, Hezbollah releases footage after they die, otherwise faces are blurred. He is also talking about the various rockets/missiles being launched into Israel.
Still watching it but so far what I have seen supports my long held understanding: Israel cannot prevail over the Axis of Resistance.

Hebrew media in Arabic:

Urgent | President Abbas: We repeatedly warned about the explosion. This explosion occurred on October 7

Urgent || President Mahmoud Abbas:

The United States disrupted Security Council resolutions calling for an end to the aggression and supplied “Israel” with lethal weapons

Breaking: The Palestinian President

Al-Aqsa Mosque and its surroundings are the exclusive property of Muslims by a historic decision of the League of Nations, and we will not accept otherwise.

#Breaking: The Palestinian President

A terrorist Israeli minister came out to us calling for the construction of a synagogue in Al-Aqsa Mosque. This reckless minister and his attempts to ignite a religious war must be stopped.

Breaking: The Palestinian President

The Lebanese people are exposed to a war of genocide, just as the Palestinian people are exposed to it.

New York: Abbas: We will not allow the occupation to take a single centimeter from the Gaza Strip

#Urgent | The Palestinian President: Our vision for the day after the war in Gaza is to provide international protection for the Palestinian state

Urgent | President Abbas: Our vision for the day after the war in Gaza is based on delivering aid, complete withdrawal from the Strip, and stopping forced displacement.

Breaking: The Palestinian President

Our vision for the day after the war in Gaza calls for full management of the Gaza Strip with its crossings and outlets, including the Rafah border crossing with Egypt.

Urgent | Abbas: There should be a complete "Israeli" withdrawal from Gaza, and we reject the establishment of any buffer zones

Breaking: The Palestinian President

I announced our decision to go with the Palestinian leadership to visit the Gaza Strip. I appeal to you to issue an international resolution that supports this approach.

Breaking: The Palestinian President

Salute to the masses of our heroic people in the sacrificial Gaza Strip, the steadfast West Bank, and Jerusalem, the crown jewel, our eternal capital, and our camps in the homeland and the diaspora.
Hamas source to Al Arabiya: We agreed with Fatah on a civil administration for Gaza, and the crossings will not be supervised by Hamas

Al-Aqsa Brigades:

After returning contact with our fighters, our fighters confirmed that a Zionist “Merkvah” tank was targeted with a “Tandum” shell in the Beit Lahia area, north of Gaza City.
Al-Qassam Brigades

Al-Qassam Brigades destroy enemy concentrations east of the city of Khan Yunis with heavy-caliber mortar shells.
Oh I remember when the Project Topple Assad was put into motion. Way back--probably in 2011/12 in the old PDF, the giddy, stupid Pakistanis and Turks and Arabs were out to support the toppling of Assad based on some 'democracy' BS!! As if their own countries wouldn't do the same to the rebels among them! I had even challenged those naive PDF members then.
Because I knew then and I know now: Assad's toppling had everything to do with the 2006 Hezbollah-Israel war. Assad was the main reason Israel was given a bloody nose and hence he could not stay in power.

I remember and agreed with your assessment at the time. The issue with certain nations, like Syria, Iraq, etc., is that there are too many fault lines; the British and French didn't divvy up the land, taking into consideration tribal, religious, and other societal relations. To rule such countries often requires a strongman. (This is just a simplistic answer).

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