Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

@The SC In the Arab media, defense analysts, are they giving any time frame of when Israel could launch the invasion?
@The SC In the Arab media, defense analysts, are they giving any time frame of when Israel could launch the invasion?
You referring to ground invasion of Levanon? If so, I don't think that'll take place. The baby killers are bluffing. They'll be slaughtered like chickens in Lebanon and they know this.
An interesting example of how the Zionists portray themselves as victims, women, Westerns and even as Americans! Screen caps from the current front pages of the Times of Israel and NY Times [NY Times is a subtle Zionist mouthpiece!].

NY Times. The story is about the displaced Israelis from Israel's north. How thoughtfully it is juxtaposed with the stories about the conflict with Hezbollah. Displaced white women in Western clothes.


And the one below is from the Times of Square showing Netanyahu in some Churchillesque manner, standing in rain, a little haggard as, presumably, his blonde wife looking at him--like the American Presidents' wives do as the Mr. President makes public appearances!!!
No wonder the Americans, who already far too detached from the conflicts in a far away lands, keep falling for such gimmicks, done by a leeching presence in their midst!

You referring to ground invasion of Levanon? If so, I don't think that'll take place. The baby killers are bluffing. They'll be slaughtered like chickens in Lebanon and they know this.

Yes, the ground invasion. Let's see, they've been calling up reserves now.

Interestingly, I read an article stating that African refugees being enlisted into the military for permanent residency are on track for citizenship.
I remember and agreed with your assessment at the time. The issue with certain nations, like Syria, Iraq, etc., is that there are too many fault lines; the British and French didn't divvy up the land, taking into consideration tribal, religious, and other societal relations. To rule such countries often requires a strongman. (This is just a simplistic answer).
Then almost 13+ years later you and I were proven correct and those hyperventilating, sectarian giddy kids in the old PDF who thought that Assad was targeted for the 'democracy' were just naive, to say the least.
Israel's enemies are one by one taken out using any excuse! What is left are the Quislings, like Mahmoud Abbas, MBS, Sisi, King Abdullah and the Arab GCC strongmen. It is very interesting that a person like Netanyahu is starting to use 'friendly Arab governments': Quite a change from all the Arabs out to destroy Israel. And the use of 'governments' vs 'regimes' is also interesting.
Interestingly, I read an article stating that African refugees being enlisted into the military for permanent residency are on track for citizenship.

Not 'citizenship'. Long term residency at most. Africans are too black, too non-Jewish even if good cannon fodders.

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