Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The white house:

We do not want a large-scale war in the region, and diplomatic efforts are ongoing.
Diplomacy must continue to reach a ceasefire.
What is happening between #إسرائيل and #لبنان is intolerable and cannot continue.

How do you not want a large-scale war, you sons of pigs, when today you only announced your support for the murderous Zionists with 8.7 billion in military aid, and the problem is that there are those who believe you and spread your news normally. Everyone knows your lies and hypocrisy, and the countries that support you in the massacres you commit against the innocent, but the circle will turn against you tomorrow.

Lebanese Health: 60 people killed and 81 others injured in Israeli raids today

*This is becoming like Gaza..which has almost sank in this new ocean of news with all eyes on Lebanon..This looks like an Israeli manipulation of war and media coordination on a global level..

In other words, they want Israel and others who are helping them take on Hamas, Hezbollah, perhaps Syria, and others while they bully anyone who may come to the aid of these Arab/Muslim groups. It is obvious they're working on creating Greater "Israel".

Now let me tell you this.

1 - If now Israels existence hangs in a thin thread with Iran going all in on behalf of Hizbollah, and the Americans gets involved in full force.

2 - At the same time something game changing is taking place in western Pacific: China is amassing huge forces and on the brink of major push for Reunification of Taiwan with China.

3- In eastern Ukraine, Russia makes a major push simultaneously.

Which means american resources will have to be divided into the three major theaters of conflict.

What you think will happen?
Lebanon state is intentionally kept weak by you know whom.
Lebanon has always been weak politically with too many fractions fighting for power even before the appearance of Hezbollah.. militarily the Lebanese army is very weak.. Only Hezbollah can defend the least in the south..
US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin: We face the risk of an all-out war that could be "devastating" for Israel and Lebanon

No Loyd!
This is the war you always wanted.
In fact you are paying for it with US tax payer money. The war would be over the day you stop paying money to a apartheid regime despised by everyone.
No Loyd!
This is the war you always wanted.
In fact you are paying for it with US tax payer money. The war would be over the day you stop paying money to a apartheid regime despised by everyone.
They are playing the game of Psychology on the global population..but most people are aware now that they are behind it all..
In light of accusations against Tehran of leaving Hezballah alone in front of Israel .. Iranian researcher Mohammad Saleh Sadeghian: Any war that breaks out with Israel is futile and pointless .. and serves Tel Aviv's interests

Then in another tweet he says that war should be well studied and planned before going head on..
In light of accusations against Tehran of leaving Hezballah alone in front of Israel .. Iranian researcher Mohammad Saleh Sadeghian: Any war that breaks out with Israel is futile and pointless .. and serves Tel Aviv's interests



Iran doesn’t have the resources to take on America.

It would be utterly stupid to start a war with Israel and invite US.

Only winner will be the Zionists.

Iran needs to keep its head down and acquire nuclear bombs and an airforce.

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