Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Typically when Israel gets struck by a new weapon
or something unexpected thing happen that is when an offer of Peace comes from Whitehouse

The moment Resistance Force of Palestine , struck inside Israel and Iron Dom (Devine Magic Lamp of Yehuda) failed , obviously all the Old timers up in Washington , thought they can't go to Heaven now
So they offer a peace deal

1- The arrival of Hypersonic Missile shock up most Israelis
2- The Iron DOME running out of ammo , shock up most israelis

I think every one spread the Propaganda , that Israel have the Magic Devine Lamp and because they have the magic lamp they are protected by Devine Magical forces

However that has become a Myth
  • Yamen showcased it's a fabrication of story
  • Resistance force of Palestine disproved the Myth
  • Now Lebanon/Palestine Resistance force is putting dents
  • The 1 Jordanian Driver showed what Jordanians can do

So far it appears , Israel is just another entity

Russians knocked out their missiles heading for Syria , there was nothing DEVINE about the failed strikes , they failed
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Hezbollah announces targeting the intelligence headquarters for the northern region in the Mishar base

Hezbollah has barely fired rockets and Missiles at Israel intensely for up to a month and it has already targeted several key sites in Israel- The David Ramat Base, the Rafael production buildings, Haifa, Eilat port, etc., and several of these sites are out of action- that David Ramat base especially- Israel has censored all media in and around the base as we know, but the question now is this - do Israeli fighter jets still take off from that base? My guess right now is no, or "not as many as usual". Hezbollah has the list of Israeli sites and their details (it mayve the same entity giving the Houthis their own "list" of Israeli-linked targets), its probably no more than 50-80 highly important sites, but with each one that gets knocked offline, Israel feels it and its a setback for its defense.

Iron dome is not saving sh*t and instead its leaving iron holes and explosions on Israelis, so that confirms it was wiser for Israel to have choosen peace than rely on the Iron dome and other AD systems.
No wonder Israel and US already mentioned ceasefire with Hezbollah already...barely more than a month of intense fighting (with no ground forces part of the fighting). With Israel and Ukraine's MICs both damaged and almost non-existent (respectively), the US MIC will continue to work its magic by supplying both of them with all the weapons they can't manufacture for themselves, this will be very interesting to watch!
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in 2-3 days they spent $1 billion. with $1 billion Iran could build 5,000 MRBMs capable of reaching Israel.
Amid talk of an impending truce... Israel trains its soldiers for a ground invasion Lebanon

"EFFECTIVE DETERRENCE" - What is preventing Israel from starting a land invasion into Lebanon at this moment. Now throwing the ceasefire bone at Hezbollah hoping it will placate Hezbollah's land forces and prevent them from destroying the equipment, morale and myth of invincibility of the IDF soldiers (they care more about their soldiers lives than southern Lebanese land, which is also a confirmation Israel is in trouble, because it is fighting Lebanese who WILL die for their land).
Hezbollah has barely fired rockets and Missiles at Israel intensely for up to a month and it has already targeted several key sites in Israel- The David Ramat Base, the Rafael production buildings, Haifa, Eilat port, etc., and several of these sites are out of action- that David Ramat base especially- Israel has censored all media in and around the base as we know, but the question now is this - do Israeli fighter jets still take off from that base? My guess right now is no, or "not as many as usual". Hezbollah has the list of Israeli sites and their details (it mayve the same entity giving the Houthis their own "list" of Israeli-linked targets), its probably no more than 50-80 highly important sites, but with each one that gets knocked offline, Israel feels it and its a setback for its defense.

Iron dome is not saving sh*t and instead its leaving iron holes and explosions on Israelis, so that confirms it was wiser for Israel to have choosen peace than rely on the Iron dome and other AD systems.

Israel is not really a very large territory if you view it from Google Map you can see it is a very small state 65% is desert, 30% is just farm like zones 10% is Urban

Just few big city centers where population is congested

Beyond the border parameters it is just a very average "Settler zone"
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Hah? Any ceasefire would be the ceasefire offered to Hezbollah already offered on October 8, 2023. A ceasefire between Hezbollah-Israel would be a trap!! Hezbollah's terms from Day One was to have a ceasefire IF Israel stop its slaughter in Gaza.
Please you all: Watch this carefully!

yes, a ceasefire will be a huge trap. Non stop bleed the enemy. Keep the sky busy and insecured from all directions for few months. Isreal won't have a capacity to fight that long. Eventually there frustration will pulled them toward border and that is right time.

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