Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

If the resistance can even fire one missile per day at tel Aviv it can shut down the capital,

You can hurt Israel in multiple ways, one of the main is to deter investment and business through protest and boycott and making Israel dangerous and insecure
If the resistance can even fire one missile per day at tel Aviv it can shut down the capital,

You can hurt Israel in multiple ways, one of the main is to deter investment and business through protest and boycott and making Israel dangerous and insecure

The cancer should be starved.

It is a cancerous growth with many metastasis.
Another Zio fcuking it up for everyone......

He must be weeded out like the Brazilians weeded out Bolsonaro.


Why a president of one country would proudly show the flag of a foreign terror entity is clear.....their tentacles are spread wide and deep.

Suggestions of zionist tentacles is deemed antisemitic...but of course its true. Truth is therefore antisemitic.

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