Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

He does not respect anything from the UN.. even kills aid workers belonging to the UN.. I'm very surprised that he is allowed there..some guys instead of walking out should have walked to him and...Since he thinks he is beyond International law and UN resolutions..even commit genocide and think he can walk free and get away with it..
Bottom line Netanyahu is the most powerful person on earth, and he knows it.. he and his minions control the US/UK/France/Germany…. he is untouchable.. unless and when Allah swt decides otherwise….
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu attacked the UN as an “antisemitic swamp” and an “anti-Israel Flat Earth Society” during his address to the UN General Assembly, defending his gov't’s bombardment of both Gaza and Lebanon.

Antisemitism… weaponised… anyone who dares utter a word against Israel is antisemitic..
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu attacked the UN as an “antisemitic swamp” and an “anti-Israel Flat Earth Society” during his address to the UN General Assembly, defending his gov't’s bombardment of both Gaza and Lebanon.


Honestly that is hilarious when he's reading out how many times the UN has condemned Israel with the "groans" in the background. The delusional **** thinks what he's saying is making people think the UN is bias against Israel, when its all doing is highlighting how vicious and criminal Israel has behaved and continues to behave.
This conflict has truely exposed Israel

Works both ways, brother. While it exposed Israel in the independent media (social media, etc.) to Israel's nature and how repulsive citizens behave, it has also exposed the Islamic World as entirely inept.

My main concern is now the doors will be open to attack from Western forces on the Islamic World, and they will know the reaction will be none, and they will have a free hand, to the extent they will never have to bother explaining why. More dangerous times to come.
Works both ways, brother. While it exposed Israel in the independent media (social media, etc.) to Israel's nature and how repulsive citizens behave, it has also exposed the Islamic World as entirely inept.

My main concern is now the doors will be open to attack from Western forces on the Islamic World, and they will know the reaction will be none, and they will have a free hand, to the extent they will never have to bother explaining why. More dangerous times to come.
The Islamic World as entirely inept.. is not a correct statement.. they are pursuing a forceful other words a diplomatic war..
Works both ways, brother. While it exposed Israel in the independent media (social media, etc.) to Israel's nature and how repulsive citizens behave, it has also exposed the Islamic World as entirely inept.

My main concern is now the doors will be open to attack from Western forces on the Islamic World, and they will know the reaction will be none, and they will have a free hand, to the extent they will never have to bother explaining why. More dangerous times to come.

Are you aware of Russian history, Chinese history? Muslims being decimated is not a new thing. You aware of what the Europeans did to the Muslims in the balkans? Before the Ottomans were forced out of the Balkans, Muslims made the majority? Are you aware of the Muslims in Crete? Half the island was Muslims of Greek origin, when the Ottomans were forced out by a coalition of british/french and russian forces, the orthodox greeks gave the muslim greeks two options, convert or die. As a result most fled to Turkey.

The fact is because Muslims don't learn their history they can keep repeating the game. So today its the Palestinians time, but at least they have the world watching. So don't think just because the Muslim world is inept now, that suddenly the western and EASTERN world will pounce on that weakness, they been pouncing on it for the past 300 years.

In some ways things are much better today then a hundred years ago, in other ways its much worse.
American intelligence official: Hassan Nasrallah could not have survived the raid that hit their headquarters, even if he was hiding underneath it. As far as we know, he was present in this place at the moment the raid fell, so our final assessment is that he most likely died.


American intelligence official: Hassan Nasrallah could not have survived the raid that hit their headquarters, even if he was hiding underneath it. As far as we know, he was present in this place at the moment the raid fell, so our final assessment is that he most likely died.

View attachment 67887


Surely they wouldn't have pre defined HQ, but they would be moving constantly between many locations and always looking to change position? Also wouldn't this guy predominantly live outside the country like the top Hamas guys were?

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