Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

It is good. Let them be. I want these Saudi kings to be dragged from their palaces. Israel will do it eventually.

My disgust for these GCC Arabs has multiplied by a factor 100.
I see regular posters here enquiring and mentioning the USA should do this and do that encouraging peace. What these chaps need to think is where is the Muslim cousins and those that should be hurting more - sitting by the sidelines and doing NOTHING - erdogan for example making pro Palestinian speeches but sending fuel in abundance to Israel?
There is absolutely no room for whataboutery or moral equivalence or the one liners to hide your bias in this thread nor for this conflict. It is a very sensitive and tragic conflict, with consequences for potentially billions of people and hence we should speak out mind clearly--it's okay to be apologist or defenders for Israel. I never advocated banning even Benny Karachun in the old PDF--I respected him speaking his mind instead of the hypocritical evasive trolling.

I will speak my mind here and as I have been throughout here and in the old PDF: What the Gazans did on October 7 was an act of resistance. Some--not as many as claimed by the Israelis--innocent did die on that day in Israel but that was not the intent of the Gazans: They wanted to kill Israeli soldiers and take civilians as hostages. The BS about raping etc is just BS.

They did what ANY imprisoned, brutalized people would have done in their place!! Blaming them even remotely shows a cruel bias!!
I see regular posters here enquiring and mentioning the USA should do this and do that encouraging peace. What these chaps need to think is where is the Muslim cousins and those that should be hurting more - sitting by the sidelines and doing NOTHING - erdogan for example making pro Palestinian speeches but sending fuel in abundance to Israel?

Hah, USA? Biden is already on the losing track due to losing the Muslim, the young, the progressive, even the Black voters! Add to that, AIPAC will roast him and Democrats in November elections if he dares do something not in Israel's interest.

USA is NOT an honest broker here and somebody giving excuses above saying USA is trying to prevent the conflict from standing, implying that's out of some goodness in the American heart. WRONG! A regional war will be devastating not only for the region but also for the Americans. There is no goodness of heart involved. Americans wouldn't mind leveling that entire region, minus Israel, of course, if America didn't have strategic interests there. You can even see powerful Senators like Graham bringing up the total destruction and surrender of Japan and Germany as examples to justify what can be done to the region.
I see regular posters here enquiring and mentioning the USA should do this and do that encouraging peace. What these chaps need to think is where is the Muslim cousins and those that should be hurting more - sitting by the sidelines and doing NOTHING - erdogan for example making pro Palestinian speeches but sending fuel in abundance to Israel?

Expecting others to do what is one’s own responsibility is the most dishonest form of laziness and diversion. And the most self-damaging.
Hah, USA? Biden is already on the losing track due to losing the Muslim, the young, the progressive, even the Black voters! Add to that, AIPAC will roast him and Democrats in November elections if he dares do something not in Israel's interest.

USA is NOT an honest broker here and somebody giving excuses above saying USA is trying to prevent the conflict from standing, implying that's out of some goodness in the American heart. WRONG! A regional war will be devastating not only for the region but also for the Americans. There is no goodness of heart involved. Americans wouldn't mind leveling that entire region, minus Israel, of course, if America didn't have strategic interests there. You can even see powerful Senators like Graham bringing up the total destruction and surrender of Japan and Germany as examples to justify what can be done to the region.

It is all geopolitics. Goodness of hearts is utterly inapplicable in this context. For all sides involved.

Allah has only given effort and intention in the hands of men, success is granted by Allah and Allah alone. So there is absolutely nothing wrong in exalting his name when remembering the oppressed.

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As for doing something ourselves, I think we don’t know what individual effort someone is making beyond comments here, be it donation, advocacy or even dua, yes even dua is “doing something”.

That's a fact. Duas or faryaad (of Palestinians) is going to reflect itself in the very short term. Far worst is going to happen in the West, specially Europe, USA later.

We should see the effect of what the collective West has done to the Palestinians by offering unhindered support to Israel in not more than few months in the form of nuclear exchanges, at least tactical nukes...

Then we'll see Taiwan being taken over by the Chinese, not long after.

In short, we will see what Duas or badduaas of the oppressed could do.

The Almighty has plans to significantly decrease world's population in not more than two years. It's because of the mischief of the people itself, and maybe He's not too interested in us sorry lot of humans anymore, He has seen far better people!
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It is all geopolitics. Goodness of hearts is utterly inapplicable in this context. For all sides involved.

No, not 'all geopolitics', although your response can be added to the list your usual evasive one-line trolling. Let me ask you: If 'all' is geopolitics then why the white Irish, the Black South Africans , the brown Colombian, and the brown Indonesian gain by coming out so openly for Palestinians, and thus indirectly challenging the sole Superpower? Four different continent, different ethnic groups, even different faith.

There is still humanity left in human beings!!! And one needs to take a clear stand instead of posting one liners which try to hide a clear bias.
Let me ask you: If 'all' is geopolitics then why the white Irish, the Black South Africans , the brown Colombian, and the brown Indonesian gain by coming out so openly for Palestinians, and thus indirectly challenging the sole Superpower? Four different continent, different ethnic groups, even different faith.

It is so convenient to dismiss my serious posts as trolling, but utterly wrong. However, that is your prerogative. Mine is simply to state my views.

All those countries doing this "humane" thing are simply doing their own geopolitical calculus as to what serves their own national interests. 100%.

I hope that is clear enough to you, Sir.
All those countries doing this "humane" thing are simply doing their own geopolitical calculus as to what serves their own national interests. 100%.

No. They are not doing some 'calculus'. There is still humanity left in human beings otherwise every act of charity, per your logic, would be some 'calculus'.
But I am not going to let YOU derail this thread based on your usual one-liners/trolling. This topic is about what's going on in Gaza / Israel and the regional implications/scenarios--and apparently you don't have much to contribute on those matters.
No. They are not doing some 'calculus'. There is still humanity left in human beings otherwise every act of charity, per your logic, would be some 'calculus'.
But I am not going to let YOU derail this thread based on your usual one-liners/trolling. This topic is about what's going on in Gaza / Israel and the regional implications/scenarios--and apparently you don't have much to contribute on those matters.

Fair enough, let us talk about the conflict then. Why tilt at imaginary shadows?

What are the latest casualties being reported and the nature of the military action in the conflict zone?
Al Quds Brigades’ operations on Jan. 12:

  • Engaged in fierce clashes with Israeli regime soldiers in the center of Khan Yunis city in southern Gaza, and targeted a bulldozer with an RPG shell.
  • Bombed Israeli military concentrations with a barrage of 60-caliber regular mortar shells around the Halima Mosque in central Khan Yunis city.
  • In a joint operation with Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, the fighters bombed Israeli military concentrations around the Halima Mosque in the center of Khan Yunis with a barrage of 60-caliber regular mortar shells.
  • At exactly 9:00 pm local time, bombed the occupied city of ‘Ashdod’ and the settlements surrounding the Gaza Strip with intense rocket barrages.
Al Qassam Brigades post video showing rocket launches from Northern Gaza Strip where Israel had claimed complete control
We can ask help only from those who are capable.
Arabs we all know follow the same power we are asking for help.
It's a matter of humanity, saving children and women. We are calling upon those who preach humanity.
I could be wrong.

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