Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Al Quds Brigades’ operations on Jan. 12:

  • Engaged in fierce clashes with Israeli regime soldiers in the center of Khan Yunis city in southern Gaza, and targeted a bulldozer with an RPG shell.
  • Bombed Israeli military concentrations with a barrage of 60-caliber regular mortar shells around the Halima Mosque in central Khan Yunis city.
  • In a joint operation with Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, the fighters bombed Israeli military concentrations around the Halima Mosque in the center of Khan Yunis with a barrage of 60-caliber regular mortar shells.
  • At exactly 9:00 pm local time, bombed the occupied city of ‘Ashdod’ and the settlements surrounding the Gaza Strip with intense rocket barrages.
Al Qassam Brigades post video showing rocket launches from Northern Gaza Strip where Israel had claimed complete control

Zionists have lost this war they waged on the Gazans.

They are totally and utterly pathetic and their chief backer USA has disgraced itself in front of the whole world as an immoral and hypocritical bully.

China, Iran and Russia are the big winners now.

Palestinians will also become winners as the destruction of the Zionist usurpers to Palestine gets brought forward.
Look at the list of nations and contributors to the Emergency Relief Fund for Palestine:
Private Individuals (NGOs and ordinary people giving donations) have donated more than any other Muslim nation with the exception of KSA who have donated $17 Million USD. Meanwhile Germany is the largest donor nation having donated $144 Million USD.

Look at the list of nations and contributors to the Emergency Relief Fund for Palestine:
View attachment 10917
Private Individuals (NGOs and ordinary people giving donations) have donated more than any other Muslim nation with the exception of KSA who have donated $17 Million USD. Meanwhile Germany is the largest donor nation having donated $144 Million USD.


The Saudi and UAE scum are actually angry that Palestine messed up their plans with the Jews

Now due to all the anger they have been put back years
Kindly don't bring in India Pakistan tug of war in this thread. Stick to the topic, if you can't articulate a simple expression of human compassion towards this conflict. better to keep your own council and stay silent.
Zionists have lost this war they waged on the Gazans.
They are totally and utterly pathetic and their chief backer USA has disgraced itself in front of the whole world as an immoral and hypocritical bully.
China, Iran and Russia are the big winners now.
Palestinians will also become winners as the destruction of the Zionist usurpers to Palestine gets brought forward.

I really admire and appreciate your contributions! Most of the time, a mirror-image of my own!

I now find hardly anyone who can support the claim that Israelis are going to achieve the goals like total Hamas destruction, the 'Sinai Tent City', and the emigration of the Gazans to Congo.
Those goals, along with putting in the Settlements in northern Gaza, are almost certainly out of reach.
So what's left? Make Gaza uninhabitable. Degrade the Gazans' fighting capability for the next some years. Israelis are essentially buying time--as they concentrate on gobbling up more land in the West Bank--which is the real deal! And as far as Netanyahu is concerned, a regional war suits him the best--a war all the way up to involving Iran. He has personal stake in that even if the state of Israel itself is going to face a catastrophe.

There is absolutely no way Israel is going to exist like it does now in case of a regional war and I also predicted several times in the old PDF and here that Americans would be expelled from the Middle East in case of a regional war--which is sad for any patriotic American due to the loss of the strategic interests, but that's what happens when you let a foreign entity's lobbies almost totally control your foreign policy in the Middle East. The Chinese and the Russians are laughing their way to the bank already!!
Look at the list of nations and contributors to the Emergency Relief Fund for Palestine:
View attachment 10917
Private Individuals (NGOs and ordinary people giving donations) have donated more than any other Muslim nation with the exception of KSA who have donated $17 Million USD. Meanwhile Germany is the largest donor nation having donated $144 Million USD.


Absurdity cannot be matched with the same!
It is a professed goal of the US to not only maintain but achieve greater Israel... read Truman!
GCC and Jordanian monarchies are direct beneficiaries and hopefuls/aspirants of their recognition for legitimacy above and beyond native populations. They don't seek any popular appeal or approval, can quash dissent in their nations with foreign aid... states such as Pakistan will rush to rescue.
Egypt by their very accords has accepted a price for this genocide and will watch from sidelines lest the spigot be shut.

It is convenient, in fact purposeful to distract without context eventhough mass appeal in both MENA and collective west stands adamant against Israel yet... only mouthpieces scapegoat and carve niches.

US by default can print all it wishes... at it's discretion as much as it wants...
Arm Israel to the teeth, facilitate free healthcare and a convenient lifestyle even in a far off kibbutz ... all the while the biggest cause of domestic bankruptcy in the US remains Healthcare!

Germany perennially paying reparations to zionists on occupied lands... the arguments are flawed and based on fallacies.

Need a shift in paradigm!
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are they still firing katyusha/qassam rockets into Israel ?
has there been any incursions into Israel proper where they have inflicted any damage on the IDF of general population ?
Once IDF forces are forced to leave, there might be incursions. Right now Hamas is busying fighting to keep ahold of its southern strongholds.

Offensives, counteroffensives, and defenses go on stages. Israel being the stronger conventional army has the initiative by default. Hamas being a guerilla army by default always to fight defensively, only striking in an asymmetrical manner.

what is the extent of damage in the strip ?
Remove morality and stick to practical military; it doesn't matter. The Palestinians will rebuild. They always do.

how many people have they lost ?
Not as much as Israel claims. Israel has killed mainly civilians.

Hamas is still active and it has shown that it's still in one piece.

who "won" ?
The war is still ongoing.

If you mean morally? I don't do morals when it comes to analysis. However, globally, the Palestinians have now garnered more sympathy and support than they have since the time of the Nakba, while Israel and its allies in the US, UK, and Germany find themselves increasing isolated and under pressure from their own country to force Israel to end the war.
I do hope they rebuild, and for the world to help them.

too much ho gya.. I'd tap them on the shoulder and tell them to cut it out

if I could

It is a professed goal of the US to not only maintain but achieve greater Israel... read Truman!
GCC and Jordanian monarchies are direct beneficiaries and hopefuls/aspirants of their recognition for legitimacy above and beyond native populations. They don't seek anything popular appeal or approval, can quash dissent in their nations with foreign aid... states such as Pakistan will rush to rescue.
Speaking of Truman... one online source says that Truman's re-election campaign was not going anywhere and then a Jewish source offered him a $20 million (or 2 million) cash donation for his campaign and Truman decided to oblige the Jews by accepting Israel--in 1948 America was already the sole Superpower against a fledging Soviet Union. Truman himself has a public statement saying something to the Arab/Muslims protesting against the creation of Israel, goes went like 'The Jews gave me $$$ / votes. Do you have that to contribute to me?'. In short, the American democracy was already partly paid for as early as 1948 and since the early 1990s, the entire democratic system is owned by the Israelis.

Oh, about the Pakistan connection, I don't want to bring the Pakistani politics here. I know Imran Khan supporters are always looking for any opportunity to target the Pakistani military since Imran fell from power but they should desist that. To clarify: the Pakistan connection: Yes, Pakistan did help the King of Jordan to quash a Palestinian rebellion in 'Black September'. I think it was early 1971--about 6 decades ago!! I don't know the circumstances for that but since then or before, Pakistan has kept itself away from the Middle East conflicts between Muslim countries; heck, Pakistan didn't even support its rich Arab benefactors in the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 nor supported the Saudis against the Houthis. AND Pakistan continued to recognize the Assad govt despite Pakistan's alliance with the GCC/Turkey. Pakistan has always strived to make peace between Muslim countries, before or after Imran Khan!! It was worth pointing this out because I see Imran's supporters trying to destroy the Pakistan military all the time--foreign members don't know that and they draw simplistic conclusions.
US by default can print all it wishes... at it's discretion as much as it wants...
Arm Israel to the teeth, facilitate free healthcare and a convenient lifestyle even in a far off kibbutz ... all the while the biggest cause of domestic bankruptcy in the US remains Healthcare!
So sadly you are correct!!! Heck, I might lose my job and I have been spending some time this morning trying to find healthcare in that event. But Israelis can have $200 billion in reserves, have a budget surplus, and still need American help!!
Germany perennially paying reparations to zionists on occupied lands... the arguments are flawed and based on fallacies.

Germany is the topmost Israeli vassal in the world!!!! Probably, the most Cuck nation in the world! What a sad observation for the largest European economy. Israelis have truly turned their 'Never Again' to 'Forever More' gravy train!!
Look at the list of nations and contributors to the Emergency Relief Fund for Palestine:
View attachment 10917
Private Individuals (NGOs and ordinary people giving donations) have donated more than any other Muslim nation with the exception of KSA who have donated $17 Million USD. Meanwhile Germany is the largest donor nation having donated $144 Million USD.


USA is number two in that list.
USA is number two in that list.

Yes, "appearances" are very important. Cut some trees, turn them into $$ bills, put them in suitcases to be sent to Egypt for the 'generous' donations of a hundred millions all the while supplying BILLIONS of $$ of weapons to enable the 'need' to donate such donations.
But then we all know: You were always a true apologist for the NeoCons!! Members beware!!
Yes, "appearances" are very important. Cut some trees, turn them into $$ bills, put them in suitcases to be sent to Egypt for the 'generous' donations of a hundred millions all the while supplying BILLIONS of $$ of weapons to enable the 'need' to donate such donations.
But then we all know: You were always a true apologist for the NeoCons!! Members beware!!

Facts are facts. USA is number two on that list.
Facts are facts. USA is number two on that list.

And is it not a 'fact' that USA has supplied the billions in weaponry to create the 'need' for the 'donation' to that 'list'?
For how long you are going to hide your bias, VCHENG, behind your one-liners? You can do that in some other threads, following your nature in the old PDF, but this thread is very sensitive.
And is it not a 'fact' that USA has supplied the billions in weaponry to create the 'need' for the 'donation' to that 'list'?
For how long you are going to hide your bias, VCHENG, behind your one-liners? You can do that in some other threads, following your nature in the old PDF, but this thread is very sensitive.

I didn’t post that list. USA has given billions elsewhere too but that is not the topic here.

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