Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Objectivity requires looking at all aspects of any issue. Please feel free to not respond to my posts if they violate your manifest approach of just looking at your preferred side of the coin or conflict. The other side of the same coin, or conflict, simply cannot be wished away.

I don't hide my 'preferred side'. You speak from both sides of your mouth.
I'd rather you be on the 'Ignore' list; you'd be only the 3rd person I'd ignore in my 15 years on PDF. But having a known Pakistan-hater, and a NeoCon Apologist in a sensitive thread like this was a mistake the forum Admins made.
Oh, once again: There is NO moral equivalence!!!

PS. I hope you run into the old PDFs JHungary or ZiaulIslam in some endless loop--they will make your finger tire with typing!!
There is no need for aid.

Absolutely incorrect and reprehensible. There is a huge humanitarian disaster that needs urgent relief for hundreds of thousands of civilians.
I can fully understand and empathise that this is a sensitive subject. May I offer a suggestion, if you don’t like his posts just ignore them and carry on with your day.

Please add the 'Ignore' option for a known Pakistan hater and an apologist for the Neo Cons like him? Why can't he be ignored??
And others can stop arming Hamas if such acts are to be effective. One-sidedness will never work. Equations have two sides, after all, that need to be balanced.
No other side don't need to stop arming Hamas.
You say you want to look objectively,
Can you objectively say Israel and Palestinian are at equal footing?
Are they Equal foes?
Isn't one an apartheid regime and the other freedom fighters.
Haven't Israel been opressing Palestinian since 1948.
Isn't American blocking 2 state solutions?
Isn't America vetoing every motion of cease fire to fulfil it's thirst of blood.
Evil and good are concepts inapplicable in geopolitics Sir. she has a job to do and she is doing it, whether we agree with it or not.

No good and evil you say?
You fundamentally misunderstand.

Equations have balance, I am pointing out its the USA and it's contributions with it's endless support for Israel that's causing the unbalance, the disequilibrium.

Please read carefully, try not to state the obvious.

He doesn't misunderstand, he deflects, like any apologist would. He purposefully provides the same platform to one being raped and the rapist. He questions the logic of victim giving a bloody nose to the rapist by right of rapist to defend itself.

There is no argument here... in fact, a waste of time...answering question with another question and data with another ... continuous and constant deflection. Anyone with a grip or depth will never do that only one partial but without the said perch will!

Anyhow He is not the topic, in fact a distraction. By him becoming constant topic reflects on his intent and everyone would just be better off without... as it is let him in fact bring content instead of quizzing everyone on their opinions.
I don't hide my 'preferred side'. You speak from both sides of your mouth.
I'd rather you be on the 'Ignore' list; you'd be only the 3rd person I'd ignore in my 15 years on PDF. But having a known Pakistan-hater, and a NeoCon Apologist in a sensitive thread like this was a mistake the forum Admins made.
Oh, once again: There is NO moral equivalence!!!

PS. I hope you run into the old PDFs JHungary or ZiaulIslam in some endless loop--they will make your finger tire with typing!!

He doesn't seem like a friend of the mods in a helpful sense.

I think the last thing mods want is another mod to be a problem for them.
He doesn't misunderstand, he deflects, like any apologist would. He purposefully provides the same platform to one being raped and the rapist. He questions the logic of victim giving a bloody nose to the rapist by right of rapist to defend itself.

There is no argument here... in fact, a waste of time...answering question with another question and data with another ... continuous and constant deflection. Anyone with a grip or depth will never do that only one partial but without the said perch will!

Anyhow He is not the topic, in fact a distraction. By him becoming constant topic reflects on his intent and everyone would just be better off without... as it is let him in fact bring content instead of quizzing everyone on their opinions.
I fully agree and have said the same before.

Yet here we are trying to get on with the thread trying to push away the distraction.
You have quite an impressive track record of being the devils apologist.

@Waz , @Musings
Anyone who has known me in the old PDF know I don't use such harsh language a lot--and that's 15+ years of history to back that up. But I have to say this:

He hated Pakistan in the old PDF. He hates everything except whatever the US Administration does. He claims to be a patriotic American and a Patriotic Pakistani. I doubt either. If this war becomes a regional war, it will be very damaging to America's own interests.

I think he is a shill for the Neo Cons, unfortunately made a Moderator by the ill-judgement of the forum's administrators. He can't even hide his biases even if he tries to minimize exposure to his biases by using one liners and trolling and shedding crocodiles tears over the innocent Gazan deaths.
Speaking of Truman... one online source says that Truman's re-election campaign was not going anywhere and then a Jewish source offered him a $20 million (or 2 million) cash donation for his campaign and Truman decided to oblige the Jews by accepting Israel--in 1948 America was already the sole Superpower against a fledging Soviet Union. Truman himself has a public statement saying something to the Arab/Muslims protesting against the creation of Israel, goes went like 'The Jews gave me $$$ / votes. Do you have that to contribute to me?'. In short, the American democracy was already partly paid for as early as 1948 and since the early 1990s, the entire democratic system is owned by the Israelis.

Read Tweedism! For long the politicians have been mouthpieces of monied interests... the one protected class in the US is the Opulent Minority as described in the federalist papers, the too big to fails.

He needed to win New York... but he moralizes that very good in his own words

Oh, about the Pakistan connection, I don't want to bring the Pakistani politics here. I know Imran Khan supporters are always looking for any opportunity to target the Pakistani military since Imran fell from power but they should desist that. To clarify: the Pakistan connection: Yes, Pakistan did help the King of Jordan to quash a Palestinian rebellion in 'Black September'. I think it was early 1971--about 6 decades ago!! I don't know the circumstances for that but since then or before, Pakistan has kept itself away from the Middle East conflicts between Muslim countries; heck, Pakistan didn't even support its rich Arab benefactors in the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 nor supported the Saudis against the Houthis. AND Pakistan continued to recognize the Assad govt despite Pakistan's alliance with the GCC/Turkey. Pakistan has always strived to make peace between Muslim countries, before or after Imran Khan!! It was worth pointing this out because I see Imran's supporters trying to destroy the Pakistan military all the time--foreign members don't know that and they draw simplistic conclusions.
There is no need to describe Pakistan's position, being there for Jordan, protecting Saudi Royalty or joining GWOT on a phone call... it seeks no public or popular approval. A cog in rules based order it will do as instructed, such as shipping lanes against Yemenis, in concert with Indians, no less.

But that is not the topic.

So sadly you are correct!!! Heck, I might lose my job and I have been spending some time this morning trying to find healthcare in that event. But Israelis can have $200 billion in reserves, have a budget surplus, and still need American help!!
The whole project, an island in the sea of Arabs would be impossible without continuous and consistent support from the collective west.

Germany is the topmost Israeli vassal in the world!!!! Probably, the most Cuck nation in the world! What a sad observation for the largest European economy. Israelis have truly turned their 'Never Again' to 'Forever More' gravy train!!
In fact rather it is the Palestinians who pay this price in blood... Germans merely in coin.
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I see regular posters here enquiring and mentioning the USA should do this and do that encouraging peace. What these chaps need to think is where is the Muslim cousins and those that should be hurting more - sitting by the sidelines and doing NOTHING - erdogan for example making pro Palestinian speeches but sending fuel in abundance to Israel?

I have been pondering on the reaction of Muslim majority countries. The following hadith comes to my mind very strongly

"The Prophet Muhammad said, "Prophethood will remain among you as long as Allah wills. Then Caliphate (Khilafah) on the lines of Prophethood shall commence, and remain as long as Allah wills. Then Allah will raise it when He wishes to raise it. Then there will be a hereditary kingship (Mulk) for as long as Allah wills. Then there will be a tyrannical rule (Jabriyyah) and it will remain for as long as Allah wills. Then Allah will raise it when He wishes to raise it. Then there will be a Caliphate (Khilafah) on the precepts of Prophethood."

The hadiths can have a level of ambiguity, however to me it seems like the muslim world is experiencing the tyrannical rule period. Its incumbent on all of those who are part of the Ummah to do what they can to ready themselves for a period which will be better and beyond this one. We do not know how long the current period will last but as people we need to make a change from within ourselves first. The current crop of leaders throughout the world only care for themselves and their nations. There is a genuine lack of humanity around. This conflict has shown the ugly face of racism, arrogance and entitlement by one side and endurance, bravery, leadership by the other. I do not support Hamas, but I fully support the right of every single Palestinian to resist occupation and fight back against this genocide. May Allah make the Palestinians victorious and inheritors of Jerusalem and all of Palestine.

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