Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I can't even wrap my head around the scale of children killed by Israel in this short period of time. 9,000 children killed the last I read. 9,000. If I watch a video of one child who SURVIVED an airstrike and they are shaking and terrified and will have mental trauma for the rest of their life, it is shattering. So 9,000 killed is just unimaginable. Pure evil and devastating.
Honestly, when I look at the figures it breaks my heart. I can somewhat relate to this, I was very active during the rescue operations in 2005 EQ and 2010 floods, I can deal with most things, but recovering remains of children has scarred me.

After the Earthquake there were many children who would not sleep in their rooms for fear it would fall on their heads. Now imagine what these poor souls of Gaza must feel?

At least with natural hazards like floods and earthquakes you can argue that it was nature, but these little angels who have had their dreams and lives cut short, no child deserves such a fate. Not a ONE!

And sometimes I want to say something with a little more colorful language here but have to bite my tongue and restrain myself.
Honestly, when I look at the figures it breaks my heart. I can somewhat relate to this, I was very active during the rescue operations in 2005 EQ and 2010 floods, I can deal with most things, but recovering remains of children has scarred me.

After the Earthquake there were many children who would not sleep in their rooms for fear it would fall on their heads. Now imagine what these poor souls of Gaza must feel?

At least with natural hazards like floods and earthquakes you can argue that it was nature, but these little angels who have had their dreams and lives cut short, no child deserves such a fate. Not a ONE!

And sometimes I want to say something with a little more colorful language here but have to bite my tongue and restrain myself.
Well said, it's criminal that Western leaders are aiding and abetting this mass killing of children. "European/Western values" are a sham.
This thread has turned into a Pro Palestinian/ Pro Hamas terror echo chamber, with little dissident viewpoints. To be clear, Hamas is a designated international terror organization.

I’m disappointed in the moderators here. You’re allowing inherent biases and emotions to cloud your judgement.

I’ve been a member on PDF for nearly ten years and don’t ever remember calling out the moderation team, but it’s come to that point.

Be better
This thread has turned into a Pro Palestinian/ Pro Hamas terror echo chamber, with little dissident viewpoints. To be clear, Hamas is a designated international terror organization.

I’m disappointed in the moderators here. You’re allowing inherent biases and emotions to cloud your judgement.

I’ve been a member on PDF for nearly ten years and don’t ever remember calling out the moderation team, but it’s come to that point.

Be better

Define "international"?

If you mean the US, Europe, Australia, Canada and a couple of US Asian lapdogs like Japan you would be right.

80% of the world's countries do not consider Hamas to be terrorists.
This thread has turned into a Pro Palestinian/ Pro Hamas terror echo chamber, with little dissident viewpoints. To be clear, Hamas is a designated international terror organization.

I’m disappointed in the moderators here. You’re allowing inherent biases and emotions to cloud your judgement.

I’ve been a member on PDF for nearly ten years and don’t ever remember calling out the moderation team, but it’s come to that point.
Hey man, 23.000 civilians murdered in three months it is a genocide.

I pray God to not allow israel to have B52.
This thread has turned into a Pro Palestinian/ Pro Hamas terror echo chamber, with little dissident viewpoints. To be clear, Hamas is a designated international terror organization.

I’m disappointed in the moderators here. You’re allowing inherent biases and emotions to cloud your judgement.

I’ve been a member on PDF for nearly ten years and don’t ever remember calling out the moderation team, but it’s come to that point.

Be better

You are free to express your opinion here, arent' you? A certain Moderator might even 'Like' your posts!
Yes, this is a pro Palestinian (not pro 'Hamas'!) thread and that's to be expected here. But if you look even on several Western You Tube channels or even NY Times 'Comments', Israel is being bashed upon very harshly there too. I am even starting to see Israelis bash the Israeli govt in Israeli news sites like JPOST, YNET, Time of Israel.

As far as I am concerned, your voice is welcome here--you do seem to post the pro Israeli side of the events and that's fine by me. We need all voices about this globally important topic where major powers are involved--nothing short of the fuse to lit the 3rd World War. I'd even welcome Sammuel, Benny K, and Adir M from the old PDF if they make it here.

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