Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

And what better tool than to plant a disruptive, blackmailing, violent entity to do your bidding placed in a very strategic place. All of Israel's neighbors and even near-neighbors would remain under the blackmail: They follow the imperialists' line or else! The losses to those countries' progress have been enormous over the generations and will only mount.

The job of the resistance is near impossible as the Turks, Azeris and a large number of Arab Muslim countries(KSA, UAE, Jordan, Morocco, Egypt etc.) are traitors and in active collaboration with the Zio-US.

It may need to wait till China displaces the Zio-US from its position as sole hegemon to have another crack at destroying the usurper of Palestine.

Zio-US and the western imperialists like UK are bad enough but when you have neighbourhood traitors on top, it makes the job that much more difficult.
For Resistance force of Palestine and Lebanon
Why do you claim , impossible task? Nothing is impossible

Yesterday people claimed the people of Yahuda with their Magic Power lamp has the Magic Dome of Un imaginable power

Until Yesterday - people stated City of Magic Lamp worshippers will not get hit

1- Dome was defeated many times
2- Cities are getting hit , daily
3- Illegal Settler Ass is on fire , now normal event
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The job of the resistance is near impossible as the Turks, Azeris and a large number of Arab Muslim countries(KSA, UAE, Jordan, Morocco, Egypt etc.) are traitors and in active collaboration with the Zio-US.

It may need to wait till China displaces the Zio-US from its position as sole hegemon to have another crack at destroying the usurper of Palestine.

Zio-US and the western imperialists like UK are bad enough but when you have neighbourhood traitors on top, it makes the job that much more difficult.
If everyone was committed, Israel would have been destroyed decades ago

Even as it is their is always hope, simply because unless the Arabs have become complete haramis (not sure yet) even they will push for a Palestinian state whilst dealing with Israel

Their is movement and demand behind the scenes that the only peaceful and viable solution is adhering to international law and creating a Palestinian state

So even the Israeli can push against this for so much whilst the Palestinian population continues to grow

The entire problem for Israel is the population problem, it's why they are so desperate to ethnically cleanse the population, because doing nothing just ends in a Jewish minority

"A new assassination operation in the southern suburb of Beirut. The target of the assassination in the suburb is Abu Ali Reda, the commander of the Badr Corps, according to Channel 14.

The level of penetration is unbelievable, it has exceeded all expectations by stages, and it has not been treated until this moment or taken a more strict and decisive measure."
Heard Netin-Ya-Hoe died by Yameni Palestine Missile strike
his his Jet as it landed in Israel airport

Saw some people share video
>Yamen Announce a strike on the airport a day or so ago when Netin-ya-Hoe was at airport

Jewish media keeping things low

Did he get moved to normal hospital or one under bunker?
We have not seen Netin-Ya-Hoe in media for while now

If the Hospital location is known I am sure some flowers will arrive in mail soon courtesy of Resistance force of Palestine

It seems like Resistance force of Palestine know about Netin-Ya-hoe Google calender plan
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One of the most hilarious things to read from the 'resistance' people, is them lamenting the fact that not every Arab & Muslim country is joining in.

Has it ever occurred to you that not all Arabs and Muslims are obsessed with the imaginary entity of 'palestine'?. Has it ever occurred to you that not all Arabs and Muslims want to die for a little patch of land? I mean we know this from the fact that you are all sitting at home complaining online instead of being in the trenches.

Why aren't all Lebanese rushing to join Hezbollah in their hour of need?

Israel has handed out one of the most historic spankings in the history of warfare. It is a humiliation for the 'resistance' and many Arabs & Muslims around the world will be looking at this and saying "no thanks, I don't want my balls blown off by a pager and be forever humiliated"

The 'resistance' should pack their bags and go home.
One of the most hilarious things to read from the 'resistance' people, is them lamenting the fact that not every Arab & Muslim country is joining in.

Has it ever occurred to you that not all Arabs and Muslims are obsessed with the imaginary entity of 'palestine'?. Has it ever occurred to you that not all Arabs and Muslims want to die for a little patch of land? I mean we know this from the fact that you are all sitting at home complaining online instead of being in the trenches.

Why aren't all Lebanese rushing to join Hezbollah in their hour of need?

Israel has handed out one of the most historic spankings in the history of warfare. It is a humiliation for the 'resistance' and many Arabs & Muslims around the world will be looking at this and saying "no thanks, I don't want my balls blown off by a pager and be forever humiliated"

The 'resistance' should pack their bags and go home.
Netin-Ya-hoe could be in a ventilator in Israeli Bunker

Israel getting desperate
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is there footage circulating of the attack near Jerusalem the other day it seems more than usual tight lipped no leaked videos or pictures by Israelis etc no I’m not saying there was mass casualties but something was hit either by purpose or accident

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