Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Islamabad Police doing their Duty Under "Majboori"


Just 1 Day ago Pakistani Citizens ,
forced the Majboor Punjab Police to run away without their pants
Pakistani Citizens showcased we are 100% with Palestine


The Blue Wardi wale of Islamabad Police are due their share as well from People of Pakistan
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"A new assassination operation in the southern suburb of Beirut. The target of the assassination in the suburb is Abu Ali Reda, the commander of the Badr Corps, according to Channel 14.

The level of penetration is unbelievable, it has exceeded all expectations by stages, and it has not been treated until this moment or taken a more strict and decisive measure."

Statement issued by Hezbollah's media relations:

There is no truth to the Zionist allegations about the assassination of our brother, the Mujahid, Hajj Abu Ali Reda. He is fine and healthy.
Islamabad/Punjab police Pakistan files charges against a old lady likely 65-70 , claims she was terrorist because she attended the Demonstrations

Islamic (in theory) Republic of Pakistan


Lost Tribe of Israel, Islamabad Police ke Karname (Adventures)

We look at Honor and Valor of Palestine Resistance Force and then we look at our Pathetic Police Force, beating own citizen for Salary and Bonus

No wonder , they (the weak of faith) Claim Israel is Devine Power of Magic Lamp worshipper
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Statement issued by Hezbollah's media relations:

There is no truth to the Zionist allegations about the assassination of our brother, the Mujahid, Hajj Abu Ali Reda. He is fine and healthy.

They are intentionally , spreading false rumors
When Resistance force of Palestine responds , they can track the Command Chain , messaging (Electronic signature)

Resistance force of Palestine should just put the head down and send more flowers to Ne-Ten-Ya-Hoe in hospital fighting for his life

Please kindly do not spread Master Race Magic Lamp Holder , lies
They spread anti Saudi Arabia Rumors

To cause , Goyim confusion
They know Goyim news paper copy paste from Reuters

1- Saudia has indicated firmly there is no trade or fantasy world without Palestine state formation

2- They are no part of Neten-ya-Hoe geocidal plan

Bro, what lies did I spread. Which post are you referring to?

Saudia is a sell out. A family from Najd who hijacked the 2 holy sites. Now facilitating an alternative trade route to Israel via UAE. Both these states demonstrated as good guys by Netanyahu at the UN. You don't need to think too hard to know that Saudia is a backstabbing hoe of Uncle Sam.and the Zionists. Their wealth and power is dependant on their support for Zios.
Don't Believe every thing you read

I believe that trade deal is off long time ago from Saudi's side Prince Mohammad Bin Salman already announced that on newspapers

Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, press release below

Translation, Not exact words translation but a rough translation

1- We must find way to stop the war , and move back from War to discussion table, wish of OIC as a collective. Also UN security council [ARABIC]

2- Security council of UN must step in do it's duties to stop war [ARABIC]

3- Unacceptable that 1 nation has ability to Ignore all Security council United Nation resolutions and do what it wants with war [ARABIC]

4- Both European Union and OIC agree that 2 state solution for Palestine is only solution [Arabic]

AMERICAN cult newspaper
"Netanyahu was talking about trade route do you think it is possible?"

5- The Minister stop, thinks about the stupid questions , Judges the reporter is dumb as government mule , maintains composure , smiles ---then respond politely

a) "In his speech , Netin-Ya-hoe, failed to mention Palestine once. This is a root cause of problem , refusal to mention Palestine or it's people- we cannot discuss anything unless this Prime issue of Palestine is resolved. The ideals of peace and prosperity cannot happen without Palestine being discussed" [English]

b) Let Israel accept international resolution for Palestine creation, accept Palestinians and after the formation of Palestine according to wish resolutions of United Nation, of course after that their can be discussion about things for good of regional nations. [English]

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Islamabad Police doing their Duty Under "Majboori"

View attachment 68420

Just 1 Day ago Pakistani Citizens ,
forced the Majboor Punjab Police to run away without their pants
Pakistani Citizens showcased we are 100% with Palestine
View attachment 68421

View attachment 68422

The Blue Wardi wale of Islamabad Police are due their share as well from People of Pakistan
This why we have a ch—-tia Government.
One of the most hilarious things to read from the 'resistance' people, is them lamenting the fact that not every Arab & Muslim country is joining in.

Has it ever occurred to you that not all Arabs and Muslims are obsessed with the imaginary entity of 'palestine'?. Has it ever occurred to you that not all Arabs and Muslims want to die for a little patch of land? I mean we know this from the fact that you are all sitting at home complaining online instead of being in the trenches.

Why aren't all Lebanese rushing to join Hezbollah in their hour of need?

Israel has handed out one of the most historic spankings in the history of warfare. It is a humiliation for the 'resistance' and many Arabs & Muslims around the world will be looking at this and saying "no thanks, I don't want my balls blown off by a pager and be forever humiliated"

The 'resistance' should pack their bags and go home.

Resistance is gradual

A conflict between two states is war, when war is not possible you have resistance

The Muslim world population is now 2 BILLION and growing fast

In Gaza, Israel and the west bank the majority population is now Muslim/Arab/Palestinian

The average age of the Palestinians is 19, the average age of the Jews is much older and across the world it's close to 49

So the Palestinians are heading towards a massive population expansion over the coming years and decades and the Jew population will be under incredible pressure

Israel is backed by the U.S so their is never a time when the resistance can fight in equal terms unless multiple countries unite and they all have different methods

Israel has been absolutely hammered in international lawfare, with the ICJ, U.N and multiple organizations declaring Israel is a occupational state and east Jerusalem and the west bank is Palestinian

Even the lackey Arabs are pushing for the establishment of the same Palestinian state

With massive international protests, movements against Israel and companies working within Israel

No one said Israel will collapse today but you need to keep chipping away at the Jews

So today they have faced a year of conflict
Had to Jew hundreds of billions out of the U.S tax payer and the west
Had to face and will face major consequences and outright hatred for their crimes
Taken a massive economic hit
Had thousands of their own. People killed or Injured

Their will be a renewed push for a Palestinian state
And Israel will have to try to function as a state again, facing the same demographic pressure that it always has

This is resistance, where you gradually grind down the Jews until they can be expelled from the middle east
The Pakistani government is absolutely going to follow the Abahram Accords group.
The IMF has approved the loan as the government has promised to curtail these protests and to allow Americans to use Pakistani airspace to attack Iran when it comes in time .Our Government is Zionist at the core .Kashmir is a forgotten cause by our generals who give a lip service and go just like that.Bajwa was corrupt and possibly compromised as he spoke about the state of the army while amassing millions $.
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It is the dream of Israeli , that

Iraqi fight Irani
Iraqi fight Saudi
Hizbola fight Hamas
Yamen fight Saudi
Lebnon fight each other
Syria fight Unknown factions
Turkey fight syria
Sudan fight Egypt
Libya fight Egypt
Afghan fight Pakistan
Iran fight Pakistan
Algeria fight Morocco
Saudi fight Turkey

However , when they will find their opening they will bomb everyone
because they have the "Magic Lamp" and the iron dome Devine protection , Mythological Power
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Don't Believe every thing you read

I believe that trade deal is off long time ago from Saudi's side Prince Mohammad Bin Salman already announced that on newspapers

Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, press release below

Translation, Not exact words translation but a rough translation

1- We must find way to stop the war , and move back from War to discussion table, wish of OIC as a collective. Also UN security council [ARABIC]

2- Security council of UN must step in do it's duties to stop war [ARABIC]

3- Unacceptable that 1 nation has ability to Ignore all Security council United Nation resolutions and do what it wants with war [ARABIC]

4- Both European Union and OIC agree that 2 state solution for Palestine is only solution [Arabic]

AMERICAN cult newspaper
"Netanyahu was talking about trade route do you think it is possible?"

5- The Minister stop, thinks about the stupid questions , Judges the reporter is dumb as government mule , maintains composure , smiles ---then respond politely

a) "In his speech , Netin-Ya-hoe, failed to mention Palestine once. This is a root cause of problem , refusal to mention Palestine or it's people- we cannot discuss anything unless this Prime issue of Palestine is resolved. The ideals of peace and prosperity cannot happen without Palestine being discussed" [English]

b) Let Israel accept international resolution for Palestine creation, accept Palestinians and after the formation of Palestine according to wish resolutions of United Nation, of course after that their can be discussion about things for good of regional nations. [English]

It's all word play for the gullible. The only thing we need to see is the following.....

Yameni should do Muslims in Pakistan a favor and shoot one of those Hypersonic Missiles on our QAZI Supreme court and Islamabad Police Head office as well

Coordinates Google map se le lo
I used to be so pro establishment pro army pro military and was against some family members but since the army betrayed the the nation i am more for the freedom of Pakistan from corrupt government and corrupt army.
The real news

Source: Social Media
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Jews holding special Magic Lamp Party to pray for healing of Netin-Ya-hoe, lighting up candles and prayers

It seems some Jews in his own party , gave away his arrival time , most likely gave the information to Yameni Army

That Palestine Supersonic Missile got him good
I really hope sc__bag is done for good I surely will celebrate it with fireworks.

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