General Asim Munir calls for new provinces

It is interesting to note that it is the army chief who plans on how many provinces Pakistan should have. Normally, in other countries, the parliament thinks of such things.

Also of interest:

showing who wears the pants in Pakistan. said without any self-consciousness.
Naa , it's not a new idea .. discussions on it were going on for decades , Ik is the biggest proponent of this idea .....Coas support will provide the necessary spur .
Non starter from day-1.
Imagine the corruption.
Why is this his concern? Does he have an opinion on how many loaves of bread have to be baked every day or price of tea in Karachi?
I am not interested in theoretical / philosophical mumbo jumbo.....this is what it is shows any positive result , I am all for it .
His brain farts never end
How about he shuts the f up and only foes his bloody job. Old trick of the devil, create a distraction that makes people forget about the real issue.

He is right or not on this suggestion - is not something that should even be entertained. Mofo is trying to create a distraction
Smaller administrative units is fine, further devolution is also good. But whenever I hear this and attempts to repeal the 18th amendment from establishment types, I doubt their motives. On paper it makes a lot of sense, but any proposal needs to be weary of the following issues.

Smaller provinces with a larger federal government might mean easier centralised control by the establishment, more money at the centre and less in the provinces, and also this centralisation seems to be the hallmark of establishment thinking since the 50s.
How about he shuts the f up and only foes his bloody job. Old trick of the devil, create a distraction that makes people forget about the real issue.

He is right or not on this suggestion - is not something that should even be entertained. Mofo is trying to create a distraction

If he had said it ununiformed, it would be OK as a personal opinion, but he said it during a press conference ... with the business community!

What is the army chief doing holding conferences with the business community? Was he negotiating a business deal for his family or the Fauji Foundation, for God's sake?
New provinces is long held dream by establishment. Now south punjab is forgotten because N league is firmly on the same page as establishment.

Its tool establishment uses to punish opponents.

But some provinces need to be divided along ethnic lines like KP and Balochistan. Only Sindh and Punjab are ethnically homogeneous provinces.
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We can declare the Divisions as the new provinces.

It’s the easiest solution without too much hue and cry.

It means we will have 32 Provinces in Punjab, KPK, Balochistan and Sindh as well as 6 in AJK and G-B.

It should be least crying/most efficient option because these divisions already exists and no change in the geographical boundaries will be required

I would like to go for one level down to district level Yet I know even division into province is not possible in Pakistan. It's just a lollipop and nothing.
I would like to go for one level down to district level Yet I know even division into province is not possible in Pakistan. It's just a lollipop and nothing.
It's possible if you can muster the courage

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