Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

We know yous not Chinese. No Chinese here talkin ta you no? Yous way outta your depth here. You need to admit your Bangladeshi credentials.

Thank you.
🤣 I dont speak Bengali. U are funny what are u ? Iranian? Egyptian? Lebanese? I don't know how u come up with me being Bangladeshi u smooth 🧠 what are u gonna accuse me next?an afghan taliban pashtun??? Lol
As long as your "side" of the narrative is: "kill all the Jews!", the world will not buy your legitimacy. At its heart, that is your side's narrative. Hence the Jews will fight until their deaths. Of course, a lot of "martyrs" on your side will join them in this process.

Our narrative is "kill anyone who takes my house and kills my family". If that person happens to be Jewish, then that doesn't get them off the hook. The narrative would apply if the abuser were Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, atheist, or even another Muslim.

The fact remains that Jews have so completely brainwashed the Western psyche with their victimhood narrative (some of it justified, as in the Holocaust) that normal rules don't apply to them any more. If someone robs a bank or commits a crime, we don't shy away from calling them a criminal just because they are Jewish, but most Western people would be scared to do just that.

In this case, we have a military colonialist entity founded on the principles of racial and religious superiority. If anyone else did that, they would be called out but, since these racial supremacists are Jewish, we can't call a spade a spade.

The pager attacks are another example. They are clearly a war crime (aka terrorism) because the trigger was pulled indiscriminately. The person holding the pager could have been someone's child, a reservist noncombatant, or even someone flying a plane or driving a bus at the time. If a Muslim had done this, the Western media would be calling it terrorism but, since Israel did it, it is being glorified as a James Bond style masterstroke.
Our narrative is "kill anyone who takes my house and kills my family".
This is a false narrative. The 1948 Israelis did that to very few local Muslim Arabs, probably no more than the reverse was done. That narrative does not explain Iranian, Yemeni, and Lebanese attacks on Israelis. The only thing that explains what is going on is that Shia powers are using Palestinian grievances in an attempt to gain prestige in the Muslim consciousness, in hopes of dominating Saudi Arabia and other Sunni societies.
Our narrative is "kill anyone who takes my house and kills my family". If that person happens to be Jewish, then that doesn't get them off the hook. The narrative would apply if the abuser were Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, atheist, or even another Muslim.

The fact remains that Jews have so completely brainwashed the Western psyche with their victimhood narrative (some of it justified, as in the Holocaust) that normal rules don't apply to them any more. If someone robs a bank or commits a crime, we don't shy away from calling them a criminal just because they are Jewish, but most Western people would be scared to do just that.

In this case, we have a military colonialist entity founded on the principles of racial and religious superiority. If anyone else did that, they would be called out but, since these racial supremacists are Jewish, we can't call a spade a spade.

The pager attacks are another example. They are clearly a war crime (aka terrorism) because the trigger was pulled indiscriminately. The person holding the pager could have been someone's child, a reservist noncombatant, or even someone flying a plane or driving a bus at the time. If a Muslim had done this, the Western media would be calling it terrorism but, since Israel did it, it is being glorified as a James Bond style masterstroke.

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Those fucking Zionist Nazis broken countless human rights laws for decades. They worse than Hitler Gestapo 😡😡😡

I hate Hitler for not completing his FINAL SOLUTION on Biblical psycopath Jews and letting them to infest Middle East like cockroaches and bedbugs 🖕🖕🖕😡😡😡

From the River to the Sea' No longer 2 state solution Just one single state. The state of Palestine Zionist Nazis will all be exiled from Palestine. They will go back to where they crawled out of the woodwork. And re-infest the countries in the West where they were spawned from**
This is a false narrative. The 1948 Israelis did that to very few local Muslim Arabs, probably no more than the reverse was done.

This conflict did not start in 1948. It did not start on October 7, 2023.

The Jewish supremacist subterfuge and colonialist migration started in the late 19th century. The 1917 Balfour Declaration by British colonial overlords was just the first legal peg in this colonial outpost. AFAIK, the creation of Israel was the only exception to President Wilson's doctrine of self-determination for colonized peoples.

That narrative does not explain Iranian, Yemeni, and Lebanese attacks on Israelis. The only thing that explains what is going on is that Shia powers are using Palestinian grievances in an attempt to gain prestige in the Muslim consciousness, in hopes of dominating Saudi Arabia and other Sunni societies.

The Iranians saw a vacuum where no one else was championing the Palestinians' cause. How much of it is genuine, how much opportunistic, can be debated but the Palestinians would be grateful for even moral support which is sorely lacking from the Arab regimes.

The Arab governments have been beaten down and mired in their own troubles and disunity. This, of course, was no accident but presciently designed by the European colonialists (Sykes-Picot Agreement) to divide the Arabs into miserable kingdoms ruled by tinpot dictators clinging to their little patch of tyranny.
Israel is one of the most religious societies by Western standards and is motivated by religious ideology, yet they manage to do science just fine. Their weapons systems are also named after their religious figures.

The problem is not religion. It is how we use religion. Let us not look for easy excuses again.

Absolutely nothing new in the article that hundreds of people haven't already been saying, including on this very forum and the old PDF for literally decades.

I am not blaming religion; as I stated, the Christian clergy supported science and spreading knowledge during and after the Dark Ages. However, when the church tried to intervene, as scientific research challenged church teaching, resistance was found, the Trials of Gallelio (or the Gallelio Affairs) being one example. Eventually, the church was put in its place.

But my point stands as how cheaply we sell martyrism and Jannah; the Jews and Christians don't lower the value of their life as compared to how we use religion by politicians, religious and military figures.

As for Jews, there is a whole history that changed their cultural thinking and how they accepted and focused on educating their future generations after the destruction of the Second Temple.
Hate that desi nosey uncle aunty mentality. Its self defeating nonsense.
Ive seen Bengali uncles from older generation fight over desi politics while living 2/3 of their life in the west. Stupid idiots havent learned anything from living here it seems.

Jews imo have actually worked for their dominance, in both good and less good ways, but still worked for it. They are native to Europe as the middleastern gene is gone. Culturally most ashkenazie jews in effect practice a sycretic life where they are more «European» than native europeans, but have kept some of the superficial jewish traditions. Very few of them becomes Rabbi and such.

The jewish dominance was only possible after european nationalism (white nationalism/supremacism) finally died after WW2. If Europeans still were largely had christian dominance, there would be no AIPAC and so on.

Hindus are really just reaping the benefits of the work laid by Black and Jewish Americans who cooperated in ending the Apartheid and White supremacism in the United States. Hindus dont have any issue with taking orders while most muslims hate it. So hindus are favored in jobs that demand taking orders. Still its not to take away from the hard work of Hindus too.

Lets not also forget that hindus get huuge preference in visas, jobs etc in IT sector. Its a willed policy and part of mutual benefit agreement for India entering as US ally against China.

Finally, Islamic Civillization conqoured vast xtian terrories and was the main anatagonist for white europeans for almost 1200 years. Its coded in the european psyche. Aprils Fool day forexample originated in Spain as a celebration for fooling muslim Andalusians and the consequent victory over muslims. Hindus dont have that baggae for white europeans. Most europeans actually have very little clue about hindus and hinduism. Islam otoh is far more familiar, both historically and culturally.

Perfectly stated.

Those fucking Zionist Nazis broken countless human rights laws for decades. They worse than Hitler Gestapo 😡😡😡 I hate Hitler for not completing his FINAL SOLUTION on Biblical psycopath Jews and letting them to infest Middle East like cockroaches and bedbugs 🖕🖕🖕😡😡😡

*From the River to the Sea' No longer 2 state solution Just one single state. The state of Palestine Zionist Nazis will all be exiled from Palestine. They will go back to where they crawled out of the woodwork. And re-infest the countries in the West where they were spawned from*
As long as your "side" of the narrative is: "kill all the Jews!", the world will not buy your legitimacy. At its heart, that is your side's narrative. Hence the Jews will fight until their deaths. Of course, a lot of "martyrs" on your side will join them in this process.
All Jewish terrorists should be killed. This is not because of their religion, but because of their crimes.
This is a false narrative. The 1948 Israelis did that to very few local Muslim Arabs, probably no more than the reverse was done. That narrative does not explain Iranian, Yemeni, and Lebanese attacks on Israelis. The only thing that explains what is going on is that Shia powers are using Palestinian grievances in an attempt to gain prestige in the Muslim consciousness, in hopes of dominating Saudi Arabia and other Sunni socsocieties
Problem with people like you is you ignore the facts because of your own racist tendency.

Israel occupies Lebanese territory the shebba farms and the Golan heights Syrian territory. If the US can arm Israel with hundreds of billions of dollars in weapons and financial support Iran can aid the Lebanese and other resistance movements for their legitimate rights.

Let Israel withdraw from the west bank, Gaza, Golan including Shebba farms and 99% of the muslim world will recognise them and sign peace treaties. Problem is zionism is an evil ideology based on racial superiority like nazism they want more land not give up any which they stole.

This is facts but people like you cant handle reality.
@Mr X
@The SC

I’d appreciate it if people didn’t post whole articles instead of just highlighting the main points and leaving a link so we don’t have to scroll through all this nonsense.

He’s constantly doing it.
Yes that is great feedback actually I too find the copy and paste of entire articles a tad difficult to digest.
Ceasefire "plan", it's not a deal, it's not even signed off by the parties concerned in the conflict. It's just a proposal at this stage and there is very little trust on with sides to sign a 21 day cease fire which may give Israel the window it needs to reposition troops to the north.

There is growing cynicism among the international community regarding the people pushing and talking about this ceasefire: America, France, Germany, UAE, Qatar and Saudi.

America is not seen as an honest broker here. The only way either side will come to the negotiation table and sign off on this "imminent 21 day ceasefire(lol)" is if the US puts pressure on Israel to cool their jets (not likely to happen) and then pressure can be put on Lebanon in terms of Hezbollah and pressure can also be applied on Hamas via Egypt and Qatar.

For now this is all just talk and flannel.

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