Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

I think you dont understand that F-u-c-k Middle East is not a mean or undesired thing of USA, it's the final target of USA.

Iraq, Libya, what more need some people to understand that USA wants to decrease oil consumption and any other raw material and energy resource consumption.

Sometimes I wonder why USA say so many nonsenses lies, is due to diplomatic reasons? No, it's because it seems some people are dumb enough to believe in USA good willing.

USA was a good thing for world from WWII until... first years of XXI century, then it happened 2008 financial crisis, 2006 peak of conventional crude oil production and they started to impale presidents and do a very suspicious behavior of want to trigger larger wars, including WWIII.

Israel is just the tool of USA to achieve it, the useful idiot, the corrupt elite who does everything to get dollars.
It's not the undesired or uncontrolled thing of USA, like some people says, believing USA propaganda and constant lies.
Divide-and-conquer is a common strategy for any hegemon. Diving Muslim world so they can never be united to act against US. Somehow Israel is doing the opposite. Not good for US interests.
The answer to this lies on my 2 post above you.

Israel's 9.9 million survives in a sea of 450 million Arabs due to the fact that it can harness the combined power of the West to make sure the Arabs are deterred.

The moment the West lose its advantage, or collapse. Those 9.9 million Jews living in Israel and elsewhere could no longer play parasite to Western power because there will be no power anymore.

And the West is undeniably currently at the stage of decadence, it's only a matter of time before decadence transform into collapse. You guys simply tick all the boxes of a decadent society.
Even before israel had nuc (it remains a secret so far... maybe it is a full fake news ) they faced a sudden and surprise war made by all its arab neighbors and finally won.
Number is one thing, quality another. They are trained to fight 1 against 20 or 30.
Hezbollah should approve a offensive operation as well. Such as saturation bombing of city of Safed with 700-800 rockets in one day throughout the day. That's how you deter. Israel is doing strikes all over Lebanon anyway and is it not holding back.

Hezbollah is now weak. Substancial part of its top brass are out, same for communication sustems.
Israel will not miss such an opportunity.
A kind of october the 7th upside down. Who sows the wind reaps the storm...
Israel is lying. Hezbollah said 80 rockets. Hebrew media was reporting two direct impacts. Then withdrew news. It's part of pysch warfare against Hezbollah to make Hezbollah demoralized and doubt their capabilities.
Israeli Broadcasting Authority: The army monitored the launch of 45 rockets from Lebanon some of which were intercepted and the rest fell in open areas


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