Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

The Israelis have built their whole justification for occupying Palestine on religious texts going back 3,000+ years and Evangelical Christians in America support Israel for the same reason.

No one will understand this conflict if you don’t know the religious undertones.
I am talking about the historic claims and counter claims. I am taking about the present conflict and how the mindset of the two sides.
Your are clutching on the straws ...before ground invasion israeliese will ferret out and destroy all the hezbulla capabilities .
then would Israel need to do a ground invasion if this is true? No logic detected.
To the chagrin of many here , I will repeat what I have posted earlier......Israel , America , NATO and Arab states are at the same page .....goal is to completely destroy Shia crescent , recognition and assimilation of Israel in the body politics and economy of middle East ....and statehood for Palestinians .

This is true, Muslims themselves out of love for petrodollars and fancy media scholars will deny the deep alliance between GCC and Israel. They want to end resistence Influence in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen. Israel must not possess any threats from these nations. Israel will then expand, the goal of Israel is to become the super power of the world and move the headquarters to Jerusalem, so that their messiah can sit on his throne. The problem for them is the messiah is not coming so they are doing everything to make him appear, the only way is to fulfil the prophecies signs, where Israel needs to eliminate any threats, build the temple, establish Jewish law in Israel and so on. It's a religious war whether we believe it or not. The recent war is showing us Israel is actually in control of the world, Usa/Britain are following Israel directions, it's possible the time is not too far.
Or Russia which inherited the Roman empire, Byzantium
The Byzantine Empire existed in Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Serbia, and Turkey.

Byzantine legacy can also be retraced in Kyivan Rus that existed in Ukraine, Belarus, and Western Russia. But it is a stretch to assume that these states represent Al-Rum.

"The Byzantine Empire was the most important basis of Christianity for centuries before the rise of the West and transmitted the cultural, legal and political legacy of the Roman Empire to Europe."

Sheikh Imran Hosein used to be a reasonable scholar but he stopped making sense a while ago. Nuclear war with the US? Sure. I would like to see if the world survive this madness. There is more of a chance of the US regrouping and recovering than many states around the world because the US has a global military profile unlike any other. But a nuclear war will cut the size of mankind by a huge extent and make mankind vulnerable to extinction. This dynamic does not fit with the age of prosperity claims, right?

Hadith should be studied but actual attempts to enact end-of-times prophesies? It does not end well. This is apparent in the fate of Al-Qaeda Network and ISIL in recent times.

Only Allah Almighty knows and decides how things move forward.
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Listen to the Wesley Clark interview in 2007.Lebanon has always been on the Neocons to-do-list.
and Hezbollah has effectively blocked Lebanon from becoming a "completed" item on that to-do list. And definitely more so now that Nasrallah is gone, which will force Hezbollah to adapt correctly and effectively to its current enemies like Israel.
Get education. That might help you have past the stage for medicine to help.

Stop talking to youtself in the mirror.
Nobody gives a dime about hinduvta crackpot theories.

Better go to circus for entertainment
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Some are saying they are Sunni Syrians from the Syrian war

This is why Israel could not do this in 2006

But now they have human intelligence from the ground
Ok next time when you quote me, do so to correct me with facts, not rants.

Then why do you spend energy coming to this forum, this thread, to cry on your hindutva crackpot history revisionism

Maybe time to actually use your brains for once. Same applies rest of of hindutva miserables in this thread.
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The Byzantine Empire existed in Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Serbia, and Turkey.

Byzantine legacy can also be retraced in Kyivan Rus that existed in Ukraine, Belarus, and Western Russia. But it is a stretch to assume that these states represent Al-Rum.

"The Byzantine Empire was the most important basis of Christianity for centuries before the rise of the West and transmitted the cultural, legal and political legacy of the Roman Empire to Europe."

Sheikh Imran Hosein used to be a reasonable scholar but he stopped making sense a while ago. Nuclear war with the US? Sure. I would like to see if the world survive this madness. There is more of a chance of the US regrouping and recovering than many states around the world because the US has a global military profile unlike any other. But a nuclear war will cut the size of mankind by a huge extent and make mankind vulnerable to extinction. This dynamic does not fit with the age of prosperity claims, right?

Hadith should be studied but actual attempts to enact end-of-times prophesies? It does not end well.

Who knows, I can't say, it's just another view,
Imran hosein has absolutely been spot on about what is happening now in Gaza, twenty years back when it would have sounded a bit crazy

That's not to say he is right on everything going forward

Btw, is anyone paying attention to Jewish eschatology

I am talking about the historic claims and counter claims. I am taking about the present conflict and how the mindset of the two sides.

Yes, you’re suggesting that the Anglo-Zionists think scientifically while Muslims are thinking religiously. That’s a wrong assumption. The Israelis and Americans have a very heavy element of religious fervor in their war in Palestine and so do the Muslims. The West are using all their technological resources to make war on the Islamic world and the Muslims are defending with whatever technology they have, which is a lot less.

Before acting smug remember that the Muslim world had been under constant assault by the US/NATO for 40+ years and they’re still fighting.

If US/ NATO attacked India you guys won’t last a week. You would be holding gay pride parades in every city and dancing like hijras.

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